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League of Legends Forum

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League of Legends
Read LoL Forum Topic News & Patch Notes Keep up with LoL news and updates, as well as any new site features! Yay support_diff Jul 11 @ 05:57am 2,919 39,810
Read LoL Forum Topic General Discussion Anything LoL! Fansites, fan art, game discussion, etc... Why i don't have to destroy the... Nuttawet Jul 18 @ 04:07pm 9,105 176,234
Read LoL Forum Topic Competitive Scene Discuss professional play, as well as your own ranked journeys! Hey everyone, I haven't played... Pflaum3nmus Oct 5 @ 03:33pm 556 32,114
Read LoL Forum Topic Theory Crafting & Ideation Discuss champion and item optimization, as well as ideas for new champions and items! This is how the Champion would... Zalmoxis01 May 19 @ 10:02am 3,188 49,828
Read LoL Forum Topic New Player Help New to the game? Ask questions here! Players can also stop by to offer advice and mentoring. I am a relatively new player and... asblumc Jun 6 @ 06:20pm 2,356 20,767
Read LoL Forum Topic Videos & Streams Share live streams, videos and any other media for all to see! Feel free to visit my channel... tyeteemo May 22 @ 12:29am 5,032 9,890
Read LoL Forum Topic Community Games Join MOBAFire's organized events, introduce yourself, and look for others to play with! Sounds exciting! I'm in for the... haser34 May 20 @ 08:43am 2,213 22,290
Read LoL Forum Topic Build & Guide Discussion Ask for help with guide formatting and presentation, or get feedback from a guide reviewer! In-Depth Requirement Met? Yes.... Niemi Jul 19 @ 01:50pm 1,582 20,131
Read LoL Forum Topic Artist's Corner Share your artistic endeavors, or request graphics for your guides or signatures! I didnt like the previous result... marcospyder May 26 @ 08:26am 1,238 43,651
Read LoL Forum Topic Site Support Anything about MOBAFire. Need help? Found a bug? Have some suggestions or feedback? Post it here! Hey ! It's done! :) Hades4u Jul 20 @ 10:36am 3,280 23,479
Read LoL Forum Topic Off Topic Everything not related to League of Legends or MOBAFire goes here! Ok so inspired by the other... Johhnsey2k24 Jul 14 @ 03:23am 3,536 104,964

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide