MischaS_'s Reviews > Vicious Minds: Part 3

Vicious Minds by J.J. McAvoy
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Look who's back just in time to make this my last book of 2020. And how fitting is that? (Side note, thank you, everyone, for your kind messages regarding why I was MIA here. I'm well and healthy as one can be at this time. However, GR became somewhat a toxic environment for me in the last couple of months and I just needed a break. I will go more into detail in my review of 2020. But I just wanted to say thank you.)

So, this was a buddy-read with the amazing Antonella, thankfully she supported me through this. And thanks to her I managed to leave this book in 2020 because that's exactly where it belongs to.

After the last book was such a great disappointment to me, I had zero expectations for this book. I just wanted to finish this series. (Since once again it was promised that this would be the last book and thankfully that seems to be the truth for once.)
I'm going to be brief, I don't want to waste much time here. Plus, I wasted all of my patience on the previous books.

So, here are my feelings, opinions and things that came to my mind while reading. (Again, I repeat my personal opinions and feelings which means this review is subjective to me.)

Oh, so we are flipping the script again? What a surprise! Not. Suddenly Calliope is the poor little victim who is so hurt but she's trying to save everyone. You see, she is such a good girl. So smart, selfless but no one gets it how much she gives! Because no one apparently gets anything in these books. Just Calliope and Ethan, only them.
And Ethan is the string master and he knew everything, he pieced everything together. And certainly, no one is being bothered by how Calliope was humiliating him in the past book? What A strong boss.

And suddenly every single character besides those two does not have a single brain cell left to share between all of them. I have to say that whatever I felt about any of the characters in the previous books is gone. They are all bad, stupid and just pathetic. Wyatt, Helen, Nari, Sedric, Darcy, Neil, Evelyn just everyone and yes that includes Mel and Liam.

Let me tell you, by including them this series stopped being about the children. It just meant that there was no story for the children to be strong enough to carry without the parents there. And yes, even Mel and Liam are completely lost to me. Their own series became unreadable to me. Because I'm sorry but Mel was just such a brat that I had a very vivid flashback to Olivia.

And when I'm talking about people not having a single brain cell that includes the villains in this book. Because... what did they do?
The biggest ace in their sleeve, the meanest meanie did what? (view spoiler)

Which brings me to another thing, what really happened in this book? Not much, a lot of talking. Some people died for the show of it. And nothing.
I was bored out of my mind, it was dragging so much! It was just an eye-roll fest, nothing to be excited about, not even angry! I just kept eyeing the progress bar and hoping that it would move faster.
And again, with so many flashbacks... or should I say rather rewriting what was said in the previous books?

Also, back to the characters. I feel like if you were to take each of the books in the children series and change the names of each character in each book (Meaning, because I know I'm making zero sense, that Ethan would be Ethan in book 1. Marc in book 2. Joseph in book 3 and so on. Calliope in book 4, Martha in book 5, Jessica in book 6 etc.) they would rather like completely different characters. There is no continuity in them.

Okay, these two spoilers are regarding the deaths in this book. The first one is more general, more just my feeling about how deaths were handled in this book. No name is dropped but by reading the spoiler you may get a slight idea about who lives and who does not. The second spoiler is a real spoiler with a name in it, so, beware. (view spoiler) (view spoiler)

So, overall, a book I had no expectations for managed to disappoint me by how bad it was. However, I'm glad that I can leave this series in 2020. It's finally done and I do not have to drop it and then wonder what if the author managed to come up with something decent. (She did not if you are wondering.) A couple of years ago this author was one of my favourites which was the reason why I kept giving her chances. But honestly, it's time to let it go.

Oh, and almost forgot the book was again very poorly edited, a lot of typos/missing words. Which is kind of the norm with these books but since it was dragging so much, I tended to notice more.

Anyway, this is more of a rant just after finishing reading this book (just to finish review before midnight, am I the book Cinderella?), so, I might change/add some things later. Sorry, if I make zero sense, it was done in a rush!
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 57 (57 new)

Antonella ❤❤❤❤❤

Antonella Thank YOU!! for reading this with me!!

preoccupiedbybooks I've missed seeing you on here! Happy New Year 🤗🤗

Nazneen So true. Agree with whatever you have written. I had no expectations but, it was still disappointing. Liam & Mel's epilogue was just eeeeeks! I mean, Liam paralysed and begging Mel to kill him? Why? Also, I hate Ethan. Yuck!! Why does he disregard his parents so much. He doesn't show any love expect for his master Calliope. Gosh! What a waste of time. But, glad, I can leave this series finally..

message 5: by Tiara (new)

Tiara Thank you! thank you! thank you! for such an honest and detailed review.I feel the same in regards to the series, to have the foundation and history of a series destroyed for a new character is just piss poor writing and that is what I felt happened with Calliope, JJ rewrote history to the narrative of the all mighty Calliope ugh. Thanks again for saving me the trouble of being more disappointed in this author.

message 6: by Joyous (new)

Joyous lol I gave up on this series two books before or was it even before...anyway, bang on review! I wonder if she used a ghostwriter for Ruthless People¯\_(ツ)_/¯

message 7: by Aziadée (new) - added it

Aziadée I decided to leave my ugly sentiments about these characters in 2020, where thy deserve to be ... It was the last hooray 2020 served me. I understood that Calliope and Ethan deserved each other ... I understood that it was not a romance novel, there were once Love between these characters. And I am convinced that Vicious minds should have been published as a series on it own, and Children of Vice, or Ambition or (Wyatt’s story ...). Any ways. The Epilogue is truly the only thing I cared about. And it destroyed me. This book belongs in 2020 really 😳

message 8: by Sophiya (new)

Sophiya She shoulda just kept Ivy alive and developed her character better. He chemistry and romance between her and Ethan were off the charts. In my head, she lived and they stayed and ruled together ruthlessly ever after, the end.

Nazneen @Sa-Eedah Taliep, totally agree

message 10: by Aziadée (new) - added it

Aziadée I miss Ivy.

GreyTheLonewolf I don't wanna spoil anything for anyone but does anybody know what was wrong with Ethan? Like towards the end when they were talking. I got a confused like I was supposed to read between the lines but yeah I couldn't.

MischaS_ GreyTheLonewolf wrote: "I don't wanna spoil anything for anyone but does anybody know what was wrong with Ethan? Like towards the end when they were talking. I got a confused like I was supposed to read between the lines ..."

You and me, they were hinting a lot but never really said anything.
I even re-read to make sure that I did not miss something but no. 🤷‍♀️ Don't know what was the point then.
But based on what was said my guess is (view spoiler)
But I dont know for sure.

MischaS_ Antonella wrote: "Thank YOU!! for reading this with me!!"

Thank you so much for holding me through this. And leaving this in 2020

MischaS_ Tiara wrote: "Thank you! thank you! thank you! for such an honest and detailed review.I feel the same in regards to the series, to have the foundation and history of a series destroyed for a new character is jus..."

I honesty feel really bad. I hated Ivy (still do) but the readers being disappointed by Ivy let to this.
Because most of the readers were disappointed vy Ivy, she wanted to just show us someone perfect. And by building Calliope up, everyone else were torn down. Destroyed, so that Calliope would seem that much special. Everything was twisted to the point where it felt like the author was ridiculing her readers by believing we would believe that the rewriting of Everything was planned.

And as you can probably say by my review... I cannot recommend this book at all and I think you were the smart one for giving up on this series befor me this.

MischaS_ Joyous wrote: "lol I gave up on this series two books before or was it even before...anyway, bang on review! I wonder if she used a ghostwriter for Ruthless People¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

So smart of you! Sort of wish I did that.
Me theory is that she's being haunted by how successful Ruthless people were and that with each book she's losing more and more readers. Maybe sje thought that Calliope would gather the same excitement Melody did.
I would not say that she had a ghostwriter since Ruthless people started as a twilight fan fiction... maybe it was that she had more time and less pressure??

MischaS_ Aziadée wrote: "I decided to leave my ugly sentiments about these characters in 2020, where thy deserve to be ... It was the last hooray 2020 served me. I understood that Calliope and Ethan deserved each other ......"

I see that we were not the only one who wanted to leave this book and series in 2020. 😅

Yes. Yes. Yes. To all you said.
agreed that vicious minds should have not been slapped together with the children's series. But that does not solve the issue that the book isnjust bad.
Absolutely, this book/series is just perfect for 2020. I'm so glad I could have left it there.

MischaS_ Sa-Eedah wrote: "She shoulda just kept Ivy alive and developed her character better. He chemistry and romance between her and Ethan were off the charts. In my head, she lived and they stayed and ruled together ruth..."

I mean I disliked Ivy so much. But I would have preferred if she were kept alive and this series was just a trilogy and Calliope never happened. 🤷‍♀️
I wish the author has accepted that people were not loving Ivy as much as they loved Melody. Rather than going on this... whatever it was, just trying to outdo everything and everyone.

MischaS_ Aziadée wrote: "I miss Ivy."

I hated Ivy and I do miss her as well!

MischaS_ preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "I've missed seeing you on here! Happy New Year 🤗🤗"

Oh, thank you so much. That's so sweet of you. Happy new year 🎉 ✨.

MischaS_ Nazneen wrote: "So true. Agree with whatever you have written. I had no expectations but, it was still disappointing. Liam & Mel's epilogue was just eeeeeks! I mean, Liam paralysed and begging Mel to kill him? Why..."

Oh sorry, I managed to miss your comment. 😅
This book was such a disappointment, why were Mel and Liam even dragged into this? I guess it was done to attract their fans to buying this book.
I could understand Ethan being mad at his parents... but it got just so tiresome... if I wanted to read about Ethan missing his mummy I would have read different genra. I mean, where was the action or even the danger in this ine?
As for his loving only Calliope... I don't even see that. 🤷‍♀️
But as you said, at least we all can leave this series now. Yay.

message 21: by Aziadée (new) - added it

Aziadée We loved Ruthless People too much.
And foolishly thought that the kids would live up to the legends themselves. I believe she should have given more time to the kids book and leave it at the first three books, the story was solid and promising, and I’m sure things would have gone ok with Ivy ... but Nope, it just got weirder and weirder with each book 😬😬
Anyways, Im just glad 2020 is over 🙌🏼🙌🏼 let’s move into better things now.
Ps: I’m gonna read the Ruthless People series sooooo many times, just to try and forget the clusterfuck that happens after 😂😂
And Happy New Year Everyone, may you all be safe, health and happy ❤️❤️❤️

message 22: by Lien (new)

Lien For whatever reason I never continuted after Ruthless People but contemplated the spinoff... Guess I can scratch that from my list now too 😂

message 23: by FERVENTREADS (new)

FERVENTREADS I wanted to see some honest reviews about pt 3, I was on the fence on finishing the series off. I loved Mel and Liams book, even the beginning of this series but after awhile everything became so repetitive. Pt 2 was also a huge disappointment for me, everything has been drugged out its tiring. I'm not even sure I would want to read Donna's series. Thank you for the honest review!

Celeste Robledo completely agree with you

Adrianna I admit I really expected Mel to give in to Liam and kill them both in the epilogue. Remember that scene in American Savages when they thought everything was lost and they were ready to shoot each other? Kind of like that. It would’ve been epic in my opinion. I fully expected Liam to die in the mansion and then either Ethan would have mercy on his mother and kill her or Melody would just shoot herself. I was kinda disappointed that they survived. I expected at least one of them to die. Idk I kind of have conflicting feelings about this ending. On one hand it wasn’t so bad, but on the other it wasn’t so bad because I had absolutely no expectations or hopes for this book. I totally agree with your point expressed above that when she was writing Ruthless People there was more time and less pressure and that’s why it turned out so good, but on the other hand if she was afraid of the pressure she shouldn’t have started the series about the children at all. Also agree with the point that by including Liam and Mel the series automatically stopped being about the kids. I do think that Dona’s and Whyatt’s books weren’t so bad, they were at least readable. Hopefully she doesn’t decide to continue the series.

Nazneen @MischaS Exactly. I mean what was the master plan to save Callahan from Calliope's family like Ethan said? Did it even make sense? Also, where did Ivy fit in this? 🤷 Why rescue that poor lady from prison, play with her emotions, make her fall in love with himself & the kill her. I don't see any sense in this. Then, hating your own parents like a kid & sending people to kill them because you are sulking. Not caring how Liam is after he is paralysed. I mean, ofcourse Liam loved Mel too much but, he loved his parents as well. His reaction when Sedric was dead. Here Ethan just looks like Calliope's dog Eeeekkkss

message 27: by Lienele (new) - added it

Lienele Hmmm.. i did not understand what was wrong with Ethan? What did the headaches mean? Did he had some kind of illness?

MischaS_ Lienele wrote: "Hmmm.. i did not understand what was wrong with Ethan? What did the headaches mean? Did he had some kind of illness?"

Yeah, it was not fully explained. Some sort of mental disorder it seemed. My personal guess would be borderline personality disorder. But it's just a guess from what was mentioned. 🤷‍♀️ i know that some people suggested it could be schizophrenia or bipolar. But I do not know enoug to say it's either of those.
It's a real shame that the author just left it so open that readers need to take guesses.

MischaS_ Nazneen wrote: "@MischaS Exactly. I mean what was the master plan to save Callahan from Calliope's family like Ethan said? Did it even make sense? Also, where did Ivy fit in this? 🤷 Why rescue that poor lady from ..."

I actually wondered about Ivy as well. If we pretend that this was planned from the beginning (it was jot, Ivy was meant ro be Ethan's endgame). They say that Ethan got with Ivy to make the Irish loyal to him(if I remember correctly)... but how? Yeah, Irish wife might please them... but the fact that she never was really his legal wife, that the moment she died he just exchanged her for an Italian wife without a second thought... plus ge already has a child with her... I would assume that it would insult the Irish more than anything.
Ethan was always me least favourite... but now, I see him as the one who tore the family apart. It's very hard ro find any understanding for him.

MischaS_ Adrianna wrote: "I admit I really expected Mel to give in to Liam and kill them both in the epilogue. Remember that scene in American Savages when they thought everything was lost and they were ready to shoot each ..."

As I said I believe Mel and Liam's story should have ended with Ruthless people series. They did jot belong to this one.
And yes, I really expected her to give in and then maybe follow shorty after. It really did not sit well with me that she would have him there begging to let him go and she said no.
None of them dying felt very anticlimactic. 🤷‍♀️ like there was this huge tension about who is going to die... and then no one important did?

Thank you, I wondered if anybody felt the same about the author feeling the pressure. I believe that she should have ended the children's series as trilogy... the three more books were not needed and were the point where many readers felt like the author was not being serious with how the 1st book turn out to be a lie and Ethan lied in his thoughts...
I agree, while Wyatt and Helen as a couple still do not sit well with me. I have to say that from these six books, Dona's and Wyatt's books while they had their own issues were the only ones I can say I enjoyed reading.

As for her continuing this series... I really hope that she won't, but for me. I decided to leave this series in 2020, it's where it belongs. And unfortunately I'm also leaving Ruthless people series because this just destroyed that one in my mind as well. Same with if she ever writes Dona's series. I wish the author all the luck but it's a no for me from here.
But hopefully it will be a good thing for the author to get away from the Callahans fans pressure.

Nazneen @MischaS_ totally agree with you about marrying Ivy for Irish support but, it would obviously offend them. Her father was loyal to Liam & Ethan paid by killing his daughter who once saved Ethan & siblings. I agree, Ethan is the one to tear apart the family.
Also, I don't like Wyatt with Helen but, their story was atleast believable. Donna's was believable as well. But, last three books are so... Anyway... Ethan faking thoughts is next level nonsense.

MischaS_ Nazneen wrote: "@MischaS_ totally agree with you about marrying Ivy for Irish support but, it would obviously offend them. Her father was loyal to Liam & Ethan paid by killing his daughter who once saved Ethan & s..."

Thank you 😂 I thought that I was the only one who thought that it made no sense... The way how Ivy's death was treated by Ethan in public and suddenly another Italian took her place; I bet most Irish would just pack and leave.
But then again... since it was added storyline, it was probably hard to find a believable explanation.

Oh really? Yay, I'm not alone. And yes, while I could do with them not being a couple, their book was very much fun to read. What I liked about Dona's book was how different from all the others. In retrospect probably the strongest in the series.
The last three books should have never existed.
"Ethan faking thoughts is next level nonsense." Yeah, it definitely wins a price for the biggest nonsense author thought their readers will believe.

Nazneen @MischaS You are not the only one who thought it to be nonsense. Ivy didn't even get a funeral. Her name was not included in the Callahan family tree introduction. That same tree had even Olivia but not Ivy. Same Ivy who loved Ethan. Thought he loved her & embraced everything for him but was betrayed in worst possible way. She died thinking that asshole loved her. I would be okay if she was just killed by some enemy & later Ethan fell in love with someone else. But, Ethan's so called self acclaimed title "Puppet master" is bulshit. Nobody lies in their own thoughts. That's not mastermind. It's called being Crazy & delusional.
Yes.. I don't like Helen. In first book itself I understood the hint that Wyat and Helen would be the couple and I wished it not to happen. But, it did & it's okay!
Just last three books were fillers, skip worthy pages mostly. Didn't make much sense for me.

Kavya (rushing to catch up on all I've missed) Seriously? Liam and Mel were the only people I liked in this series and this was their ending? Liam paralyzed?
He wants to die? I want to forget children of vice series from my mind. Complete mental erase of those 6 books. Wroom and hopefully disappearing from my mind. Can a person hate a book so intensely that they want to throw the tablet into the wall even though the tablet is just the poor message deliverer? I was one the fans mentioned in the acknowledgement, from India. Turns out I'm not a true fan 'cause I'm dissing the story. No need to waste anymore time on this story. Signing off from this series forever!

GimmeAllTheWerdssss ugh....this whole spin off should have never been done. All she succeeded in doing is making people hate the characters they loved or wanted to love. JJ wanted to be daring but failed. Playing switch a roo as many times as she did just pissed people off. Her refusing to name Ethan's issue and failing to give Mel and Liam a real ending (as much as i love them they should have died....) is just weak. Then to throw in her reactions to negative reviews. Nah, i'm done.

MischaS_ Nazneen wrote: "@MischaS You are not the only one who thought it to be nonsense. Ivy didn't even get a funeral. Her name was not included in the Callahan family tree introduction. That same tree had even Olivia bu..."

Yeah, they behaved like Ivy was trash. The Irish would have loved that for sure. 🤦‍♀️
I have to be honest here, I celebrated when Ivy was killed because I just did not like her at all. (Now knowing what the author did, I'm so sorry for that because Ivy was the lesser of the two evils for me.)
So while I was excited when she was killed off and actually my guess for who did it was Ethan. But I expected the reasoning to make sense. Not the "I lied in my thoughts". There was a way how to make this plot twist good. But book 4 being a huge explanation on what "Actually" happened was not it.
I said it before but this is such a mess that I will repeat myself... if this was the plan, book one would have been only from Ivy's POV. The lying in his thoughts is such a joke.

Yup, so much filler in these three books. If all the nonsense and stuffing were cut off there would not be enough content for two books.

MischaS_ Kavya wrote: "Seriously? Liam and Mel were the only people I liked in this series and this was their ending? Liam paralyzed?
He wants to die? I want to forget children of vice series from my mind. Complete ment..."

Yeah, I loved them so much, and they are completely destroyed. I mean Melody reminded me of Olivia, that's how bad it got. 🤦‍♀️
That's a normal reaction but remember, it's not your tablet's fault.

Oh my, I'm so sorry, it has to feel like such a joke. You're being acknowledged in this book which you do not like. And because you do not like this book the author does not consider you a true fan. It's so sad.
But don't worry about it, being a true fan does not equal liking everything no matter what. That's a cult mentality, not fan mentality.

MischaS_ GimmeAllTheWerdssss wrote: "ugh....this whole spin off should have never been done. All she succeeded in doing is making people hate the characters they loved or wanted to love. JJ wanted to be daring but failed. Playing swit..."

Ehm, can I sign this? Sooo, true. I mean, it probably seemed as a potentially good cash cow. 🤷‍♀️
Yeah, JJ always seemed to present herself like she's pushing so many boundaries... but then I ask why is this ending so soft?
Don't get me started on the switch a roo... it's more like a failed damage control.
Yeah, the Ethan thing annoyed me.
But like Mel and Liam did not need another ending, they had a one in their series. they were not supposed to be dragged into this. 🤷‍♀️

Oh, is she again sharing screenshots in her FB group?

Nazneen @MischaS_ Exactly. If it were the plan from the beginning there should have been only Ivy's pov. All stupid justification.
Also, if you don't like her books, she doesn't consider you a fan. To be honest, the author can't take criticism.
I understand if someone is being abusive towards her, then her reaction is justified. But, if fans don't like her books & say it, she just can't take it. She can't believe, how anyone cannot like it🤷

GimmeAllTheWerdssss MischaS_ wrote: "GimmeAllTheWerdssss wrote: "ugh....this whole spin off should have never been done. All she succeeded in doing is making people hate the characters they loved or wanted to love. JJ wanted to be dar..."

Oh yes she is and she even posted some comments from this thread so you are now enemy number 1! 😜

If she’s going to be so butt hurt over people not liking her stories then she shouldn’t be an author. Criticism is a part of it and either you learn from it or you die from it.

Alexandra Can someone explain to me what this “disorder” Ethan had?? Like it was mentioned in the second to last chapter and I feel If this DISORDER was explained earlier it would have shaped his character better. So what is it??? Is he bipolar? Multiple personality? Schizophrenic ?? Like what??? When Mel and Liam “died” i was devastated. The author should have done an epilogue after that showing they were actually alive and living life but no that didn’t happen. I enjoyed the children’s books but Ivy did not deserve that. Calliope did not have to actually exist (while i actually did like her) - I’m just so disappointed that we find out about this huge twist about Calliope only for her to kill anyone who hurt her??? How is that even fair to the character. And then Liam is paralyzed?? I would have been happier if Liam and Mel took bullets for Ethan and actually died in an honorable way.

Alexandra Finally thought: this book felt that i was talked to - the characters basically explaining the plot to us instead of us figuring it out and being mind blown. The last 3 books should be re-written in all fairness. There’s a lot there and could be better. But whatever

GimmeAllTheWerdssss @Alexandra...thats the thing. His "disorder" was never really named. It was just made up to make all of his actions make sense and to make us believe that he was in control and knew what he was doing the whole time.

MischaS_ Nazneen wrote: "@MischaS_ Exactly. If it were the plan from the beginning there should have been only Ivy's pov. All stupid justification.
Also, if you don't like her books, she doesn't consider you a fan. To be ..."

Yup, in no universe the explanation made any kind of sense...
I mean I feel like she's not looking for readers/fans because you know even if you are a fan of someone or their work, there still can be a book you think is absolutely terrible and you cannot believe the same author wrote it. Seems to me that with the mentality "you are only a true fan when you love everything I come up with and you do not dare to criticise nor question anything" she's looking for cult members. 🤷‍♀️

I mean, I do not agree with anyone attacking/swearing at her. But it seems like she just cannot accept any negative reviews. 🤷‍♀️ Sorry, did not like the book, not gonna lie about it.

MischaS_ GimmeAllTheWerdssss wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "GimmeAllTheWerdssss wrote: "ugh....this whole spin off should have never been done. All she succeeded in doing is making people hate the characters they loved or wanted to love. JJ..."

What? Really? 😂 And now I'm so sad that I left both of her groups. 😔 This is something I would like to see. 😂
I think I should have just muted her groups instead of leaving... But I was just done with her sharing negative reviews/comments and waiting for the people there to tell her how right she is. And then the whole "You cannot judge the second book if the third is not out yet" started and that was just laughable. 😂

I mean yeah, some reviews are harsh but then Goodreads is not for the authors. But yeah, no matter how good of an author you are someone is going to dislike your work.

Nazneen @MischaS_ I agree. People shouldn't be abusive or disrespect her. But, they can give their criticism in a polite way as well. But, I guess, even normal criticism is also not welcomed. Anyway...what is disorder thing? Just saw conversations related to his disorder 🤔

MischaS_ Nazneen wrote: "@MischaS_ I agree. People shouldn't be abusive or disrespect her. But, they can give their criticism in a polite way as well. But, I guess, even normal criticism is also not welcomed. Anyway...what..."

I mean... I absolutely agree that it's not okay attacking her but stating that this was a bad book in your opinion and that it destroyed the characters is fair.

In one of the last chapters, Calliope said that Ethan's headaches are not headaches but instead a manifest of some disorder. And said that there are some more symptoms and how it manifests. But it was not really said what the disorder is. So, people are speculating, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar are those I saw being mentioned. I personally thing that the first fits the best but I have no idea. 🤷‍♀️
Just one more thing being opened with no answer.

Nazneen @MischaS_ Now, this is why he behaves this way? I can't believe. Because, even if he has some disorder, he cannot say that he planned everything. Nobody says that they lied in their own thoughts.
This is way above my head

MischaS_ Alexandra wrote: "Can someone explain to me what this “disorder” Ethan had?? Like it was mentioned in the second to last chapter and I feel If this DISORDER was explained earlier it would have shaped his character b..."

Alexandra wrote: "Can someone explain to me what this “disorder” Ethan had?? Like it was mentioned in the second to last chapter and I feel If this DISORDER was explained earlier it would have shaped his character b..."

Hi, yeah basically what GimmeAllTheWerdssss.

It was just thrown in there at the end of the book and no one knows for sure. And we can only take guesses. borderline personality disorder seems to be a popular guess but it's just that a guess.

I'm just at lost for words, I mean I technically like Calliope, or at least I liked her in the fourth book. But I hate what she brought to the story plus the whole spin on how great she is. It was just nah. Next.
As for Liam and Mel, I'm just done. The worst. The y should have never been a part of this series. They had theirs. No need to drag them into this.

MischaS_ Alexandra wrote: "Finally thought: this book felt that i was talked to - the characters basically explaining the plot to us instead of us figuring it out and being mind blown. The last 3 books should be re-written i..."

Oh, I thought that I said that in my review as well... but either I forgot to write it down or I'm just not seeing it.
YES, great point. it was a lot of talking like they were saying what supposedly happened but not really showing it.
My personal opinion is that the last three books should not exist. 🤷‍♀️

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