This MOD is a (much needed) graphical overhaul for Quake 1.5 Public Beta 1: a set of texture-replacements taken from other MODs and here and there on the Internet and added together to Quake 1.5, so that it also looks acceptable - or even very good! - for modern standards. Making these texture-sets work in Quake 1.5 has required a certain amount of effort, due to the complexity of the internal structure of Quake 1.5 itself. Therefore I decided to create a new MOD, name it "Quake 1.5 HD", so that everyone can easily enjoy the new weapons and the new gore system in combination with high resolution textures. The game is not heavy, at all. However, it requires a decent PC (not suitable for more than 20 years old hardware). Its weight is due to ray tracing: it is not path traced but it has RT light sources, so that most scenes appear much nicer than on the original game.


With this release I have finally abandoned the dated Darkplaces and upgraded the graphical engine to the brand new Zircon, which can also be found on ModDB. Among other things this engine provides significantly improved performance compared to Darkplaces on same hardware with same settings (especially on recent hardware); much better ray tracing, which provides incredibly correct lighting, and specifically a very accurate depiction of daylight and shadow/darkness; much more realistic depiction of lit surfaces and incredible working ray traced real time projected shadows of objects and world.

Quake 1.5 HD beta 3 - Zircon
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Guest - - 698,105 comments

Hud is all jacked up. Can't seem to figure out how to fix it.

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freddiehimself Author
freddiehimself - - 15 comments

Please read the readme first. Look at the settings I provided. The screenshots I posted are obtained with those settings on a full HD screen (Zircon defaults to 1600x900).



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Baker55 - - 277 comments

I had this "all jacked up" HUD issue starting up Quake 1.5 HD --

To fix: it needs the pak0.pak from c:\quake\id1 folder ... copy that pak0.pak into Quake 1.5 HD's id1 folder.

Then the problem resolves.

(The reason this occurs ... Quake 1.5 HD has .tga replacement elements for "Loading" and for the status bar etc. Normally, it would load the low resolution version from pak0.pak to figure out the size of images .. but without pak0.pak it can't find them so it uses the size of the .tga files since it has no data to figure out the size --- so the status bar is "all jacked up".)

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freddiehimself Author
freddiehimself - - 15 comments

Yes, in fact it is explained on the readme that the files pak0.pak, pak1.pak and pak2.pak are needed and must be copied onto the id1 subfolder.

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freddiehimself Author
freddiehimself - - 15 comments

Optimal graphical settings I found out (full HD):


Video Mode (pay attention: these settings are for unlimited framerate. If you want to limit power consumption and play at lower frame rates, activate v-sync on your videocard's driver):

Resolution --> 1920x1080 (will anyway drop to 1600x900 afterwards)
Type --> Widescreen 16/9
Bits per pixel --> 32
Antialiasing --> 0
Use refresh rate --> off
Refresh rate --> 0 (unlimited)
Fullscreen --> on
Vertical sync --> off
Anisotropic filter --> 4
Texture Quality --> 0
Texture Compression --> on

Mouse Speed --> 25.5
Field of View --> 90

Classic Menu --> Customize Effects:

Particles --> on
Quake style particles --> off
Particles Quality --> 1
Explosion shell --> on
Explosion shell clip --> on
Stainmaps --> on
Onload clean stainmaps --> on
Decals --> on
Bullet impacts --> on
Smoke --> on
Sparks --> on
bubbles --> on
Blood --> on
Blood opacity --> 0.8
Force new blood effect --> on
Polygon lightning --> off
Smooth sweep lightning --> on
Waist level lightning --> on
Lightning end light --> on
Model interpolation --> on
Sprite interpolation --> on
Flicker interpolation --> on
View blend --> 1
Upper sky scroll speed --> 1
lower sky scroll speed --> 2
Underwater view ward --> 1
Water alpha (opacity) --> 0.4
Water movement --> 1

Classic Menu --> Customize Lighting:

Corona intensity --> 0.625
Use only coronas --> off
Gloss Mode --> 1
RT DLights --> on
RT DLights shadows --> on
RT World --> on
RT World lightmaps --> 0
RT World shadow --> on
Bloom Effect --> off
Scene Brightness --> 2.125
Glow Brightness --> 2


Zircon seems to default to a resolution of 1600x900 pixels when set in full screen mode on a full HD monitor.

Since OLED screens provide correct/real colors, these settings refer to OLED screens. On LCD screens you may need to adjust them for more/less brightness/contrast.

Please do not mess up with the config.cfg file inside the ID1 subfolder. If you really have to, save a copy of it first.

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Valherran - - 2,450 comments

How do I fix glow effects bleeding through walls?

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Baker55 - - 277 comments

Glow through walls is not fixable. Dynamic lighting in all Quake engines glow through walls, the best way to limit the effect is the mod author (or level designer in some cases) making choices to minimize the situations it can occur in.

Dynamic lights and real-time lighting have to do what a map compiler gets 5 minutes to do -- in a fraction of a second to keep you getting 300 frames per second. That's the breaks ...

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