MischaS_'s Reviews > Fragile Longing

Fragile Longing by Cora Reilly
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it was ok
bookshelves: stand-alone, mafia, english

Okay, I'm going to be brief (for once). If you're looking for a more in-depth review, I recommend the one by Phuong ✯. She did amazing work her review.

Fair warning, this might be slightly spoilerish.

So, I do like Remo and Serafina. However, I've had enough. We do not need another point of view on their book; we already got like four. (And we are probably getting another one because I can just expect Samuel to spend half of the book on how Serafina betrayed him and half of the book being a flashback taking place during Serafina's book. EDIT: oh, and also Adamo. His book is totally having flashbacks to the torture in Twister Pride if not the kidnapping of Serafina as well. And then the mom plot. I really need fewer flashbacks in these books. Especially on plot, we've seen through a different POV.). I mean just enough. And if it was not enough that it was another POV on the Twisted Pride, Serafina was mentioned so much that it was making me uncomfortable.
And I repeat, I actually like Serafina and Remo, yet the constant mention of Serafina was making me sick. I cannot imagine all those who actually do not like her having to read this book and having Serafina mentioned every other page.

Well, me being brief probably just went out of the window, it seems.

If I were, to sum up, this book, it's just watered-down version of Twisted Hearts. (view spoiler)

I did know that Sofia had a crush on Danilo based on Serafina's book. But to this extend? She and Gemma could have exchanged some pointers. However, I have to say that the "confrontation" at the party went better for Gemma than it went for Sofia. And I'm saying it now that I'm still not okay with that scene. (view spoiler) Which is the main issue with a large age gap when the story starts at the time when one of them is underage (and Sofia being underage for half of the book did not help), it just tends to cross certain lines. And yes, age gap story can be done well but this is not it.

As for Danilo, I'm actually surprised. Before reading this book I've expected that he would still have Serafina issues (view spoiler) I really thought that he would put pressure on Sofia not being like her sister and actually same with Sofia's family. I don't know. Based on the blurb and everything I really expected Sofia to be forced by her family to be like Serafina. (I even expected someone to suggest that they can remake Serafina's old wedding dress for her).

Maybe you should stop mentioning her." (Anna to Sofia).

But no. From what I read, it felt like that only Sofia was putting the pressure on herself to be like Serafina. (view spoiler)
I have to say that most of the characters in books by this author had some serious issues and traumas. But the whole time reading this book there was a voice in my head that was screaming that someone needs to get a good therapist for Sofia. (Or maybe I was just watching too many videos by Kirk Honda).

Even if I was ashamed to admit it, I barely missed Fina anymore and often even forgot all about her - until someone reminded me.
Well, not true.

Oh, yeah, I was talking about Danilo. I mean, I liked him better in Twisted Pride or even Bound by the Past. He gets major extra points for his relationship with Emma, and I mean major! (view spoiler) Also, I felt like he did suddenly a one-eighty. He was all so suddenly extremely committed to Sofia and felt like he was the one wanting a Disney fairytale.

So, I called this book Twisted Hearts 2.0 and same with that book, here they actually get married pretty late in the book. I believe it was around the halfway mark, which then also leads to the problem that their relationship post-wedding feels a tad rushed. A plus compared to Twisted Hearts the pre-wedding section felt less jumpy.

But the issue was that it felt that nothing much in the book really happened. If you take Serafina out of the story, you're not left with much. And while I get it that this was sort of stand-alone, it's then strange that it so heavily relies on Serafina drama. But there is nothing besides Sofia and Danilo finding a way to work as a couple. No additional drama. No additional plotline. It even got to the point that I wanted to know more about Marco and even his issues with Bria.

To conclude, yeah, it wasn't great, but Twisted Hearts were worse. EDIT: A few days later I'm not sure it compared that well even to Twisted Hearts. At this moment I think that both were terrible. So, one star may go missing from this rating pretty soon.

A couple of notes on the side:
- Well, I wasn't sure about Anna in Bound by Past. She seemed very timid, and I actually felt really sorry and sad for her. In this book, she is nothing like that. This Anna and Anna from Bound by Past feel like different characters. And honestly, while Anna was saying some hard truths, she was kind of annoying.
- And while I like her more, I'm still not sure with the whole Santino/Clifford thing.
- With each book, I like Samuel less and less. He does not deserve Emma at all.
- I still have hopes for Nestore's book and Greta's and Amo's book.
- And clearly, I was not brief, but I still recommend Phuong's ✯ review.
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March 29, 2020 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)
September 30, 2020 – Started Reading
September 30, 2020 – Shelved
September 30, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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Mansi Great review!!
I hated samuel in this book. He was so out of character. The previous books he was shown to be such a nice person and in this book he turned into savio part 2. The author really likes to turn her hero into unlikable pigs.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Such a good review, Mischa!

Melanie (mells_view) Lol “I don’t think about Serafina” *two seconds later* “F*CK ME LIKE REMO F*CKS SERAFINA” 😂 this book had so much potential, but it did not go well for my read either. Great review. And I honestly didn’t notice how similar it was to TH, but you’re right. The bones were the same.

message 4: by Anita (new)

Anita Abage Omg yes!!!! I felt like cora wasn't really feeling the book or history. Everything was so fast and all that I could think is that these people needed therapy. I'm not looking forward to read samuel's book, he was so annoying. I really wished that she had started the story with the marriage and we only got a few flashbacks.

message 5: by Sara (new) - rated it 1 star

Sara Wow, what a Review! I feel like you didn't keep anything inside. Good for you sweetie 👍

✘✘ ~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ Ah sorry it wasn't what you expected, Brilliant review L💕ve ツ !

Phoenixsneha I so knew I wouldn't like this book and you confirmed it that I won't like this book. Btw great review💓💓. I never really liked sofia and danilo. I don't have it in me to go through it.

MischaS_ Mansi wrote: "Great review!!
I hated samuel in this book. He was so out of character. The previous books he was shown to be such a nice person and in this book he turned into savio part 2. The author really lik..."

Thank you so much.
Yeah, Samuel is unbearable. He started to go down un Bound by Past for me. He was showing as more of an idiot there than in Twisted Pride. But in this one? Terrible.
And yeah, for his book I'm expecting it to be just another Twisted Hearts (as this was) focusing on the events of Twisted Pride and how Serafina dared to leave HIM.

MischaS_ Dita wrote: "Such a good review, Mischa!"

Thank you so much... I really tried to be brief. Well. 😂

MischaS_ Melanie (mells_view) wrote: "Lol “I don’t think about Serafina” *two seconds later* “F*CK ME LIKE REMO F*CKS SERAFINA” 😂 this book had so much potential, but it did not go well for my read either. Great review. And I honestly ..."

Yeah, that was something. Or at the end? He will kill Remo and take Serafina for himself? Yuck. I mean, girl? Sofia really needs help.
Absolutely, the potential of this book was slaughtered.
And I'm sorry it did not go well for you either.
Really? To me it really screamed Twisted Hearts in a couple of chapters, the dynamics were too similar.

MischaS_ Anita wrote: "Omg yes!!!! I felt like cora wasn't really feeling the book or history. Everything was so fast and all that I could think is that these people needed therapy. I'm not looking forward to read samuel..."

Honestly? Considering that this book was postponed I would have expected that she put more work into it. But rather it felt like she wanted to be done with it.
Yeah, thank you,a t least I'm not the only one thinking about people needing therapy.

And agreed, (this was my issue with Twisted Hearts as well). The marriage should have taken place much earlier in the book and then only a few flashbacks. I honestly did not care for underaged Sofia flashing her boobs to a man 10 years her senior. I would much prefer the book staring with the marriage and them having more time to progress their relationship without it feeling rushed. Because Danilo went from cold fish to setting pink paper hearts everywhere and making poems about Sofia in like a minute.

MischaS_ Sara wrote: "Wow, what a Review! I feel like you didn't keep anything inside. Good for you sweetie 👍"

Thank you so much. I really did not. I mean yeah, I expect people to come here and call me names (they always do with this book, why is it?).
This is my opinion, take it or leave it. 😂

MischaS_ ❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "Ah sorry it wasn't what you expected, Brilliant review L💕ve ツ !"

Ah, thank you so much, dear.

MischaS_ Phoenixsneha wrote: "I so knew I wouldn't like this book and you confirmed it that I won't like this book. Btw great review💓💓. I never really liked sofia and danilo. I don't have it in me to go through it."

Thank you. Honestly? Smart decision on your part. 😂 I never really shipped those two but I wanted to give this book a chance.

Phuong ✯ Thanks for mentioning my review Mischa, but yours is pretty great :D I can only agree with everything you said! Samuel is also a character I like less and less and Emma DOES deserve so much better!! Their book is going to be another hot mess RIP :/

message 16: by Holly (new)

Holly Age gap books that start when one of them is underage makes me uncomfy. I don't care once the younger person is like 20 or so, but I really don't need to see them interacting younger than that.

message 17: by Anna (new) - rated it 1 star

Anna Ah!! Just came here to say that I agree with everything you said (Sofia, Danilo, and their families are all shmucks) and also I TOO LOVE DR. KIRK HONDA omg he is now the voice in my head showing me how emotionally traumatized all the characters I read about are lol

Beatrice Glad I’m not the only one who thought about Anna. Did her personality change all of a sudden? Never thought she have a rebellious streak.

MischaS_ Phuong ✯ wrote: "Thanks for mentioning my review Mischa, but yours is pretty great :D I can only agree with everything you said! Samuel is also a character I like less and less and Emma DOES deserve so much better!..."

You're welcome... I hope that you do not mind. Your review is just amazing.
I just feel Samuel and Emma book will be just another TH/FL with Samuel feeling like he had the right to own Fina. 🤷‍♀️

MischaS_ Holly wrote: "Age gap books that start when one of them is underage makes me uncomfy. I don't care once the younger person is like 20 or so, but I really don't need to see them interacting younger than that."

Yes. Absolutely. It would have been different if Danilo went MIA and ignored Sofia until she was 18. But yeah, age gap, when they met when one of them was underage, are just set up to fail.
I mean I don't mind them talking. But Danilo checking her out? Nope. Sofia flashing him? Nope. The whole tree scene? Take away the keyboard from the author.

MischaS_ Anu wrote: "Ah!! Just came here to say that I agree with everything you said (Sofia, Danilo, and their families are all shmucks) and also I TOO LOVE DR. KIRK HONDA omg he is now the voice in my head showing me..."

Oh thank you. YUp, they are. All of them.
Oh, really? That's awesome. Dr. Kirk Honda is just the best. His videos are just amazing. I love his insight and how he explains things. And when he ends his videos with: "Please take care of yourself because you deserve it. You really really do." It just makes me so happy. He's just a such a pure human being.


MischaS_ Beatrice wrote: "Glad I’m not the only one who thought about Anna. Did her personality change all of a sudden? Never thought she have a rebellious streak."

She's the opposite of who she was in the Bound by the past. I mean she seemed kind of shy (unless she was bickering with Leonas), sheltered and even fearful to a point.
I really felt sorry for her. And while I'm glad she's not that meek anymore. This just feels like a different character replaced her.

LovelyMe ❣️ I was waiting for your review I knew that you were going to feel this way I completely agree I really could not stand the fact that most of the book was just about Serafina and her comparing herself to it it took away from Sophia as a character being herself because she didn't know how to be herself without being her sister which was kind of off putting .
And the whole him changing all of a sudden doing the 180 I completely agree I feel like we should have spent more time reading about them as a couple and getting to know each other rather than it just being so rushed .

✘✘ ~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ MischaS_ wrote: "❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "Ah sorry it wasn't what you expected, Brilliant review L💕ve ツ !"

Ah, thank you so much, dear."

💋 It's Absolutely My Pleasure L💕ve ツ

message 25: by HBalikov (new)

HBalikov Obviously, brief isn't required. Nicely put!

MischaS_ LovelyMe ❣️ wrote: "I was waiting for your review I knew that you were going to feel this way I completely agree I really could not stand the fact that most of the book was just about Serafina and her comparing hersel..."

Yay, so happy that you liked it more than I did! ❤

Yeah, you are right... I have no idea who Sofia is. And it's hard because if it were here family who were pushing her to fill Serafina's shoes, I could blame them. But from what we read, it was only Sofia's doing. (Back to me saying that she needs a good therapist).
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who felt like there was a 180 in Danilo.
But thinking about it - pretty often with these books there is a really small part where we see them as a couple. It's a common problem. 🤷‍♀️ And then it has to feel rushed to make them a couple in the last couple of chapters remaining.

MischaS_ ❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "❤️ Paulette Alphas Review wrote: "Ah sorry it wasn't what you expected, Brilliant review L💕ve ツ !"

Ah, thank you so much, dear."

💋 It's Absolutely My Pleasure L💕ve ツ"

MischaS_ HBalikov wrote: "Obviously, brief isn't required. Nicely put!"

Yeah, I and brevity are not exactly best friends. 😂

LovelyMe ❣️ MischaS_ wrote: "LovelyMe ❣️ wrote: "I was waiting for your review I knew that you were going to feel this way I completely agree I really could not stand the fact that most of the book was just about Serafina and ..."

Yes for sure I don't like the rushed part but what can we do not all book can be up to our expectations . Hopefully future book will be a little better

MischaS_ LovelyMe ❣️ wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "LovelyMe ❣️ wrote: "I was waiting for your review I knew that you were going to feel this way I completely agree I really could not stand the fact that most of the book was just ab..."

If she had only cut the underaged stuff and gave more space to them building a relationship...

I really hope that she'll do better with the future books (because I believe that all 2020 books from her were a disappointment for me.)
But, seeing the next couple of couples I really fear that it will be all the same. (Don't get me wrong, I would love to be proven wrong. She had such a good running with the Camorra series until Savio's book. I hope she'll get there soon). However, in all honesty, right now I cannot see how Emma/Samuel book will be any different from this and Savio's book. Except/hopefully minus the underage stuff. Even if the age gap is still there.

message 31: by LovelyMe ❣️ (last edited Oct 13, 2020 08:20AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

LovelyMe ❣️ I completely agree about cutting out the underage stuff because you would think that them being raised in the life that they are and knowing that they're going to marry older men would make them try to act more mature despite their age that's why I said that I wish that things would have happened like sweet temptation a bit cause at least she tried to be more mature in a way. I as well hope that the future book are a little better I didn't like savios book to much either , I hope that she takes some of the criticism and drives it for her future books but then again they will always be the fans that find the book perfection which I'm not saying that I'm not a huge fan cause I truly am I love all her books but this one didn't do it completely for me .

I hope that emma and samuel book is better I still have hope and I know that she an amazing writer .

MischaS_ LovelyMe ❣️ wrote: "I completely agree about cutting out the underage stuff because you would think that them being raised in the life that they are and knowing that they're going to marry older men would make them tr..."

Oh, sorry for the late reply.
Yeah, she tried to be more mature (eg throwing her stuffed animals away when she was what? 11? 12? And that was so sad.) But the sexual underage stuff was crossing the line. And that's on the author, she could have made those scenes happen a couple of months later. At least that.

Yeeah, I still have a hope but it's getting crushed each time. And as much as I would have loved for her to take the criticism... I don't think she's getting it. Most of her ARC readers were from her group and very few dared to say anything about the book. Not sure what was the feedback in the group (left it a long time ago). But I feel like the author is living in an echo chamber when it comes to the feedback. She has contact with her readers inside the group and I feel like their feedback is much different than the one you see here on GR.
I think I was a fan at one point in time and now I'm a bit lost, I'm a fan of the idea of the books but not of the execution. If that makes sense.

As for Emma and Samuel book, I have very few hopes on this one to be honest. However, I feel like it should not be written right now. Because it seems that the storyline got stuck on the events of Twisted Pride... And it really needs to move one. Maybe she should write some other books and then come to Emma&Samuel.
Btw, where's Adamo's book?

message 33: by Pelusa (new)

Pelusa Rivera I am soooo happy to have read this and as someone who was and as I said was part of her ARC readers I was wondering why we kept getting books with the same story and different pov’s I get one maaaaaybe two but when we are into3 or 4 I am losing interest and I honestly never thought I would be there with Cora but then Savios book came out and I haaaaatec him I hated the whole thing and guess what I am no longer part of ARC team but no worries

LovelyMe ❣️ MischaS_ wrote: "LovelyMe ❣️ wrote: "I completely agree about cutting out the underage stuff because you would think that them being raised in the life that they are and knowing that they're going to marry older me..."

If you're referring to the groups that she has on Facebook ? I am part of those groups and I do agree that many of her fans and a lot of people who are part of the group don't ever give her any type of criticism.A lot of the ARC readers that I see on there light the fire a bit much . So in that part I do agree with you and I think she's going to do like a book of short stories before she gets to anything else as far as I'm aware she will write Adamo book but no date set yet for his book or Sam and Emma's .

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