
Jason Pettus

Goodreads Author

in St. Louis, The United States



Member Since
June 2007


(I'm now writing a free weekly newsletter about my adventures as a freelance book editor, if you're interested.)

Former owner of an indie press, currently a freelance developmental editor for self-publishing and small-press authors (email me at ilikejason@gmail.com for more, or see my freelancing website or my Upwork profile). Happy to accept your ARC for review, but be aware that I will treat it like any other book, even if I think it's terrible. I also write about movies at letterboxd.com/jasonpettus. Other interests include cooking, bicycling, international travel, sci-fi universe creation, and being a smartass. Based in Chicago.

Professional Reader Edelweiss Reviewer

Average rating: 3.75 · 88 ratings · 26 reviews · 12 distinct works
American Wasteland: Bleak T...

3.65 avg rating — 20 ratings — published 2011 — 3 editions
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Chicago After Dark: A City ...

3.54 avg rating — 13 ratings — published 2014 — 2 editions
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The CCLaP 100: Volume 1

3.90 avg rating — 10 ratings — published 2009 — 2 editions
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CCLaP Journal #4

4.17 avg rating — 6 ratings — published 2014
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CCLaP Journal #5

3.50 avg rating — 6 ratings — published 2014
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Blah Blah Blah Heroin

3.17 avg rating — 6 ratings2 editions
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CCLaP's The Year In Books 2015

3.50 avg rating — 4 ratings2 editions
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CCLaP Journal #1

3.67 avg rating — 3 ratings — published 2013 — 2 editions
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Year of Peace: A Daily Devo...

liked it 3.00 avg rating — 2 ratings2 editions
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Dreaming of Laura Ingalls

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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More books by Jason Pettus…

Is the PESO system good for self-publishing?

Today, a few thoughts on the modern online PESO system of marketing, and how each of the four quadrants might actually be good for the lone self-publisher or small indie press as well

Originally published at the Jason Pettus newsletter on February 2, 2024, and republished here at this website on the same day.

I haven't been shy about sharing in the past that one of the main reasons my own form

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Published on February 02, 2024 14:45

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Jason Pettus rated a book it was amazing
Bone on Bone by Meredith Warner MD
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2024 book reviews, #36. I’m 55 this year, which means I’ve begun developing “old people problems” for the first time in my life; specifically, I’m starting to develop arthritis, and the pain that this causes is starting to put a major crimp in my lif ...more
Jason Pettus has read
Kittentits by Holly    Wilson
by Holly Wilson (Goodreads Author)
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2024 reads, #35. DID NOT FINISH. I wanted very badly to like this book; for one thing, just that title and cover art alone is the entire reason I picked up the book in the first place, once again proving the old adage, “You can’t judge a book by its ...more
Jason Pettus and 34 other people liked Krista's review of Kittentits:
Kittentits by Holly    Wilson
Jeanie shakes her head and says Kittentits, you are so totally busted. You are so totally broken. It’s all over you, she says. Think about it, she goes. You floated in her nine months which in baby-time is forever. The beat of her heart was the fi
" Read more of this review »
Jason Pettus and 1 other person liked Melki's review of Kittentits:
Kittentits by Holly    Wilson
"I really expected to love this quirky book, but, sadly, that was not the case. It had an intriguing premise, and was wildly inventive, but unfortunately, it wandered all over the place, in and out of reality to the point where I couldn't tell who was" Read more of this review »
Jason Pettus has read
Kittentits by Holly    Wilson
by Holly Wilson (Goodreads Author)
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2024 reads, #35. DID NOT FINISH. I wanted very badly to like this book; for one thing, just that title and cover art alone is the entire reason I picked up the book in the first place, once again proving the old adage, “You can’t judge a book by its ...more
Ship of the Line by C.S. Forester
"3 - 3.5 stars

_Ship of the Line_ takes up where _Beat to Quarters_ left off and we follow Hornblower as he takes command of a ship of the line, the two-decker 74 gun HMS Sutherland . The novel is chock full of events as Hornblower captures a French tr" Read more of this review »
Jason Pettus rated a book it was amazing
Ship of the Line by C.S. Forester
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THE‌ ‌GREAT‌ ‌COMPLETIST‌ ‌CHALLENGE:‌ ‌In‌ ‌which‌ ‌I‌ ‌revisit‌ ‌older‌ ‌authors‌ ‌and‌ ‌attempt‌ ‌to‌ ‌read‌ every‌ ‌book‌ ‌they‌ ‌ever‌ ‌wrote‌

Currently‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌challenge:‌ ‌Margaret‌ Atwood‌ |‌ ‌JG‌ ‌Ballard‌ |‌ Clive‌ ‌Barker‌ |‌ Christoph
Jason Pettus rated a book it was ok
Dark Intentions by J.A. Owenby
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2024 reads, #33. I picked up this book in my ongoing attempts to read widely and deeply within the world of quickie genre novels published through Kindle Unlimited, in order to stay on top of the latest trends so to better help my freelance clients w ...more
Jason Pettus rated a book it was ok
Dark Intentions by J.A. Owenby
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2024 reads, #33. I picked up this book in my ongoing attempts to read widely and deeply within the world of quickie genre novels published through Kindle Unlimited, in order to stay on top of the latest trends so to better help my freelance clients w ...more
Jason Pettus rated a book it was amazing
Diamonds Are Forever by Ian Fleming
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THE‌ ‌GREAT‌ ‌COMPLETIST‌ ‌CHALLENGE:‌ ‌In‌ ‌which‌ ‌I‌ ‌revisit‌ ‌older‌ ‌authors‌ ‌and‌ ‌attempt‌ ‌to‌ ‌read‌ every‌ ‌book‌ ‌they‌ ‌ever‌ ‌wrote‌

Currently‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌challenge:‌ ‌Margaret‌ Atwood‌ |‌ ‌JG‌ ‌Ballard‌ |‌ Clive‌ ‌Barker‌ |‌ Christoph
More of Jason's books…
Quotes by Jason Pettus  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“it never really worked; so the moment the generation after them, the more earnest and naive Millennials, started having discretionary income for the first time, Corporate America instantly switched over to pleasing them, because the vacuous boy bands and insipid reality shows that are now a permanent part of our culture worked a lot better on them than they did the cynical, skeptical, fun-hating Generation X.)”
Jason Pettus, Blah Blah Blah Heroin: Dennis Cooper's 'George Miles Cycle' and the Transgressive Tragedy of Generation X

“The poetry scene is like Menudo -- eventually everyone ages out.”
Jason Pettus

“Let us celebrate the stupidity of our endurance.”
Charles Bukowski

“Don't hate the media; become the media.”
Jello Biafra, Become the Media

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Shanereads Thank you for accepting my invite!

message 26: by Jason

Jason Pettus Yes, we were specifically invited to contribute our coming schedule! If you check out the related article there as well, where they asked various writers and publishers to recommend a couple of books from that master list that they're particularly looking forward to, I have some thoughts about Curbside there too. Thanks, though, for bringing this to my attention!

Tuck wrote: "Tuck wrote: "you all are on this list
curbside too"

message 25: by Tuck

Tuck Tuck wrote: "you all are on this list

curbside too

message 23: by Rico

Rico Lamoureux Hello Jason:) Just wanted to stop by and let you know about my Mirrored Staircase graphic novella Trilogy campaign that I've just launched!
Have a wonderful Christmas:)

message 22: by Rico

Rico Lamoureux Nice to meet you, Jason:)
Feel free to stop by my daily blog here on GR whenever you're in the mood:)
Have a great night!

message 21: by Jason

Jason Pettus Frances wrote: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY?"

Thank you! 44 today!

Nefariousbig HAPPY BIRTHDAY?

message 19: by Nefariousbig (last edited Nov 16, 2012 07:26AM)

Nefariousbig I'm so excited about your soon-to-be-funded joint Kickstarter project!! http://kck.st/TaVNH5.

Since your books are not named individually in the pitch, I wanted to plug those offered under certain "backer" awards. CCLaP books: Repetition Patterns, Too Young to Fall Asleep, 99 Problems, Life After Sleep, Salt Creek Anthology, Amsterdamned if You Do, American Wasteland, Have You Seen Me, Get Up Tim, solo/down, Famous Drownings in Literary History, and Jugs & Capes. http://www.cclapcenter.com/hypermodern/

I wanted also to remind peeps to back the project! Always looking forward! Cheers!

message 18: by Riku

Riku Sayuj Am really enjoying your book. Good style. And great collection. Thanks for adding!

message 17: by Luani

Luani Great job on the CCLaP 100 reviews, I hope you're still going strong!

message 16: by Megha

Megha Wonderful! I look forward to reading the review.

message 15: by Jason

Jason Pettus mp wrote: "Are you about to write a review for Midnight's Children? I hope it will be super-positive one. It is one of my favorites."

Yes I am! And yes it is!

message 14: by Megha

Megha Are you about to write a review for Midnight's Children? I hope it will be super-positive one. It is one of my favorites.

message 13: by Helen

Helen Hey, thanks for adding me :)

message 12: by Jason

Jason Pettus Jacobmartin wrote: "Thanks for the Like Jason, I have been reading your reviews continuously for a while now.

I've also been trying to watch movies you recommend as well as books, I could recommend you some like Trai..."

This is great, Jacob. I'll definitely be adding these films to my Netflix queue.

Jacobmartin Thanks for the Like Jason, I have been reading your reviews continuously for a while now.

I've also been trying to watch movies you recommend as well as books, I could recommend you some like Train Man by Hitori Nakano and, if you're brave enough, the movie version of Ryu Murakami's Audition directed by Takashi Miike. Egads, I've been unsettled for days by that big damn movie.

message 10: by Gary

Gary Have you seen the movie, UP IN THE AIR, yet? with george clooney?? You'll see lots of scenes from St. Louis because it was filmed there,and I really liked it.

Whitaker Thanks for the add. I love your site CCLaP. :-)

message 8: by Jason

Jason Pettus Nick wrote: "Jason,

I love your comments and what you're doing with CCLaP. I wish you the best of luck. Enjoy your BookSwim membership (and please be honest with your thoughts)

Nick Ruffilo

Thanks, Nick! For those who don't know what he's talking about, I recently received a free two-month trial membership to Nick's company, in return for writing about my experience afterwards both here and at the CCLaP website. For those who don't know, BookSwim is essentially "Netflix for books" -- for a monthly fee they will mail X amount of titles to you, which you can then keep for as long as you want, getting new titles sent each time you mail the old ones back. I'll be posting my review of my own experience there at the beginning of December.

message 7: by Nick

Nick Ruffilo Jason,

I love your comments and what you're doing with CCLaP. I wish you the best of luck. Enjoy your BookSwim membership (and please be honest with your thoughts)

Nick Ruffilo

message 6: by Jason

Jason Pettus Karin wrote: "Where can I find your books about your travel in Germany? Anywhere where I can get them as ebooks? I've been wanting to read them but can't seem to find them."

Ah, Karin, good to hear from you! Well, the online headquarters are still up, at http://www.jasonpettus.com/kool/ and http://www.jasonpettus.com/scheisse/ , where text and photos of each trip can be found. I still haven't put out standalone electronic copies for the public yet, since that was one of the benefits of the people who paid money in advance; although after I -finally- get out the paper copy they're all owed as well, then I will finally release the PDFs for free download online.

message 5: by tee

tee Why, I am so pleased that you are of the same opinion of Burroughs, as me. I have read all of Burroughs work and ashamedly, I actually think I liked the others at the time that I read them (my brain must have been on vacation).

On one hand, I want to re-read them and reevaluate, as I'm certain that I must have been delusional the first time around; but I also really don't want to waste my time. Why re-read Burroughs, when I can read something good instead?

It's a dilemma.

Taters Jason Pettus

You were the last person I expected to run across reading the same books as me, and having Goodreads randomly link me to your review of ... whatever it was - was really startling.

Hope life is treating you kind!
Amy Kennebec

Rachel Wow, you've got some reading to do!

Heather Thanks for sharing " The name Of the Rose". I will have to add it to my collection. Have a good one

Jeremy I want to apologize for the all the recommendations from me today. I wanted to share the Stoker Award news, and I only pressed the send button once--I'm not sure what happened to create so many messages. Some weird glitch.

Argh...this is terrible...

Again, I'm very sorry.


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