Oni Suryaman

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Oni Suryaman

Goodreads Author

in Indonesia

Member Since
July 2007


Average rating: 4.32 · 224 ratings · 82 reviews · 9 distinct works
Trisurya - The Three-Body P...

4.09 avg rating — 372,944 ratings — published 2006 — 160 editions
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Belantara - The Dark Forest

4.41 avg rating — 163,524 ratings — published 2008 — 43 editions
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Pralaya - Death's End

4.42 avg rating — 124,740 ratings — published 2010 — 113 editions
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3.99 avg rating — 111,007 ratings — published 1961 — 333 editions
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4.07 avg rating — 166 ratings — published 2005 — 6 editions
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Madiun Dalam Kemelut Sejarah

4.38 avg rating — 26 ratings
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Asih Asah Asuh

4.25 avg rating — 8 ratings — published 2015 — 11 editions
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Up 2 You

3.75 avg rating — 8 ratings — published 2007 — 7 editions
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Panji's Quest

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating4 editions
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Mistisisme Jawa: ...
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Shades of Grey
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by Jasper Fforde (Goodreads Author)
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Pralaya - Death's End by Liu Cixin
Pralaya - Death's End
by Liu Cixin (Goodreads Author)
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Trisurya - The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
"Buku ini sesungguhnya punya bawaan yang sangat kelam. Diawali dengan persekusi di masa revolusi kebudayaan (saban kali membaca novel dengan latar setting ttg revbud aku merinding ngeri ih), di tengahnya penuh dengan acuan para ilmuwan yang bunuh diri" Read more of this review »
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The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
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Death's End by Liu Cixin
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The Dark Forest by Liu Cixin
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Oni rated a book really liked it
The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
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The Dark Forest by Liu Cixin
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Oni rated a book really liked it
The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
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Oni and 1129 other people liked Nataliya's review of Solaris:
Solaris by Stanisław Lem
"2012 first read:

Many sci-fi authors think that they write about aliens. The truth is, they really don't. Instead, they essentially write about humans. Most sci-fi aliens are little more than an allegory for humanity, a mirror through which we can se" Read more of this review »
Oni and 1 other person liked Todd Martin's review of Solaris:
Solaris by Stanisław Lem
"Solaris is Stanisław Lem's best known novel and describes first contact with an alien intelligence. Unlike many sci-fi tales where the aliens are little more than anthropomorphized humans, the intelligence in Solaris is truly alien. This is where the" Read more of this review »
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George R.R. Martin
“... a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.”
George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

George R.R. Martin
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.”
George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

“The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.”
Plato, The Republic

“Those who tell the stories rule society.”

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message 5: by Oni

Oni Uci wrote: "Halo Oniii...selama ini belum temenan karena jenis bacaan kita bagaikan dua kutub yang berbeda :))"

Iya sih kemarin belum temenan, tapi biar saling tahu aja kamu baca apa dan aku baca apa. :) Aku sama istriku juga beda jenis bacaannya. :D

message 4: by Uci

Uci Halo Oniii...selama ini belum temenan karena jenis bacaan kita bagaikan dua kutub yang berbeda :))

message 3: by Ameru

Ameru udah baca sampai halaman berapa locke lamora-nya? saya malah belum mulai hehe xD

message 2: by Oni

Oni Ameru wrote: "Hai, makasih udah di invite \m/ It's nice to have a friend around here :D"

Sami sami.

message 1: by Ameru

Ameru Hai, makasih udah di invite \m/ It's nice to have a friend around here :D

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