A free unofficial expansion pack for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge, which retells, expands and continues the story of the original game. Enhanced with Ares DLL, Mental Omega strives to bring many new features to the game, including a 133-mission campaign, cooperative and a brand new faction: the Foehn Revolt.

RSS Reviews  (50 - 60 of 1,002)

What a superb mod! I love it so much since its beginning.
Thank you very much, developers, please continue the good work!
I am looking forward to the official version soon.

Simply amazing cuz i work on it :P

Update: Dropping my score from 7 to 6 due to the rudeness of the mod team. Posting suggestions or any constructive criticism of the mod on the project's suggestions forum results in angry and sarcastic comments. You get replies like "Go make your own mod if you don't like it" or basically get told "your suggestion sucks" without any reason why.

Decent mod, but most of the mod team (with the exception of 1 member who is very polite) are whiny, uptight, and can't handle criticism of their 'masterpiece' without being a ****. Go play the ROTR or Shockwave mods for C&C Generals instead - the team there is way more professional - and who wants to play a mod knowing the creators are dicks who don't respect their fans anyway?

Original review

Great mod sure to be a hit with Command and Conquer fans. Basically it's to Red Alert 2 what the Shockwave and Rise of the Reds mods are to C&c Generals, lots of cool new units, structures, factions, and support powers to toy around with and occupy your time.

There's also icing on the cake which makes the entire mod seem also that more professional: such as the new custom soundtrack (which is quite badass), and the detailed unit and faction biographies on the game's website (which give the game's setting a more serious and in-depth feel, versus the "action comedy" theme of the original RA2). Overall you can tell the developers put a huge amount of effort into this mod.

Though it's not perfect. My main gripe is are the new campaigns - while the story is very interesting, there are way too many "commando" missions (where the player can't construct a base), and too many of the missions end up boiling down to trial and error. For example, the player may start the mission with a single unit and be told to rescue a missing scientist - however there is no indication on the map of where the player should go to look for him, and making a single wrong turn results in being killed by enemy units (which the player had no way of predicting in advance). This combined with not being able to save just make too many of the missions a drag.

Other minor gripes I have are the skirmish AI - while I'm glad that this game has a challenging AI, it's too difficult even on the easiest setting and makes it too hard for newcomers to learn the ins and outs of the game. Some of the newly recorded unit voicework is also pretty bad or stupid (for example, one unit in the game makes a reference to an internet meme from Pokemon video game - seriously?).

But other than the boring campaign missions, there aren't any major complaints here. I play this game mainly for the fun skirmish mode, just keep in mind that the campaign has a lot to be desired in comparison.

Alstar is a snake

Speeder has crafted a lovely mod here, succeeding in bringing a playable Yuri campaign. However it suffers from a totally bizarre level of extreme difficulty. You may say, "well just play on an easier difficultly" but that's impossible because Easy doesn't exist in this game. At all. The AI is totally relentless in skirmish, giving you hardly any time to breath or relax. True, some people like "Nintendo Hard" games but this does more harm than good. If you downloaded MO expecting cool new units and finally playing a Yuri campaign, I doubt you would be able to do so unless you're an expert at micro-management and play against Brutal AIs/expert online players regularly. C&C games have never been about hard-than-hard rushfests and a large charm of the games is building a nice looking base (which is pretty impossible let's be honest.) It's balant catering to hardcore players but gives two craps for the casual fanbase. It's favortism and that's WRONG. The campaign missions are just as annoying as the skirmish, requiring so much T&E that it's not even fun.

The latest version also seems take a little too much inspiration from RA3, specfically the Yuri commando Libra and the Soviet commando Yunru. These anime girls seem totally out of place and clash heavily with the established theme from Yuri's Revenge. I'd much rather have Boris and Yuri Prime back.

Mental Omega has the potential to be a good mod but so far that will be impossible unless it acknowledges that not every player is an RTS good.

the best mod ever


kzy2500 says

May contain spoilers Agree (2) Disagree

Well Done. Three thing which this mod differ from others most impressed me:

1.It's music. The only thing I could say is that these bgms are better than RA3.They even found the original musician of RA2! There are some special music for specific mission,and every of them is just perfectly fit.

2.Gameplay.Of course it's a mod of an old out-dated RTS game. There're many amazing missions and campaigns and co-op mission and,what we called "the big views".Hundreds of units crowd into the map, hundreds of planes launch an airstrike...And compared to this number,MO seldom reports a bug, and seldom get stuck. And dot forget the eastern eggs. Almost every mission have some. You can retake your homeland and legacy in the last soviet mission. You can solve a series of
puzzles which would influence your following game in the last Ally mission. You can even play touhou MO project in the second last Epsilon Mission!(By the way, more than two thirds of MO's Chinese modders are Touhou Proj players.Seriously?) They really know what can Red Alart 2 be.

3.internationality and story line. MO has a splendid story based on Yuri's Revenge.It's indeed the perfect Yuri's Revenge. And the mappers and other modders are from all over the world.This is what most astonished me,despite there are many Chinese get involved,The CN subfaction in it is not beautified too much.Also if you have learnt some history or news recently,You'll find MO create a such real world:Soviet is just like the Soviet in the history,Allied countries are also no longer an unbroken sheild,just like the real NATO.There are no more absolutely good or bad,even Yuri has his own idea and goal and followers who are willing by their own reasons,instead of the original Yuri who just wants to rule the world and using mind control tric to find minions as a traditional villain.It's kind of...Magic Realism.

ALSO THERE ARE LACKS.But I think every point of these three would make it worth for a try.I give it 10 score also because the Amazing 3.3.6 finale missions.I cant find more words from my poor vocabulary,so just try yourself.

Also leave three things which I most want to added:

1.Music. Maybe every hero and subfaction need their own main theme.(Like Chinese theme music in C&C General for CN,or GLA theme music for SC) Many Mo player has begun to do this themselves, but we still need offical ones.
Also if it's possible pls open download those bgm for specific mission only,like the "Annialation March" of the last Soviet mission. They are really good in Skirmish.

2.Gameplay and Graphic.I know it's a giant work,so Foehn have no construct anim and almost every winter skin has been removed.MO have done it's best in many point, so if we want the 'perfect'without 'almost', I think this is one of the most important points.

3.I forgot but there are three cons so we have three prons,just nothing wrong.

One of the best mods in YR, this one has a heck of a lot of units, buildings, skrimishes, and lots more!

The story also looks pretty freakin' good for returning YR players, like look at the chaos during the events of Act 2!

I hope you devs will add more older and newer units during the 3.3.5 patch.

10/10! MOAPYR forever


wargame11 says

May contain spoilers Agree (2) Disagree

this is RA2 expansion should be

The most complete Mod for Yuri's Revenge.