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TFT Team Builder

Build your own team comp using our TFT Team Builder! You can create variations on your Teamfight Tactics strategy with specific instructions and builds for each team comp - or show early game, mid game, and late game builds for the same team comp.
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's Team Comp Edit Description

Comp Name

Comp Description

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    • + Add Champion

    Drag champions to reposition them.

    Recommended Additions

    Band of Thieves I
    Best Friends I
    Blistering Strikes
    Branching Out
    Buried Treasures I
    Caretaker's Ally
    Component Buffet
    Cybernetic Bulk I
    Exiles I
    Featherweights I
    Fine Vintage
    Good For Something I
    Harmacist I
    Healing Orbs I
    Help Is On The Way
    Iron Assets
    Item Grab Bag I
    Keepers I
    Lategame Specialist
    Latent Forge
    Lunch Money
    Missed Connections
    One, Two, Five!
    Ones Twos Three
    Over Encumbered
    Pandora's Items
    Partial Ascension
    Pick of the Litter
    Pick of the Litter+
    Pumping Up I
    Risky Moves
    Rolling For Days I
    Sharing Is Caring
    Silver Spoon
    Silver Ticket
    Silver Veil
    Stationary Support I
    Sticks And Stones
    Switching Gears
    Team Building
    Teaming Up I
    The Golden Remover
    Tiny Titans
    Tri Force I
    Unified Resistance I
    Young and Wild and Free
    Tier 1
    Tier 2
    Tier 3

    Recommended Portals

    3 Champions
    3-Cost Champion
    Anvil Buffet
    Artifact Anvil
    Ascending Augments
    Champion Conference
    Champion Delivery
    Champion Duplicator
    Completed Anvil
    Component Anvils
    Component Feast
    Crab Rave
    Gold Start
    Gold Subscription
    Golden Finale
    Golden Gala
    Golden Prelude
    Kill Counter
    Larger Legends
    Lethal Legends
    Loot Subscription
    Max Interest
    No portal this game
    Player Health Decrease
    Pot of Gold
    Prismatic Finale
    Prismatic Party
    Prismatic Prelude
    Radiant Blessing
    Radiant Item
    Scuttle Puddle
    Silver Symphony
    Support Anvil
    Tactician's Crown
    Tome of Traits
    Trainer Sentinels
    Treasure Crab
    Upgraded Champion
    Vendor Sentinels
    + Add More Comp Details

    Add Champions

    • Aatrox
    • Ahri
    • Alune
    • Amumu
    • Annie
    • Aphelios
    • Ashe
    • Azir
    • Bard
    • Caitlyn
    • Cho'Gath
    • Darius
    • Diana
    • Galio
    • Garen
    • Gnar
    • Hwei
    • Illaoi
    • Irelia
    • Janna
    • Jax
    • Kai'Sa
    • Kayle
    • Kayn
    • Kha'Zix
    • Kindred
    • Kobuko
    • Kog'Maw
    • Lee Sin
    • Lillia
    • Lissandra
    • Lux
    • Malphite
    • Morgana
    • Nautilus
    • Neeko
    • Ornn
    • Qiyana
    • Rakan
    • Rek'Sai
    • Riven
    • Senna
    • Sett
    • Shen
    • Sivir
    • Soraka
    • Sylas
    • Syndra
    • Tahm Kench
    • Teemo
    • Thresh
    • Tristana
    • Udyr
    • Voidspawn
    • Volibear
    • Wukong
    • Xayah
    • Yasuo
    • Yone
    • Yorick
    • Zoe
    • Zyra

    Add Item to Champion

    • Absolution
    • Adaptive Helm
    • Aegis of the Legion
    • Altruist Emblem
    • Anima Visage
    • Arcanist Emblem
    • Archangel's Staff
    • Ascend
    • B.F. Sword
    • Banshee's Veil
    • Behemoth Emblem
    • Blessed Bloodthirster
    • Blighting Jewel
    • Bloodthirster
    • Blue Blessing
    • Blue Buff
    • Bramble Vest
    • Brink of Dawn
    • Bruiser Emblem
    • Bulwark's Oath
    • Chain Vest
    • Chalice of Power
    • Corrupt Vampiric Scepter
    • Covalent Spark
    • Crest of Cinders
    • Crownguard
    • Death's Defiance
    • Deathblade
    • Deathfire Grasp
    • Demonslayer
    • Diamond Hands
    • Dragon's Claw
    • Dragon's Will
    • Dragonlord Emblem
    • Dryad Emblem
    • Duelist Emblem
    • Dvarapala Stoneplate
    • Edge of Night
    • Equinox
    • Eternal Flame
    • Eternal Whisper
    • Eternal Winter
    • Evenshroud
    • Exalted Emblem
    • Fated Emblem
    • Fishbones
    • Fist of Fairness
    • Forbidden Idol
    • Fortune Emblem
    • Gargoyle Stoneplate
    • Ghostly Emblem
    • Giant Slayer
    • Giant's Belt
    • Glamorous Gauntlet
    • Gold Collector
    • Guardbreaker
    • Guinsoo's Rageblade
    • Guinsoo's Reckoning
    • Hand of Justice
    • Heavenly Emblem
    • Hextech Gunblade
    • Hextech Lifeblade
    • Horizon Focus
    • Hullcrusher
    • Infinity Edge
    • Infinity Force
    • Inkshadow Emblem
    • Innervating Locket
    • Invoker Emblem
    • Ionic Spark
    • Jak'sho the Protean
    • Jeweled Gauntlet
    • Knight’s Vow
    • Last Whisper
    • Legacy of the Colossus
    • Lich Bane
    • Lightshield Crest
    • Locket of the Iron Solari
    • Luden’s Tempest
    • Luminous Deathblade
    • Manazane
    • Mittens
    • Moonstone Renewer
    • More More-ellonomicon
    • Morellonomicon
    • Mythic Emblem
    • Nashor's Tooth
    • Needlessly Big Gem
    • Needlessly Large Rod
    • Negatron Cloak
    • Obsidian Cleaver
    • Porcelain Emblem
    • Protector's Vow
    • Prowler’s Claw
    • Quickestsilver
    • Quicksilver
    • Rabadon's Ascended Deathcap
    • Rabadon's Deathcap
    • Randuin's Omen
    • Rapid Firecannon
    • Rascal's Gloves
    • Reaper Emblem
    • Recurve Bow
    • Red Buff
    • Redemption
    • Rosethorn Vest
    • Royal Crownshield
    • Runaan's Hurricane
    • Runaan's Tempest
    • Sage Emblem
    • Scroll of Force
    • Scroll of Haste
    • Seeker’s Armguard
    • Shroud of Stillness
    • Silvermere Dawn
    • Sniper Emblem
    • Sniper's Focus
    • Sparring Gloves
    • Spatula
    • Spear of Hirana
    • Spear of Shojin
    • Spectral Cutlass
    • Spite
    • Statikk Shiv
    • Statikk's Favor
    • Steadfast Heart
    • Sterak's Gage
    • Sterak's Megashield
    • Storyweaver Emblem
    • Sunfire Cape
    • Sunlight Cape
    • Suspicious Trench Coat
    • Tactician's Crown
    • Talisman of Aid
    • Talisman of Ascension
    • Talisman of Might
    • Talisman of Speed
    • Tattoo of Bombardmen
    • Tattoo of Force
    • Tattoo of Fury
    • Tattoo of Protection
    • Tattoo of Toxin
    • Tattoo of Vitality
    • Tear of the Goddess
    • The Baron's Gift
    • Thief's Gloves
    • Titan's Resolve
    • Titan's Vow
    • Tome of Mending
    • Tome of Power
    • Tome of Swiftness
    • Trickster's Glass
    • Umbral Emblem
    • Unending Despair
    • Unstable Treasure Chest
    • Urf-Angel's Staff
    • Virtue of the Martyr
    • Warden Emblem
    • Warmog's Armor
    • Warmog's Pride
    • Willbreaker
    • Wit’s End
    • Zeke's Herald
    • Zenith Edge
    • Zephyr
    • Zhonya's Paradox
    • Zz'Rot Portal

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    Which trait is the Headliner?

    League of Legends Champions:

    Teamfight Tactics Guide