Kat Kennedy’s Reviews > Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea > Status Update

Kat Kennedy
Kat Kennedy is on page 45 of 269
When you’re side-eyeing a book trying to decide whether it’s completely racist or not - its a bad sign.
Oct 04, 2018 04:07AM
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Captain Nemo, #2)


Kat Kennedy’s Previous Updates

Kat Kennedy
Kat Kennedy is on page 32 of 269
Remarkable. Simply extraordinary! I can't believe he has gone a full 6 chapters without even name-referencing a single female character, even in passing.

I'm reading this book with my two children and they are completely absorbed in both the mystery of the beast and the mystery of where and when a single female name will appear on the page. We're holding bets.
Oct 01, 2018 06:04PM
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Captain Nemo, #2)

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