Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
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Reading Progress

September 28, 2018 – Started Reading (Other Hardcover Edition)
September 28, 2018 – Shelved (Other Hardcover Edition)
October 1, 2018 – Started Reading
October 1, 2018 – Shelved
October 1, 2018 –
page 32
11.9% "Remarkable. Simply extraordinary! I can't believe he has gone a full 6 chapters without even name-referencing a single female character, even in passing.

I'm reading this book with my two children and they are completely absorbed in both the mystery of the beast and the mystery of where and when a single female name will appear on the page. We're holding bets."
October 4, 2018 –
page 45
16.73% "When you’re side-eyeing a book trying to decide whether it’s completely racist or not - its a bad sign."

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Bre (new) - rated it 4 stars

Bre verdict?

message 2: by B.L. (new)

B.L. Gilleon I tried this one recently, and was wondering if I was imagining the hints of xenophobia and anglophilia in the writing. Good to read that someone else felt similarly.

message 3: by Bre (new) - rated it 4 stars

Bre The book mentions "Civilized" versus "savage" and uses of the French "nègre"/"Negro". For sure a flaw of European society at the time. However the book's character Captain Nemo is Indian, not European, and is superior to all of the "Civilized" white world. Captain Nemo also is a complicated character with many depths to him. So the book has that going for it, no?

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