MischaS_'s Reviews > Ruthless King

Ruthless King by Meghan March
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So, I recently re-read the Dirty series and it made me think about trying another book by Meghan March and this was the first the Internet algorithm sent my way.

And I have to say that I'm rather disappointed.

There was a lot of similarities between the two series, to the point that I'm wondering if the author has a certain "template" a certain setting which she uses.

However, what I missed the most about this one was the easy readability the Dirty series possesses. I found it hard to connect with the main characters. Especially, Keira, she was seriously bordering on the unlikeable line. (Side note: I hated the nickname Ke-ke and I cringed every time I saw it.)
And maybe a bit ironical but I felt like Mount lacked a certain presence about himself on the page. Which is funny since he was supposedly portraited as a huge alpha male.
But still, I found him more tolerable than Keira. He's definitely an interesting character and I would be interested in knowing more about his past. However, if that comes at the price of Keira being there as well I think that I will rather pass on that.
Plus, the terms of their relationship really make me uncomfortable.

The cliffhanger/twisted at the end was rather unexpected even though it is a bit of cliché.

While there might be some things which I would like to know more about... I do not find this series worth continuing.
So, anybody knows good spoiler-filled reviews for book two and three?
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October 20, 2020 – Shelved
October 22, 2020 – Started Reading
October 23, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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✘✘ ~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ Sorry this wasn't a bit better of a story for you L💕ve. Wonderful review

MischaS_ ❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "Sorry this wasn't a bit better of a story for you L💕ve. Wonderful review"

Oh, so nice of you, thank you so much.

✘✘ ~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ MischaS_ wrote: "❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "Sorry this wasn't a bit better of a story for you L💕ve. Wonderful review"

Oh, so nice of you, thank you so much."

❥ It's truly my Pleasure L💕ve ツ

MischaS_ ❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "Sorry this wasn't a bit better of a story for you L💕ve. Wonderful review"

Oh, so nice of you, thank you so much."

❥ It's truly my Pleasure L💕ve ツ"

😍 Aww, thank you. When I've been saying that I need more positive people in my life, this is what I meant not that 2020 kind of positive.

Lien Aw sorry this didn't work out for you! Looking at my ratings I really enjoyed this trilogy although I can barely remember anything 😂
Did you find some spoiler-filled reviews?

message 6: by Holly (new)

Holly That's disappointing. I read the Savage trilogy by this author and Mount/Keira makes several appearances in it so I was considering on going back and reading this trilogy. I think I will pass.

MischaS_ Lien wrote: "Aw sorry this didn't work out for you! Looking at my ratings I really enjoyed this trilogy although I can barely remember anything 😂
Did you find some spoiler-filled reviews?"

Thank you. But that's just so me. I see a review for a book I also read and I'm so confused because I cannot remember anything about it. 😂

Unfortunately no.

MischaS_ Holly wrote: "That's disappointing. I read the Savage trilogy by this author and Mount/Keira makes several appearances in it so I was considering on going back and reading this trilogy. I think I will pass."

Oh, I did not know that there was another series taking place in the same... place? 😂 Seems a bit of a pattern for the author.
But no, I just cannot recommend this one. I'm honestly considering taking one of the stars away. 😂

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