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Book cover for The Liar's Girl
almost completely obscured by the gnarled branches
Catriona McPherson
“What has she done to deserve such scorn?' I said.
He had the grace to look uncomfortable as he answered. 'Not her in particular, miss,' he said, 'Just her sort. People like her in general, I mean.'
'Oh Harry,' I said, 'there is no such thing as people in general. Everyone is someone very particular.”
Catriona McPherson, Dandy Gilver and the Proper Treatment of Bloodstains

Gabrielle Zevin
“Why is any one book different from any other book? They are different, A.J. decides, because they are. We have to look inside many. We have to believe. We agree to be disappointed sometimes so that we can be exhilarated every now and again.”
Gabrielle Zevin, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry

“And whether rich or poor, well or ill, happy or sad, books can be a refuge, they do not change with changing circumstance, they are the open highway to yesterday, today and tomorrow wherever you will to travel.”
Gladys Taber, Stillmeadow Daybook

Lou Berney
“Sometimes the near seemed far, far away and the faraway was right beneath your feet.”
Lou Berney, The Long and Faraway Gone

Dorothy B. Hughes
“She was afraid. It wasn’t a tremble of fear. It was a dark hood hanging over her head. She was meant to die. That was why she was on the Chief speeding eastward. This was her bier.”
Dorothy B. Hughes, Dread Journey

28257 Comfort Reads — 1391 members — last activity Jun 10, 2024 11:59AM
When life gets busy and you need a break from serious reading what do you reach for? A comfort read means something different to everyone so join us, ...more
1218 The Next Best Book Club — 24907 members — last activity 5 hours, 55 min ago
Are you searching for the NEXT best book? Are you willing to kiss all your spare cash goodbye? Are you easily distracted by independent bookshops, bi ...more
64419 Laurie R. King Virtual Book Club — 1394 members — last activity Dec 09, 2023 08:52AM
The official book club for readers of mystery author Laurie R. King
17941 Wild Things: YA Grown-Up — 2443 members — last activity Mar 24, 2022 06:18PM
Welcome to Wild Things: YA Grown-Up! Important Information: This group is for mature, grown up discussions of all books included under the term 'Young ...more
2051 Challenge: 50 Books — 4297 members — last activity 19 hours, 28 min ago
This group is for people who want to be challenged to read 50 books in one year. Start the challenge by creating a post with the title of your chall ...more
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