Brett C's Reviews > The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: ww2

This was a superb account of Nazi Germany! William Shirer was a journalist/foreign correspondent during his time in Germany from 1934 to 1940. He wrote the book based on his first-hand reporting, extensive document research, and multiple and reliable third-party evidence. The writing was clear and very thorough but not oversaturated with details to become boring. Shirer did a fine job on the narrative because it was linear and logical as to eliminate confusion.
The First Reich was the medieval Holy Roman Empire; the Second Reich had been which was formed by Bismarck in 1871 after Prussia's defeat of France. Both added glory to the German name. The Weimar Republic, as Nazi propaganda had it, had dragged that fair name in the mud. The Third Reich restored it, just as Hitler had promised. pgs. 90-1

Shirer presented a clear picture on the rise of Hitler, and his philosophy, the rise of the Nationalist Socialist Party, the Nazification of Germany, life in the Third Reich, the gradual increase of a totalitarian state, the escalation to war, both Western and Eastern Fronts, the loss of momentum towards the end, and the inevitable destruction of the Nazi regime.

I have read many WW2 and Nazi Germany books; this one should be considered the cornerstone of the entire history from that time period. I would recommend it to anyone who wants the complete story of Nazi Germany from its creation to demise. Thanks!
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December 4, 2020 – Shelved
December 4, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
June 6, 2021 – Started Reading
June 6, 2021 – Shelved as: ww2
June 6, 2021 –
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page 279
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June 17, 2021 –
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June 18, 2021 –
page 995
June 18, 2021 –
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June 19, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by Tim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tim Fantastic review! The “life in the 3rd Reich” part was particularly surreal to read. During the pre-war period, he was there and saw it all unfold! Amazing reporting.

Jill Hutchinson Spot on, Brett C. As Tim said in his comment, Shirer was an eyewitness to the rise of the Nazis and his narrative flows so smoothly that the1,200 pages just fly by. A true classic indeed.

Brett C Tim wrote: "Fantastic review! The “life in the 3rd Reich” part was particularly surreal to read. During the pre-war period, he was there and saw it all unfold! Amazing reporting."

Thanks, Tim!! I don't think something like this could have been written from the outside. Terrific writing in my opinion!

Brett C Jill wrote: "Spot on, Brett C. As Tim said in his comment, Shirer was an eyewitness to the rise of the Nazis and his narrative flows so smoothly that the1,200 pages just fly by. A true classic indeed."

Thanks, Jill!! This was a pleasure to read. I may read it again like you did; I'm sure I'll learn something new!

Dmitri Great book and review!

Brett C Dmitri wrote: "Great book and review!"

A classic! Thanks, Dmitri!

message 7: by Sud666 (new)

Sud666 Glad you enjoyed this classic!

Brett C Sud666 wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this classic!"

I did, Sud666! I'll read it again!

message 9: by Sud666 (new)

Sud666 Brett wrote: "Sud666 wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this classic!"

I did, Sud666! I'll read it again!"

When I taught a WWII course I used that book as one of the required readings. Well worth it.

message 10: by Book2Dragon (new) - added it

Book2Dragon Gerald N. Lund's Fire and Steel series is an excellent fictional overview of the same. Also The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.

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