
Keep your blade close and your armor polished – you’re about to head into the Warrior forum! It gets a little noisy in here.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Standard How can they let warrior do 41 damage in one turn? >>
by Ghostwaker
4 1,235
Standard Highlander warrior doesn't work at platinum? >>
by Ghostwaker
17 1,731
Blizzard design direction with Warrior class >>
by SquareRobin
1 1,919
Old player returning with no clue. need help with deck >>
by Avaetarii
1 1,011
Wild I'm not getting armor anymore from hero power and spells >>
by Ledouaje
2 2,118
Anima Extracor is OP >>
by irhmgg
13 3,063
How do you win a game with Pirate Quest Warrior? >>
by kloklon
7 2,680
Horrendous Handbuff >>
by CaptainKaulu
0 1,017
Standard How the hell does Warrior beat Priest?? >>
by OoZuNoO
29 5,511
Standard Frenzy Warrior >>
by AnimationCancering
3 806
Which classes are realistic to armour combo to death? >>
by _Nihenna
1 773
Rattlegore question >>
by BeardedBear
3 868
Clown Warrior >>
by KitsuneRTC
6 1,386
Anyone else using Overlord's Whip? >>
by Wizzlewix
0 627
[Deck Building] How to better tune this Frenzy Midrange deck? >>
by oculusdrake
3 836
Battle Rage server-side nerf >>
by irhmgg1
6 2,073
Hecklebot ETC >>
by irhmgg1
2 1,024
Body Wrapper OP? >>
by irhmgg1
1 916
evolve shaman match up >>
by irhmgg1
21 2,643
a time for Warrior to remember >>
by irhmgg1
9 1,734
Should Bloodboil Brute receive the same treatment as Mogu Fleshshaper ? >>
by Laysson
22 3,112
Wild DMH Wrenchcalibur deck >>
by YouthThunder
0 563
[Deck Building] Cheaper Control Warrior? >>
by Zkaletus21
2 847
[Deck Building] Tempo Recruit Warrior >>
by YouthThunder
1 1,163
Best counter for bomb warrior >>
by Zom_
19 6,572