The first volume of Galaxy at War maps that I've created. If you would like to suggest a location, I'm always taking suggestions for maps. I am open to anyone using my maps for missions, just credit me.


Date: Galactic Civil War: 19 BBY Phemiss was the former capital and largest city on New Plympto. Phemiss used to be a major hub of trade because of their rikknit egg exports. However, because of demand it left the planet dry of their supply. Phemiss was eventually destroyed by a biological weapon produced by the Yuuzhan Vong. Scenario: Shortly, after the battle of Half-Axe Pass the Empire would advance fairly quickly. The battle begins with a carpet bombing of most of the Nosaurian defenses and many members of the militia dying. Now your job is to slaughter every Nosaurian and render the city into rubble.

Galaxy at War: Battle of Phemiss
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