• Record Label: YABB
  • Release Date: Jun 14, 2024
As It Ever Was, So It Will Be Again Image

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Summary: The latest full-length release from Portland-based rock band The Decemberists was produced with Tucker Martine and features backing vocals by Shins' James Mercer and R.E.M.'s Mike Mills.
Record Label: YABB
Genre(s): Pop/Rock
Credit: Primary Artist Group Member Group Member Producer Group Member Group Member Group Member
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Track Listings

01 Burial Ground 08 All I Want Is You
02 Oh No! 09 Born to the Morning
03 Reapers 10 America Made Me
04 Long White Veil 11 Tell Me What's on Your Mind
05 William Fitzwilliam 12 Never Satisfied
06 Don't Go to the Woods 13 Joan in the Garden
07 Black Maria