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Nazi Women

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In part, this is the story of how ordinary women were wooed by the Nazis and married into the Third Reich, stabilizing and supporting the Fascist revolution and guaranteeing it survival into the next generation. But it is also the story of the women close to Hitler, such as Magda Goebbels, the high-profile wife of Hitler's minister of propaganda. What happened to this devoted mother os six, the poster-child of family values during the Third Reich, that led her to poison her children? Finally, "Nazi Women" looks at the background to Hitler's won relationships and attitudes to the opposite sex, influenced by the erotic liaisons of three generations of serving girls in his family.


First published January 1, 2001

About the author

Cate Haste

9 books4 followers

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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews
Profile Image for Baba.
3,814 reviews1,229 followers
June 3, 2023
This historical documentary looks at the life and times of Nazi Women in Germany from the late 1920s through to the shattering final rape and pillage of Berlin in 1945. What this book helps to convey is just how misogynistic, and for lack of a better word, evil the Nazis were. A hard to swallow expose of the abysmal atrocities enacted against Jewish women, German children and even German woman by one of the so-called modern world's most evil regimes. 9 out of 12. Four Stars

2012 read
Profile Image for parastoo.
10 reviews9 followers
June 5, 2017
"ما در اوكراين در كنار يك تانك سوخته ايستاده بوديم و نعش يك سرباز روس هم آنجا بود. آن وقت، پرستاري آهسته در گوش من گفت: اين يعني اينكه مادر ديگري در عزاي فرزندش مي گريد. بعد يك هواپيماي آلماني را ديديم كه هدف قرار گرفت و سرنگون شد و ما داد زديم: از هواپيما بيرون بياييد. اما اين خلبان هم مرد و مادر ديگري به سوگ فرزندش نشست. فقط هم مادران آلماني نبودند؛ مادران روس هم بودند، و همه ي آنها كه در آن جنك مشاركت داشتند. ناسيونال سوسياليسم چه ويراني ها كه به بار نياورد!"
-------------------------------------------- اين كتاب عميقا من رو ناراحت كرد و تاثير زيادي در ذهنم گذاشت. به نظرم بهم پيوستگي، جامع نگري موضوع و استنادات خيلي خوب از نقاط قوت اين كتاب است. فقط ترجمه آقاي روح اللهي به نظرم خيلي جالب نبود و بعضي از مواقع آزارم ميداد.
Profile Image for Duzzlebrarian.
126 reviews34 followers
May 21, 2008
This is not really a scholarly book, but it is very interesting. Each chapter deals with a different aspect of female life in the Third Reich, giving an idea of the lives of women and girls, without being too heavy. The main thrust of the book is the harm done to all German women by Nazism, and how the Nazis promised women a whole lot of things, and ended up stripping them of a whole lot more.

August 6, 2019
The book is like a magazine the font that they used in writing is so huge, it looks like a computer printed book from a computer shop. But I would say the substance of the book is interesting. Very impormative the words she used was been straight forward. I say she is writing it and not adding more trash to make a book thicker. She made a good point about how women play the role in Nazi Germany. Her observations are all valid just by reading reports from the past. But this book is not completely a book that can rate as a history book but more of a opinion of author.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lilian.
224 reviews50 followers
March 23, 2015
This is the first book I have read about the Holocaust that focuses on the Germans perspective. Quite poignant. In every situation, there's always the perpetrator, by-stander and the victim. It was interesting to know that there were some good people who helped the "sub-humans". I agree that women's roles as wives and mothers is important but they should also be left to find other activities that enable them to attain happiness.

This book also made me question the separation of the public and private lives; the extent to which the state can infringe on one's personal choices e.g. choice of a spouse or religion.

I am glad that I got a better understanding Nazi Germany and the important (good and bad) roles of women in that era.

Profile Image for Andie.
2 reviews
July 20, 2011
Not very interesting, found it hard to get involved in the book and lost interest quite quickly. I think if I actually sat down and made myself read it I may enjoy it, give it a go, don't take my word for it, I think it was just the wrong book for me.
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews

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