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I am developing Star Wars Total war, it's probally the only reason your looking at my profile lol. well progress so far has been good, I should be able to change the projectiles the units use from arrows and stones to blasters, rockets and plasma balls. The sounds of the projectiles will be changed for the mod so the blasters dont sound like arrows. once I have the core units of the basic units out of the way with blasters I will put up an alpha of the beta for testing, I need feedback for balencing the units. the units need to behave somewhat like this:
B1 Droids - high numbers, absorbs the hevey losses
best suited for agressive play style
B2 Droids - more than a match for a clone trooper, but fewer in number
best suited to contrated pushes through enemy lines
Clone Trooper - no where as numerous as the B1 model but can stand toe to toe with them
best suited to general defence
Clone Sniper - long range, high powered, less armoued and cirtinly less numbered
best suited to sniping droids from behind the line
Magnaguards - hevey melee troops, run in and massacre anything
best suited to run in after the enemy is weakened to break them
Gungan Militungs - slinger type, personal shield
best suited to defence
OOM security droids - less numberous than the B1 and less expendablebest suited to holding the lines at key points (ie flanks)

The CIS needs to be a more agressive faction than the republic suited to quick battles that are won before there are serious losses. The Republic needs to take advantage of it's superior units to outsurvive the numerous B1 droids.

Each of these units needs to be seriously alpha tested in v0.05a as they are the mesuring stick of all the other units in the first beta release v0.05b. also take loads of screenshots of the alpha, I need Screenshots to show people the true power of this fully operation modding station, lol I love that quote.

the first alpha I can honestly say will be out in 3-5 days from now if there are no more holdups.

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Star Wars: Total War Dev Team

Star Wars: Total War Dev Team

3 members Developer

This is a group for people working on Star Wars Total War Mod for the original Rome: Total War game.

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Loht - - 368 comments

Lord (Jesus Christ, the Son of God): My heart aches when the ones who I govern live in the midst of sin.
They do not even know it is sin until the sins they commit pile higher and become a tall strong tower.
But I will forgive everyone who breaks down their tower, becomes cleansed, and comes to me.
Your pains are my pains.
Your suffering becomes my suffering.
Everyone who lives in the midst of sin, quickly repent and come back to me.
My path is straight and my bosom is wide and deep.
I have expressed all my love for mankind.
Repent sincerely so that you will not go to Hell.

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Mataputas - - 1 comments

Hey, I'd like to help u with Star Wars Total War mod. I'm pretty interested in the project and I have some ideas (both for campaign and custom/historical battles) that might help you. I have some knowledge about modelling and scripting. At the time, I'm making some historical battles for 2 mods: Rome Medieval TW and Norman Invasion. If you are still working on this project, and you are interested in receiving some help, just send me a message.

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Trans-Fat - - 129 comments

Hey mate, Just wondering if you are still working on the mod? if so could you please update the page, If not then same goes


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lazymonkey - - 1 comments

I assume you don't have a modeller, if you want I can help you out, I am somewhat good at modelling, although I can't make animations. PM me if your interested.

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Guvenoren - - 80 comments

Starwars total war does'nt work plz help i cant extract it! 401 errors

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SiskinEDGE Creator
SiskinEDGE - - 41 comments

use 7zip to extract it

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shin92 - - 19 comments

sir!!!1 hows doim about the mod???? i cant wait for beta!!!!!! God bless to this mod!!!!!

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SiskinEDGE Creator
SiskinEDGE - - 41 comments

It's doing alright, you dont need to call me a sir. also v0.05b is on schedule and doing very well, I wont put dates on it as I want to make sure it's stable and fits the star wars look before it's released.

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