Baba's Reviews > Nazi Women

Nazi Women by Cate Haste
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bookshelves: history-never-forget

This historical documentary looks at the life and times of Nazi Women in Germany from the late 1920s through to the shattering final rape and pillage of Berlin in 1945. What this book helps to convey is just how misogynistic, and for lack of a better word, evil the Nazis were. A hard to swallow expose of the abysmal atrocities enacted against Jewish women, German children and even German woman by one of the so-called modern world's most evil regimes. 9 out of 12. Four Stars

2012 read
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Reading Progress

December 18, 2012 – Started Reading
December 21, 2012 – Finished Reading
May 27, 2020 – Shelved
May 27, 2020 – Shelved as: history-never-forget

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Julio (new)

Julio Pino Thank you for the review, Baba. Please give HITLER'S FURIES a try; on German women who participated in the Holocaust. I have reviewed it here on Goodreads.

message 2: by Debbie Y (new)

Debbie Y Great review to the point. This subject hits close to home, and I’m sure the book is as gut wrenching.

Baba Julio wrote: "Thank you for the review, Baba. Please give HITLER'S FURIES a try; on German women who participated in the Holocaust. I have reviewed it here on Goodreads."

Very interesting sounding recommendation, thank you Julio :)

Baba Debbie Y wrote: "Great review to the point. This subject hits close to home, and I’m sure the book is as gut wrenching."

Thanks Debbie Y. It blows my mind that in the 21st Century that we still have NAZI sympathisers!!!!

message 5: by Debbie Y (new)

Debbie Y Same here, Baba! It baffles me.

message 6: by Morgan (new)

Morgan There is no end to the horrors of the Nazi's regime. Excellent review.
The 21st century proves that evil never dies.

message 7: by Zain (new)

Zain The fact that there are people who are proud to be Nazis is shameful! After all the fighting my ancestors did. 🤨🤔☹️🤬

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