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Children of Vice #6

Vicious Minds: Part 3

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I know you hate me.
I’ve ruined the family, you say?
I’ve led Ethan astray?
You say that it’s all my fault.
Haven’t you learned by now that the weak are eaten by the strong?
Only the most ruthless, the most vicious, can stand at the top.
Whatever comes…just know, they deserved it.
I told you to bow, didn’t I?
It is my time now.
With love,
Mrs. Callahan

Hate You? Little girl, you are not worthy of my hate.
Ruined my family? Don’t make me laugh.
Hundreds have tried before you and failed.
Hundreds will try after you and fail again,
Because no matter what, we are strong.
You preach about being ruthless or vicious—
I am those words personified.
The only bowing will be from you to me.
Prepare yourself, Mrs. Callahan.

The real Mrs. Callahan is coming.

312 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 30, 2020

About the author

J.J. McAvoy

34 books5,540 followers
I’m a twenty-year-old something born in Montreal, Canada but currently living in Virginia for school. I would tell you want my major is however after two years I still have no idea what I’m doing.

So I’m a writer (duh that’s how you found me), movie enthusiast, and self-proclaimed chef. I love music even though I can’t sing or dance to save my life. (That doesn’t necessarily stop me but you’ve been warned.)

I started Ruthless People the summer of 2013 in hopes of giving myself a new type of love and crime drama. I never knew so many people thought like me! I feel truly blessed to have fans like you all! Writing is my true love and having you all enjoy my words is a dream come true.

I'm on

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Profile Image for MischaS_.
785 reviews1,422 followers
January 18, 2021
Look who's back just in time to make this my last book of 2020. And how fitting is that? (Side note, thank you, everyone, for your kind messages regarding why I was MIA here. I'm well and healthy as one can be at this time. However, GR became somewhat a toxic environment for me in the last couple of months and I just needed a break. I will go more into detail in my review of 2020. But I just wanted to say thank you.)

So, this was a buddy-read with the amazing Antonella, thankfully she supported me through this. And thanks to her I managed to leave this book in 2020 because that's exactly where it belongs to.

After the last book was such a great disappointment to me, I had zero expectations for this book. I just wanted to finish this series. (Since once again it was promised that this would be the last book and thankfully that seems to be the truth for once.)
I'm going to be brief, I don't want to waste much time here. Plus, I wasted all of my patience on the previous books.

So, here are my feelings, opinions and things that came to my mind while reading. (Again, I repeat my personal opinions and feelings which means this review is subjective to me.)

Oh, so we are flipping the script again? What a surprise! Not. Suddenly Calliope is the poor little victim who is so hurt but she's trying to save everyone. You see, she is such a good girl. So smart, selfless but no one gets it how much she gives! Because no one apparently gets anything in these books. Just Calliope and Ethan, only them.
And Ethan is the string master and he knew everything, he pieced everything together. And certainly, no one is being bothered by how Calliope was humiliating him in the past book? What A strong boss.

And suddenly every single character besides those two does not have a single brain cell left to share between all of them. I have to say that whatever I felt about any of the characters in the previous books is gone. They are all bad, stupid and just pathetic. Wyatt, Helen, Nari, Sedric, Darcy, Neil, Evelyn just everyone and yes that includes Mel and Liam.

Let me tell you, by including them this series stopped being about the children. It just meant that there was no story for the children to be strong enough to carry without the parents there. And yes, even Mel and Liam are completely lost to me. Their own series became unreadable to me. Because I'm sorry but Mel was just such a brat that I had a very vivid flashback to Olivia.

And when I'm talking about people not having a single brain cell that includes the villains in this book. Because... what did they do?
The biggest ace in their sleeve, the meanest meanie did what?

Which brings me to another thing, what really happened in this book? Not much, a lot of talking. Some people died for the show of it. And nothing.
I was bored out of my mind, it was dragging so much! It was just an eye-roll fest, nothing to be excited about, not even angry! I just kept eyeing the progress bar and hoping that it would move faster.
And again, with so many flashbacks... or should I say rather rewriting what was said in the previous books?

Also, back to the characters. I feel like if you were to take each of the books in the children series and change the names of each character in each book (Meaning, because I know I'm making zero sense, that Ethan would be Ethan in book 1. Marc in book 2. Joseph in book 3 and so on. Calliope in book 4, Martha in book 5, Jessica in book 6 etc.) they would rather like completely different characters. There is no continuity in them.

Okay, these two spoilers are regarding the deaths in this book. The first one is more general, more just my feeling about how deaths were handled in this book. No name is dropped but by reading the spoiler you may get a slight idea about who lives and who does not. The second spoiler is a real spoiler with a name in it, so, beware.

So, overall, a book I had no expectations for managed to disappoint me by how bad it was. However, I'm glad that I can leave this series in 2020. It's finally done and I do not have to drop it and then wonder what if the author managed to come up with something decent. (She did not if you are wondering.) A couple of years ago this author was one of my favourites which was the reason why I kept giving her chances. But honestly, it's time to let it go.

Oh, and almost forgot the book was again very poorly edited, a lot of typos/missing words. Which is kind of the norm with these books but since it was dragging so much, I tended to notice more.

Anyway, this is more of a rant just after finishing reading this book (just to finish review before midnight, am I the book Cinderella?), so, I might change/add some things later. Sorry, if I make zero sense, it was done in a rush!
Profile Image for Hati.
4 reviews2 followers
December 30, 2020
Why destroy the ruthless series for us why ???
Why show us liam like this why???
Profile Image for Abstract ♥ Books.
1,234 reviews1,693 followers
January 30, 2022
My Website - https://abstractbooks.wixsite.com/web...


I have read a lot of books and I have only rated 2 of them as a 1 star rating , But this time I just couldn't resist. I am not one to bash an author and I would never disrespect her like that , So I am going to be as polite as possible.

When I first read this series , I was so shocked. I mean I loved it!! Even when That Ivy Twist came , I still survived because even I could admit that it was one hell of a twist. Still I Kept reading because I genuinely wanted to know what will happen next. But my patience broke when VM2 came and the author completely messed up in that. Firstly , That book was supposed to be the second book and IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE CONCLUSION , so imagine my surprise when it was a cliffhanger. ALRIGHT....
I survived that too... Barely. That book was NOT GOOD. It was Not good at all. Th way the characters behaved was completely opposite to what they were supposed to do. It was like there was a personality switch and I was so confused. Calliope was an ABSOLUTE BITCH and Ethan was the WEAKEST HERO I have ever read. To say I was pissed was an understatement.

Still I picked this book. I had lost all hope from this series and The only reason I picked this book was because I wanted to see a decent ending for these characters , I wanted to know what would happen and why the characters behaved the way they did in VM2. But man , I am SUPREMELY DISAPPOINTED. I wanted answers and yes I got them but they DON'T MAKE SENSE!!!!!

Calliope is suddenly the nice person because she killed Coraline because "coraline" was the most suitable character for her killing spree. Ethan is okay because he would do anything for his kingdom. We will talk about Ethan "THE MASTERMIND" later. I have lots to say about him. Now everyone is one Calliope's side and sympathising with how bad she HAD????????????
woow. Calliope and Ethan have this big plan to destroy her side of the family and were always using Liam and Melody to DO THAT....

Now let's talk about Ethan. I will admit that his way of thinking was very surprising to me in the starting. The way he made plans and executed them was just amazing to me . But the way he made those plans in this book WAS DOWNRIGHT UNATTRACTIVE TO ME. He didn't care who he was using to achieve his target , he let his wife get shot. The one he said he would always be with. I HATE ETHAN . I HAVE NEVER LOATHED A CHARACTER AS MUCH AS I HATE ETHAN. Trust me , i would have partied of he had died somewhere. He was one of the most selfish characters that I have ever read and there was no way he deserved the kingdom . He was always crying about how NO ONE TRUSTED HIM . But listen to me you bitch , you never tell anyone about your plans and then expect everyone to follow you blindly??? YOU KILL ONE OF THE MAIN FAMILY MEMBERS AND THEN EXPECT PEOPLE TO NOT AVENGE HER????????????????? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU????????????? and your wife is included in this bullshit too. A woman who no one knows , a woman who nearly poisoned and shot darts at your family when she saw them for the first time is the one you want them to trust?? and then you end up using her at the end too. and what does she do???????

I expected Calliope to take revenge from Ethan when he tricked her too , but noooooooooo , she rolled over like a little bitch and let him do whatever he wanted, THAT IS NOT RIGHT. Here you are , crying for people to obey you because you are so intelligent and the perfect QUEEN. But let me tell you , you are not!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ughhh. Now let's talk about the ending. THIS IS MY PERSONAL WARNING TO YOU , IF YOU ENJOYED LIAM AND MELODY'S BOOKS , DO NOT , I REPEAT , DO NOT BY ANY MEANS , READ THE CHILDREN'S BOOKS. Your whole perception of that series will be destroyed.

I WISH I NEVER READ THIS SERIES!!! After so much pain and games , I know it was a fat chance that we would get a happy ending for all the characters , BUT I HOPED!! and what did this author do??????? I have never regretted reading a series as much as I have regretted reading this one. We get half-assed answered and an absolute shitty ending that by no means made sense to me.

I am repeating it again if you guys didn't get it , DO NOT READ THIS SERIES IF YOU LOVED LIAM AND MELODY'S BOOK.
Profile Image for Aziadée.
78 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2021
I’ve posted this on my review of the last book, but I’ll post it here too, because it only seems fitting, seeing as these rules were annihilated totally and royally :
Some things to remember.


1. You kill for family. You die for family because you can’t trust anyone else. »

14. Be ruthless people to outsiders who know who we truly are. Be generous to those who don’t. And be the heart, soul and mind to the family.
15. If family ever betrays family, show no mercy, no forgiveness, and put them in the earth. »

« 26. Never forget where we came from and how much we sacrificed to get here.  (A little louder for the people in the back, Ethan your grandpa died for you, don’t be a disgrace!!!)

« 46. Family is family even when you wished they weren’t. »

« 50. We are Callahans, if anyone ever disrespects us, don’t just end them, end everything they have ever cared about both past and present. Make them the example as to what happens when you fuck with the wrong family. »

I’ll probably edit this review many times because I can come here and rant about this series and you can’t judge me !

Sad, I am so very sad. Sooooo so sad. I love love, of all kinds. And what I love most are happy endings. This to me didn’t have a happy ending, BUT STILL, I think it was the best ending they could get. Even if the ending was terrible for a special someone, and I feel like he deserves better, not being greedy or anything, I just wanted more for them. All in all, I’m sad, because it’s the end of something and it wasn’t always good (for my part, I tend to get attached to characters and this family was rooted in my soul). I honestly didn’t like the Vicious minds series, not because it was badly written, but because the story wasn’t the one I wanted. And I think that have I read the vicious minds as a series alone it would have been an epic ride, I would have been sad for some of the characters but, I would have felt in love with Calliope and Ethan... even if in this book, I kind of like them more and understand more of their dynamic.
I just wish that there wasn’t the first book with Ivy (Yes ! I’m still talking about her, I Loved Ivy 😭😭) I sincerely think that my previous reviews about the books, would have been different 😂😂.

Sooooo many family members got lost on this journey, and it’s this upsetting because JJ wrote her characters to major us fall in love with them and we did, I loved these imaginary people and I hurt for them. Tu it’s a book, a story that was written, a tale of power and dominance, and there was love in it too...
as I said, I love Happy Endings, and I wished for this one final book to make us feel better.

All of this to say that, it’s a final (i just want a hea guys 😭😭😭) goodbye to the Callahan, I wish there was a different ending for my favourite couple, but that’s the beautiful thing about books, we get to imagine an alternative ending, and in my head my King and Queen are having a different life ( I do NOT like this ending, my poor Liam) 🖤. He really didn’t deserve the ending he got.
I HATE that ending (but at least they’re not dead).

Let me know what you thought of the book !!!


Guys. It’s out and I’m SAD. My god. Final read ?? Do I read it ?? I am not happy.

We’ve got a DATE (December 30th) *im not ready, it’s 2020 nothing has been right this year and we’ll finish it with this release...* !!! And a cover reveal!! Yay !
It’s going full circle. And just to say, the author said in her IG stories that it was no coincidence that the cover were like this... 👀
So yeah, the teasing has started and it’s really frightening. But let’s stay positive and hope for the best. *silently praying for Melody to eviscerate a certain someone 🩸*

I’ll put this here for the future me that’s gonna review the book. Let Ivy come back. I want her back.
Im putting this here now, so I don’t forget what I’m feeling, but most importantly I want to have this as reference for when the book comes.

I’m still so mad. Really pissed off. But I really want to know the conclusion. And I’m hoping that we’ll have something worth all what I’m still feeling right now. I mean, if a books makes you feel so strongly It must mean something right ? We tend to let our feelings speak for us, and we sometimes need some time to really understand things. I do not agree with everything that came after Children of Vice1, I’m very mad with the Vicious Minds books, because they feel totally different from where the story started (even the covers for the books are different) so I’m a bit lost with all that happened and not very happy.
But I want to trust (foolishly maybe) that the las last LAST book will bring us answers. And maybe, we’ll be satisfied with it.

Part 3 we’re waiting for you.
Profile Image for 🤍.
10 reviews2 followers
July 10, 2022
I think this series should have ended after American Savages. After it almost every book was so bad.

I hated this book so much.
and for me all story about Callahans ended with ruthless people series.

p.s. I’ve never hated any character as much as I hated Calliope
December 31, 2020
I’ve never left a review on goodreads in all my years of using it, but I felt I had to here. I binged it and immediately regretted it. This series truly ruined everything that was so great about the first series. Ethan and calliope are insufferable and while the ending wraps everything up, it’s an extremely bleak ending for the callahans and I truly don’t think Ethan has what it takes to rebuild the family to what it was. Maybe you all will have a better outlook on it
Profile Image for FMj.
16 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2021
Why why why???????Not that my expectations were any high going into this book but..ugh makes me regret investing so much of my time ever into reading this series in the first place. God I hate Ethan and calliope so much, there are no words to describe it, I only like Wyatt and helen in this series but ofc the author had to destroy all their brain cells to show how great Ethan is. And showing THE Liam and Melody in such a way is so disrespectful and pathetic for this series. I'm going to go back to pretending these characters ended in ruthless people series and I don't think I ever want to read Donna's book now if it comes out. I need to bleach my brain after this.
Profile Image for MAR.
97 reviews5 followers
January 6, 2021
What a disappointment!

IF YOU LOVE MEL AND LIAM DON’t read the spin-off!!

Profile Image for Nazneen.
394 reviews15 followers
December 31, 2020
What a waste of time. Even though, I knew, I am not going to like this part as well like the previous ones, this went down to a lower level. It was dragging, boring & not much sense for me. Suddenly, Calliope was a caring saint you was just protecting Callahan family & Liam, Mel were also proved wrong. Eeeeks!! Ethan is also a waste of time. I just hate him. Nothing made sense. I can talk and rant of many infinite things. But, I don't have the patience. Finally, the epilogue was the worst. Really? Liam having paralysis and begging Mel to kill him. But, Mel never doing it. Really? Gosh!! How will I ever re read Ruthless without thinking that Liam & Mel are going to end up like this.
Gosh!!! I should never have read Children's series. I regret reading those books & messing my mind.
Glad it's the last one & hope no books are made of Callahans to ruin it more.
Bye bye to this messed up series...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Florence Sekibo.
1 review2 followers
October 12, 2020
I am so mad right now if ivy and Ethan are not getting back together then the story is incomplete but if it turns out that ivy is really dead and it's not an elaborate plan by Ethan to keep her out of the public 's eyes because she is pregnant then him and calliope better be dead by his parents hands
Profile Image for Şeyda.
505 reviews52 followers
January 11, 2021
What a pathetic ending to the series.
Half of Ethan’s sentences are how stupid his family are and the other half is how he is annoyed. Ethan and Calli constantly belittle everyone around them behave questionably and get mad when people question them BECAUSE THAT MAKES SENSE.
This was hard to read. Im just glad it’s over and it’s over for real this time.
And can I just say what a bad epilogue. God!

Reviwe I left before reading:

I am leaving this here to remind me (hopefully i can forget) how furious i am over the ending!!
I will be cheering for Ethan and Calli to die if they kill his parents and burn down the family business! Actually scratch that. I will be cheering for their death anyway!! God I hate those two snobs!
Profile Image for Lin Lyn.
88 reviews2 followers
December 11, 2020
Wtf?! Not again. But hey dear author if you want to destroy the good and kick-ass Ruthless People series then by all means kill all of them now.
Profile Image for ~christine~.
26 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2021
The ending was just so depressing and bittersweet (but mostly bitter). Liam and Melody were one of my all-time favorite characters and I absolutely loved their story in the original series and after reading this book, I wished the author didn't continue the story with their children. She completely destroyed everything and for what? Everything that happened in the last couple of chapters didn't need to happen. Seeing everything wrap up for Ethan and Calliope at the end just didn't make all the horrible things that happened to everyone else worth it. What happened with Liam was very cruel and completely unnecessary. I guess I'm just really upset and was hoping for a more happy ending, especially for the characters I've loved from the beginning. Maybe others will have a different perspective. Honestly, I would recommend people only read the Ruthless People series and completely forget about this one.
Profile Image for f.
236 reviews
December 30, 2020
worst book ever.. so thankful this series is over and done with and will never read another book by this author.
Profile Image for GimmeAllTheWerdssss.
593 reviews241 followers
January 4, 2021
Man..I'm glad this series is over. Seeing the authors reactions to negative reviews of this series makes me glad that this is the only series of hers I tried, and in all honesty the only reason I read this was because Bloody Melody is one of my all time fave heroines. I had high expectations for the kids - and thats my fault - but with parents like Mel and Liam they should have been AWESOME! However, what I got was a hot mess. I got the lead of the family with a personality disorder, the middle child married to his cousin, and a disappearing daughter. Flat out...she ruined them!

The author wasn't brave enough to really name the issues with Ethan. I'm leaning toward her not naming it because SHE DOESN'T REALLY KNOW! Its a convenient excuse for book 1 of this spin off - "he wasn't himself". Excuse me while I say WTF? That is not an explanation! She have him the personality disorder because she got horrible reviews and very few people liked the heroine therefore...boom! He wasn't himself when he married her or when the author devoted a whole frigging book to them!! That just washes it all away :-\

Wyatt's book was ruined as she thought she would be daring and pair him up with his cousin - granted they're not blood related but really? That's what you decide to do? Dona...she had potential. She had a lot of Mel's personality but she was conveniently shipped off and became a princess with the promise of a set of books devoted to her BUT due people being mean the author has decided to not write it because her feelings are hurt.

This book attempts to right all of Ethan and Cali's wrongs but only ruins the characters that people wanted to love. All of Ethan's mistakes and book one are explained away due to some "personality disorder" that Cali fixes with drugs, Cali has been on the family's side the whole time because she really hated her own so just overlook when it appeared she sold them out, despite what you were told all three kids know that Liam and Mel are alive, and instead of giving the few loyal readers she still has for this series the author refused to really end the book. Ultimately...this spin off shouldn't have been done.
Profile Image for Katie.
701 reviews19 followers
April 27, 2021
3.5 stars

This book got better in the second half. Once the readers and everyone else was in on the game.

Before that, everyone was blind but expected to roll with the punches and not kick up a fuss. It was such an unreasonable expectation of both Calli and Ethan and they kept being upset and frustrated with the family for not seeing the bigger picture-with hardly any of the pieces.

Once we were all in on the final play though-it got better. Still some messiness that was cleared up a little too uneventfully.

And that epilogue. I haven’t read the first series but think it would have struggled more with that epilogue and the way Mel and Liam have acted in these books if I had.

Overall-solid writing though. Some more editing required.

I do like a h who is strong and Calliope is definitely that. I feel, as a reader, I got to know her much better than Ethan.
Profile Image for Celeste Robledo.
48 reviews1 follower
January 2, 2021
Where do I start this? Is what I just read true?


The author again wanted to make us love Ethan and Calliope and she turned the story around, where had she seen it before? I do not understand why he gives us a book for each character if in the end it turns out that they are all idiots and a nuisance for the great Ethan and Calliope, I repeat what I told them from the previous book, the two of them do not care about the family no matter how much they want us to believe they do. Wyatt was acting like a fool, his doctor title was a decoration, Helen wasn't the genius she was supposed to be in the previous books, and the other characters shouldn't even exist if they were so annoying and stupid.
The explanation she gave for Cora's death made no sense to me, cancer returns after twenty years and has no salvation, if that's convenient.
Mel and Liam were devastated and with that horrible epilogue I have no words. They were the best team, the smartest and it turns out that now they can be used as toys, please!
The plan was silly, their reasons were stupid, the villains they were supposed to do, until the end they had no relevance, it was as if the author focused more on making us love her beloved Calliope than on creating a good story. I really hope this is the last book and that you don't even think about doing another on Ethan's kids that would be the last straw.
I don't expect anything anymore, but I'll read Dona's book to see how I develop it or like it or screw it up like all the "stupid" ones in Callahan.
Profile Image for Friday Night.
14 reviews1 follower
January 1, 2021
Read the epilouge first, you know what... i pretened that this series didn't happened like 2020!
Profile Image for Roxana.
232 reviews20 followers
December 31, 2020
My last 2020 read. Awful year and awful ending to this series.It's still fuck Calliope and Ethan (same as in part 2) I don't care about their past.They are despicable and don't deserve shit. LIAM was my favorite character and he got the worst ending so yeah .. 1.5 stars it is

Profile Image for Marcella.
876 reviews33 followers
January 1, 2021
You know what...for a bit there I was eating my words from my last review. I was starting to actually accept Ethan and Calliope as the new heads of the Callahan family and maybe even like them.

50% in and I understood their motives and the grand scheme which was hidden from book one of this spin off. 80% and I was ready to let go of Mel and Liam with a relieved sigh knowing the family had strong heads to lead them now.

Then the epilogue happened. I'll get to that shit later.

Now despite me being able to sort or kind of accept Calliope and Ethan...the fact these feelings came not just in the LAST book of a 6 book series, but in the last 20% of the LAST book of the 6 book series...is not enough for me.

Oh us mortal idiots now understand Ethan and Calliope did this all for the family. They are such genius out of this world heroes who we will never understand. Let me just bend my myself over for a good ole whipping for not being a mind reader. Jesus.

Ethan being a little bitch and going on about the family betraying him, the family not trusting him, the family going behind his back blahblahblah. Well bitch who tf wouldn't AFTER EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED. Was everyone supposed to just move on and ACCEPT the fact that your wife, who no one likes or trusts or even knows shit about, KILLED CORALINE!? Idgaf if she was already on death's door with her cancer, Calliope still killed her! That would be hard for anyone to accept let alone just to keep blindly trusting and following.

I hate how Ethan acted like the wounded party in this and how everyone else aside from Ethan and his little perfect know it all family (Calliope and Gigi) were just idiotic. Oh how the Callahan family have fallen and become a joke.

Let's just kill of the OG crew because it's now the time for this next generation of expert planners and their family of idiots.

Was this book all bad? No. I said I was actually starting to accept Calliope and Ethan and that was true. Despite it feeling like it was too little too late, the family will survive. I loved seeing Declan come out of his depression and grief and the family banding together in a critical time. That was great.

But in the end we lose Neal who sacrifices himself for Gigi. We lose Evelyn which broke my heart. Nari betrays the family and is banished. Killian/Darcy still has hate in his heart towards Ethan and Calliope. Dona came back for two seconds. Everyone else lives on fine.

But the fucking icing on top of this fucking shitfest spin off? JJ in the end doesnt kill off Mel and Liam. Death would've been so much more relieving and gave a full circle to these absolutely amazing characters. The characters that tbh are the reason she gets any attention at all. And what does she do?
She has it that Liam get a head injury which paralyzes his body from the neck down. And he spends every goddamn day begging Mel to end his life. Mel cant do it. So they're stuck in this horrible cycle day in and day out. That is how JJ ended it for our favorite characters. And I feel she did that to spite us all for not loving her precious Ethan and Calliope. Well fuck you. This spin off was a mess! Book one of Ethan was a waste of time and can be classed as a whole novel with Ethan and his side piece. Book 2 and 3 with the real story of Ethan and Calliope I spent hating both of them to heaven hell and back and not understanding one bit of what was happening. Last book was the cherry on top of the shit pile, where I now understand and wish it all never happened in the first place.

I'm sure there were other ways JJ could've ruined her OG characters but she went and picked the worst.

This isnt supposed to be a happy ending? This is the harsh reality of the mafia life or some bullshit? If I wanted to read about reality I'd read the newspaper. It's good to know I can just close my mind to this series, delete the books, and stick with Ruthless People.

Waste of money. Waste of time. This spin off never happened for me.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mampi.
60 reviews15 followers
November 15, 2020
Don't care at all.If Ethan doesn't pay for what he has done and gets to become the head of the empire again,there is no point.
Profile Image for Alina.
395 reviews73 followers
December 30, 2020
I just want to bawl out crying after reading this.
So much happened and yet it felt like not enough.
The things I worried about did not come close to the actuality of the story.
All I can say is I feel bad for the Callahans.
A family entertaining to read about but should never exist or people I do not want to ever meet.
I want to cry for this family but I think I can put this family to rest in my head and wish them good luck.
A beautiful end to the Callahans.
I weirdly do not want to read about Donna any time soon
December 30, 2020
Speechless. Completely speechless. The best ending and the greatest plot twist and the whole series. Just made me want to reread it again and again and I haven't gotten my fill out of it. Best work ever J.J McAvoy. Love the book a helluva lot and worth the wait.
2 reviews
Want to read
November 23, 2020
I'm really waiting for this book because I was so disappointed with the last book. If Ethan is really going against his family, the whole series makes no sense to me. Wasn't it all about family and loyalty before? I still haven't decided whether a book is only good as long as you like the context, or is it also a good book when you don't like it, but you're upset and want a better ending? Anyway, I hope November 30 is the right release date, because I need to know what JJ McAvoy makes of all this.s
Displaying 1 - 30 of 213 reviews

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