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[Strategy / Risk] Azeroth: Fires of War

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Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
The Vurkyul.. could just fall to the Scourge's prey amd turn into Undead and Mist(green vurkyuls.. i forgot the name). Just make Vurkyul Models green and also like some enlarged skeletons to represent skeletal Vurkyuls.

I think u should reserve a map area and cover it with noundary. Nake the malestorm like a way gate and teleport those to Nazjatar.

I have a question,will there be pandaria?
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
1. For the Vrykul, I'm still looking for a few more good models, or skins. I do have a caster model "Hero" but I don't know of any male caster leaders. I was also thinking I could make the Dark variant of the Val'kyr a hero.
2. As for the Wandering Isle, I do like the pandas a bit. I'm not sure how I would incorporate it into this time period.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
1. For the Vrykul, I'm still looking for a few more good models, or skins. I do have a caster model "Hero" but I don't know of any male caster leaders. I was also thinking I could make the Dark variant of the Val'kyr a hero.

That would work.

2. As for the Wandering Isle, I do like the pandas a bit. I'm not sure how I would incorporate it into this time period.

Quite simple, it was never hidden so just have one of the factions invade it. It wouldn't be any difference in invading Zandalar and the Wandering Isle from a lore perspective.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
If I do add the Wandering Isle it will be later. right now I'm coming up with all the Heros and then I'm going to make there abilities. So what should the master abilities be for some of the heros.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Sylvanas - Banshee Scream (deal damage to all enemies in x radius.)
Varimartharas - Fear all units in area x for y seconds.
Lor'Themar - Inspire your troops giving all x% extra attack speed for y seconds.
Rommath - Steal the life energy of any target instantly killing it (does not affect heroes)
Halduron - Rain arrows down on the enemy dealing x damage to all enemies in area x and slowing their movement speed for y seconds.
Varian - Instantly spawn x amount of soldiers.
Vereesa - Archers deal x% more damage for y second.
Jaina - Teleport all units close to her to a targeted location.
Bolvar - Same as Lor'Themar.
Tyrande, Malfurion and Maiev - Keep them as they are.
Muradin - Same as in WC3.
Falstad - Shoot lightning in a cone in front of him.
Magni - Makes himself immune to damage for x seconds.
Anub'arak, Arthas and Kel'Thuzad - same as wc3.
Ymiron - Bloodlust, gain x amount of attack speed and y amount of extra damage for z seconds.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
An idea I had for Varian is that since he has the spirit or thing in him he would have an ability were he can use it to make him very strong for awhile.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
An idea I had for Varian is that since he has the spirit or thing in him he would have an ability were he can use it to make him very strong for awhile.

Sounds good to, I where really only throwing stuff against the wall to see if anything sticks.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Banshee Scream is a great idea. Kel'thuzad doesn't need anything more than default. the Bolvar/Lor'themar ability is a good idea.
Theres probably going to be another 2 dozen heros so.... Abilities forever.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Banshee Scream is a great idea. Kel'thuzad doesn't need anything more than default. the Bolvar/Lor'themar ability is a good idea.
Theres probably going to be another 2 dozen heros so.... Abilities forever.

I don't envy you, I've always hated working in the object manager, always been more of a terraining and trigger sort of person myself.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
I don't envy you, I've always hated working in the object manager, always been more of a terraining and trigger sort of person myself.

I like doing everything it just gets a little repetitive after awhile. I'm doing heros and terrain because of just making units for a week was getting boring. And the lore behind heros is always interesting when making them.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I like doing everything it just gets a little repetitive after awhile. I'm doing heros and terrain because of just making units for a week was getting boring. And the lore behind heros is always interesting when making them.

Yep the lore is awesome generally speaking the WarCraft universe. I agree that even terraining though fun as shit can get a little repetitive. Though the most annoying part about it is setting up all the pathing blockers around the mountains. :D
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Yep the lore is awesome generally speaking the WarCraft universe. I agree that even terraining though fun as shit can get a little repetitive. Though the most annoying part about it is setting up all the pathing blockers around the mountains. :D

I got "Jass" So I can set what tiles are pathable or unpathable so I just have to place the rock tile and nothing can walk over it.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I got "Jass" So I can set what tiles are pathable or unpathable so I just have to place the rock tile and nothing can walk over it.

While that is time saving I feel like something such as that can backfire if you want to make path-able ground be mountains, unless you want to import a brand new one.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Looks great, tell me though those pathing blockers I assume are meant for air units, why have you put them on top of the mountains?
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Looks great, tell me though those pathing blockers I assume are meant for air units, why have you put them on top of the mountains?

I don't know why I put those there. Probably before I made the rock unwalkable. Also any opinions on the 3 areas?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well Hilsbrad is in wow a lot greener than Silverpine and Gilneas, I think hilneas should use some of the darker ashenvale grasstypes and have a thicker fog than the other regions. (If you want to go by the WoW standard.) But it looks really good. Yje city in Gilneas could use some work too.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Well Hilsbrad is in wow a lot greener than Silverpine and Gilneas, I think hilneas should use some of the darker ashenvale grasstypes and have a thicker fog than the other regions. (If you want to go by the WoW standard.) But it looks really good. Yje city in Gilneas could use some work too.

Yea I haven't made any buildings for Gilneas yet, that is just terrain. I can also make Hillsbrad more alive then the other zones. Gilneas is a bit smaller then the other cities but once I get a castle and town buildings in it will look good. I was actually thinking about including some Cataclysm elements into the map because I got the Zandalari which is cata.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I was actually thinking about including some Cataclysm elements into the map because I got the Zandalari which is cata.

Yes and no, first we are creating an alternative time line where Varian could ally Arthas, if we can change that much in time it seems pretty likely that the Zandalari could invade even under king Rastakan. Besides if you wanted to make this Cata you would have to rework the entire island of Zandalar since it was reduced to little more than rubble when Deathwing rose.

I think Dalarn Ruins should be sort of lowered to make Dalarn Crater.

Good idea.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
I think Dalarn Ruins should be sort of lowered to make Dalarn Crater.

At that angle its hard to tell but I made hills around it to make it look like a crater but I could not lower the crater part any lower without it going below water level.

Also Humans can't ally with monster factions do to lore and mass allying issues. The map is pretty much like lore but without A new Alliance forming, instead Humans remain alone, Ironforge allies with Windhammer, and Night Elves Are alone. Also with the Horde factions of Forsaken and Blood Elves.

Edit: Well I'm trying to think out how lore will work and it get very confusing after things like if the modern alliance never formed how did they help defeat the Legion or survive the First or Second Wars. So maybe your right about just the alternate timeline. As for putting parts of Cata into the map, I was thinking just like the Gilneans are already Worgen and the Night Elves can recruit them as a base in EK.

Edit 2: I just thought of replacing Lumber with a point like Conquest or Honor that is acquire able by killing enemy heros, demi heros, elite units, and command structures.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
I have been taking a break for the last few days, I was getting a little overwhelmed. Right now I want to finish up the terrain. Also what Interior locations and boss fights would you like to see.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I have been taking a break for the last few days, I was getting a little overwhelmed. Right now I want to finish up the terrain. Also what Interior locations and boss fights would you like to see.

Malygos, Ragnaros, Al'Akir, Ozumat and Deathwing.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
I've been making progress on the Eastern Kingdoms, Hakkar can be in the Sunken Temple due to Zul'Gurub being a place the Zandalari can claim.
Booty Bay is a neutral town with merchants.
The dark portal could lead to a little dungeon with Illidan.
The Horde are getting a base in Badlands do to Humans getting Theramore.
Im not sure about Gilneas yet, any ideas?
There will be a large creep location in Tyr's Hand, and Stratholm is acquireable for the Scourge.
Theres a lot more.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
The scarlet crusade never allies with anyone. I was going to make them a faction but there were other ideas. As for Gilneas, I can make it stay neutral until after a event happens or something.
I'm starting to think about switching out a couple of the factions do to lack of resources or just do to the fact that they wont be that fun to play.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
The Vrykul are cool but I only have 2 buildings and 5 or 6 units for them so I'm thinking about making there units part of the scourge and giving the forsaken the Val'kyr as a elite unit.
Northrend is small anyways and since they are such a small faction, they would never have a chance against a full assault from the scourge or Yogg-Saron.

EDIT: Also if I did that I can add a faction like the Argent Crusade or Scarlet Onslaught due to them being major factions during Wrath and maybe the inscect race in south Kali can be made something else.
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Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
The Vrykul will still be there and the proto drake can be turned into a wondering boss or something cool like that. And If I did Argent Crusade or Scarlet Onslaught would give me a Light focused faction that can use Tyr's Hand as their main base.
Gilneas can be a capturable location or something like that. Who doesn't like a little worgen here or there...
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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
The Vrykul will still be there and the proto drake can be turned into a wondering boss or something cool like that. And If I did Argent Crusade to Scarlet Onslaught would give me a Light focused faction that can use Tyr's Hand as their main base.
Gilneas can be a capturable location or something.

OMFG Galakrond!
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