The first volume of Galaxy at War maps that I've created. If you would like to suggest a location, I'm always taking suggestions for maps. I am open to anyone using my maps for missions, just credit me.


Date: Thrawn Campaign: 9 ABY For nearly a century the Noghri people have been enslaved to the Empire. In 20 BBY, an ecological disaster befell on Honoghr when a Lucrehulk-class ship crashed onto the surface of Honoghr. A poisonous gas was released, and decimated most of the life on the planet. Only, a few select areas on Honoghr could support the plant and mammalian life. The Galactic Republic became interested in Honoghr, only because of the cargo, not because of the well being of the people. Later the Noghri, would be used assassins and bodyguard to help pay back the "debt" of the Empire. It was not until Leia Organa Solo discovered what was actually poisoning the planet after the poison dissipated, the kholm grass. Which the Noghri described as being changed after the devastation, but Organa Solo discovered that it was a genetically modified version of the regular kholm grass - deliberately modified to poison all plant life. They were later relocated.

Galaxy at War: Devastation of Honoghr
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