MischaS_'s Reviews > The Eternity Cure

The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa
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I thought that I was obsessed with Jackal after the first book. Well, if that was an obsession, I don't know what is it now!


So, a couple of notes:

-I think that this one was better than the previous one. Especially the beginning was very strong.
-First hundred something pages I could not stop grinning but then chapter 8 came, and it went downhill.
-I love Jackal even more than in the previous book.
-Jackal and Allison have amazing dynamics between them. So much fun.
-Where I was so happy that Zeke was nowhere to be seen when the book started, I was certainly unhappy when he showed up. (view spoiler)
-Where there was a lot of action when it was only Jackal and Allison with Zeke it turned into a talk show. They are in the middle of danger but he needed to talk!
-Stick did not deserve any better; he is a coward and backstabber.
-The whole "cure" thing seems to be a bit confusing, hopefully, it will be explained in the next book, cause I don't buy it. (view spoiler)
-Jackal is right, Kanin and Allison waste their time on stupid things when they have no time to waste.
-Is it wrong that I sort of like Sarren? He's the type of a villain I love.
-And I knew that the end was too good to be true... And the Epilogue had to give it away. I want to scream because that would be the best plot twist in a long time! (view spoiler)

"And here I almost thought you weren't a complete bastard."

"Well, that's your mistake, not mine."
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Reading Progress

January 26, 2013 – Shelved
November 16, 2018 – Started Reading
November 20, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by KAS (new)

KAS So glad you are obsessed with this series, Mischa ;) Fantastic review!! 😘❤️

MischaS_ KAS wrote: "So glad you are obsessed with this series, Mischa ;) Fantastic review!! 😘❤️"

Thank you so much. But when the author gives me a good, funny, bad-boy who is even a bit villain-ish...I'm sold. :D But generally it's a fun read.

MischaS_ JV wrote: "A wonderful review, Mischa! 🥰 Great to hear you liked this one"

Thank you so much. :)

message 4: by Nicole (last edited Nov 14, 2020 01:24PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nicole Awesome review, Micha! I agree with several points you mentioned but personally, Zeke grew on me. So I'm telling you in advance, the final will be the weakest of the three. I love the characters that's why I gave it 4 stars but tbh it's more like 3 or so.
But Jackal will stay awesome.

MischaS_ Nicole wrote: "Awesome review, Micha! I agree with several points you mentioned but personally, Zeke grew on me. So I'm telling you in advance, the final will be the weakest of the three. I love the characters th..."

Thank you so much. 🤗 Yeah, I totally get why people may like Zeke... but for me, characters like Jackal are those I want to read about.
Honestly? I already managed to read some spoilers... a lot of spoilers for book three and I already know that I will be disappointed. I mean... WHy? So many things the author could have done.
At least I have Jackal. His poor back has to hurt from carrying this series. 😂

Yanira Vazquez I see him like Tom Huddleson

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