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[Strategy / Risk] Azeroth: Fires of War

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Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Yea, that place will probably end up becoming a hell of a battlefield. Though to be technical that is what happened in Wrath of the Lich King which is when this map takes room.

For stormwind to get Jaina they have to go to Theramore and they can get control of the Silver Covenant if they get to Dalaran.

P.S. Should the Humans be able to get Vereesa Windrunner, since she is the leader of the Silver Covenant?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I don't see why they shouldn't be able to get Vereesa, alternatively they could get Rhonin and the Kirin Tor mages.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
I don't see why they shouldn't be able to get Vereesa, alternatively they could get Rhonin and the Kirin Tor mages.

My thinking is was that the Kirin Tor would remain neutral no matter what and that when either the Humans or Blood Elves get there they will purge the opposite side. Also Jaina will already be a mage for the humans and they don't have a agility hero.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
My thinking is was that the Kirin Tor would remain neutral no matter what and that when either the Humans or Blood Elves get there they will purge the opposite side. Also Jaina will already be a mage for the humans and they don't have a agility hero.

Wait, does that mean that one of the dwarves is an intelligence hero?
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Wait, does that mean that one of the dwarves is an intelligence hero?

I thought Falstad would be the Intelligence hero for the dwarves. Kinda like a earth, storm shaman thing. Or is he actually a warrior?

And Alpha Interior and exterior of Ironforge.

Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Ironforge looks.. better, though it still lacks interior design. As for Falstad he certainly wasn't a shaman in Day of the Dragon. He is very much so a warrior.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Ironforge looks.. better, though it still lacks interior design. As for Falstad he certainly wasn't a shaman in Day of the Dragon. He is very much so a warrior.

Yea its still alpha. It will look better once I get the units in there then place doodads around the space. maybe some houses in the walls if it looks good. And I always thought Falstad was a shaman, I'll make him a warrior but he will have abilities like storm hammer and thunder clap. That seems magical but warriors have them.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I'll make him a warrior but he will have abilities like storm hammer and thunder clap. That seems magical but warriors have them.

Yeah that one is a bit strange. :D Besides even by the off-chance that I'm wrong the first dwarven shaman appeared in Cata.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Yeah that one is a bit strange. :D Besides even by the off-chance that I'm wrong the first dwarven shaman appeared in Cata.

Yea I think its because the Twilight Hammer attacked the Wildhammer clan so they took a more direct role in Cata but The Wildhammer Clan is more attuned to nature and has a more Shamanistic fighting style. So since the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer clans are allied in this map the dwarves are able to have shamans.

Edit: I looked up dwarves being shamans. Its because the Wildhammer Clan officially joined the Alliance in the formation of The Council of Three Hammers. So when you play a dwarf shaman in wow your actually a part of the Wildhammer Clan.
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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Edit: I looked up dwarves being shamans. Its because the Wildhammer Clan officially joined the Alliance in the formation of The Council of Three Hammers. So when you play a dwarf shaman in wow your actually a part of the Wildhammer Clan.

I don't know they could probably teach any dwarf with the will, though statistically yes you would be a wildhammer member.

This sounds really similar to the theory I posted that there are no blood elf death knights. (Since blood elf death knight have been confirmed that their addiction to inflict agony overcomes their addiction for magical energy they can not feel the desire for magical energy. And it is the people who sustain this addiction who are blood elves and death knights have no addiction sustain. Hence a person can not be both blood elf and death knight. This also in turn means that High Elves are a playable race in WoW since all blood elf death knights truly are high elves.)
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
I don't know they could probably teach any dwarf with the will, though statistically yes you would be a wildhammer member.

This sounds really similar to the theory I posted that there are no blood elf death knights. (Since blood elf death knight have been confirmed that their addiction to inflict agony overcomes their addiction for magical energy they can not feel the desire for magical energy. And it is the people who sustain this addiction who are blood elves and death knights have no addiction sustain. Hence a person can not be both blood elf and death knight. This also in turn means that High Elves are a playable race in WoW since all blood elf death knights truly are high elves.)

I thought Kael'thas Renamed the High Elves, Blood Elves, in honor of the majority of there race that were killed.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I thought Kael'thas Renamed the High Elves, Blood Elves, in honor of the majority of there race that were killed.

It is a bit more complicated, some of the blood elves didn't like them consuming other living creatures and fel energy to sustain their desires. Generally the measurement used to difference the two is the color of their eyes (this is proven by Iridi in Night of the Dragon) in other words whether they have or have not consumed fel energy. Wjat we learn of the blood elf death knight in their starting zone though is that he/she died defending Quel'Thalas against the scourge. In other words he/she would already have been a death knight by the time the sunwell was destroyed in other words he/she would never have lived to get the opportunity to consume fel energy. Not to mention their eyes are blue.

There are of course other measurements regarding the difference between sin'dorei and quel'dorei I'm just using the most widely used one.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
It is a bit more complicated, some of the blood elves didn't like them consuming other living creatures and fel energy to sustain their desires. Generally the measurement used to difference the two is the color of their eyes (this is proven by Iridi in Night of the Dragon) in other words whether they have or have not consumed fel energy. Wjat we learn of the blood elf death knight in their starting zone though is that he/she died defending Quel'Thalas against the scourge. In other words he/she would already have been a death knight by the time the sunwell was destroyed in other words he/she would never have lived to get the opportunity to consume fel energy. Not to mention their eyes are blue.

There are of course other measurements regarding the difference between sin'dorei and quel'dorei I'm just using the most widely used one.

Right now I'm watching lore videos for the factions I'm making and I can't find anything specific on whether the Wildhammer clan had villages in the twilight highlands before the Cataclysm period. Do you know?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Right now I'm watching lore videos for the factions I'm making and I can't find anything specific on whether the Wildhammer clan had villages in the twilight highlands before the Cataclysm period. Do you know?

It is definitely possible you could take some artistic license. ;)
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
It is definitely possible you could take some artistic license. ;)

Right now the Twilight Highlands are pretty small so I'm going to have to redo it and maybe make the Dragonmaw base there acquire able for the horde.

I also just found out that humans are descend from vrykul that fled with their children that would have been killed by the King. Also that the Night Elves were born by trolls that discovered the well of eternity.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Yep and the vrykul are iron vrykul who suffered the curse of flesh, the same goes for dwarves who used to be earthen as well as gnomes who used to be mechanical gnomes. There seems to be three types of lives, mechanical and metallic life that originates from the titans, elemental life whose source of origin is unknown and organic life that originates from the old gods. (Although it has never been proven it has been indicated that this is true for the dragons as well in dawn of the aspects. Proto-drakes were hinted to have been created by the Old Gods and the original dragon aspects were all at one point proto-dragons.)
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
What expansion or time period of wow is your favorite? Mine is Wrath mostly because of playing WC3.

Edit: also I've been doing mostly terrain lately I'll post a bunch of screenshots within the next 2 or 3 days.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
There's actually just such a topic. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/world-warcraft-183/whats-your-favorite-wow-expansion-266099/

This is what I wrote:
Razosh said:
My favorite expansion however is Wrath of the Lich King. It had good and diverse zones with enjoyable quests and as a Swede I felt right at home. ^^ It included Strand of the Ancients which is my favorite battleground to this day. It also included the Oculus my favorite 5 man dungeon to this day as well as some of my favourite raid bosses including Yogg-Saron and the Lich King. It in addition had 4 raid difficulties which unless you include Raid Finder as a legitimate difficulty is the highest amount of difficulties we've ever had you were also able to enter every raid twice in a week so you had much more to do. The music was at what I'd call it's peak with such masterpieces such Grizzly Hills zone music.

And I still stand by it.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Thanks to Sellenisko. also shield or no shield. I think the Shield version is unique. I got the vrykul models from him too. There will be about a 10 page list of credits I will have to write when the map is released.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Ok Thrall will ride a wolf. Vol'jin will be a Shadow Hunter. and Cairne will be almost default. Later I will do some more terrain and some Heros.

Today I will be busy until 3pm Est. But I am able to check hive most of the time.

Here are the Heros of Stormwind.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Tirion is Bolvar. Vereesa is acquire able in Dalaran. and Jaina will either be acquire able in Theramore or will just start there.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Onyxia tried during Classic wow to take control of Stormwind but at this point shes going to be a boss in Kalimdor.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Besides if you were thinking of making Malygos an almost unbeatable boss I think I know of a good reward, the Focusing Iris. Which will do something like increase the damage of all spellcasters in your faction by 300%.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Besides if you were thinking of making Malygos an almost unbeatable boss I think I know of a good reward, the Focusing Iris. Which will do something like increase the damage of all spellcasters in your faction by 300%.

Every Magic faction would through away armies to get that.

Also for Bolvar. Any non monster factions will have to sacrifice a hero to keep undead from appearing everywhere. Because there must always be a Lich King. As for Monster Factions, They don't care because they want the chaos.

Tirion, and a couple other heros will replace the hero lost depending on the faction.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
I'm thinking the Scourge will start with a base in Stratholm, The Humans will get Theramore, The Horde could get there base in Stranglethorn or Badlands. and a couple other factions will get bases elsewhere.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Sounds good, just out of curiosity what islands have you added?

I got Zandalar, Theres a screenshot under Terrain. I'm working on The lost Isles and then theres a few others but I Can't remember their names. I think one is Plunder Isle. and one of the other ones is the Goblin Island.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Where should I put the Naga? A underwater city just won't work.

You could just put their buildings in the water (simply raise the terrain only where the building have to be) and have them only being destroyable with ships, since all Naga can swim it would still work and you could use Nazjatar.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
You could just put their buildings in the water (simply raise the terrain only where the building have to be) and have them only being destroyable with ships, since all Naga can swim it would still work and you could use Nazjatar.

About where in the ocean is the city located.

I got an Idea that the naga could have special access to a small underwater interior and be able to use it to travel the oceans quickly. But that would be tricky.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Looks awesome, though one question, how are you going to compensate Vrykul for only having two heroes when the others have three or four?
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