Will Byrnes's Reviews > Running Against the Devil: A Plot to Save America from Trump — And Democrats from Themselves

Running Against the Devil by Rick    Wilson
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: american-history, brain-candy, history, nonfiction, psychology, politics, trump

Why this Book? To paraphrase the political scientist Liam Neeson: “I have a very particular set of skills. Skills that I acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.”
…I no longer use those skills to serve the party I once loved. That party is gone…I’m telling you this because Democrats are going to lose to Donald Trump in 2020 unless they understand what my former team is about to do.

…Think of it this way: When a senior KGB officer who decided he’d had enough of throwing people into the gulag or supporting a corrupt kleptocracy walked into an American embassy during the Cold War, the right response wasn’t “Fuck you.” The correct response was “Hey, we’d LOVE to check out this boatload of intel, plans, strategies, and data you’ve collected while you’ve been kicking our asses.” It was “Oh, so that’s how you did it.”
I’m coming in from the cold, whether you like it or not. I have a low tolerance for stupidity, and by God I will overcome your stubborn resistance to the truth.

Rick Wilson - image from Fast Company – photo credit - Celine Grouard

Rick Wilson is the Don Rickles (Mister Warmth) of political punditry. They are both laugh out loud funny and extremely caustic. Rickles, who died in 2017 after a very long and successful career as a stand-up comedian and actor made his living by making people laugh while saying terrible things about them, to their faces. Wilson could probably have a career in comedy if he wanted one, but he has other ambitions. Thankfully they are not the same as his old ambitions. Wilson has made a career of advising Republican candidates for office, and working as an opinion writer. He advised Rudy Giuliani while he was mayor of New York City, and in his campaign against Hillary Clinton for Senate. He was a field director in George H.W. Bush’s 1988 presidential run. In 2002 he was a media advisor to Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss. In that campaign, he attacked Democratic Senator Max Cleland, who had lost three limbs to a grenade in Viet Nam, as soft on defense, dishonestly linking him with Osama bin Laden. He created an ad in the 2008 presidential race that attacked Obama for his association with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. In 2014 he crafted a GOP ad that used hatred of Obama as motivation for voting against other Dems. In 2016 he worked for Carlos Cantera’s unsuccessful campaign for the Senate in Washington, and also worked for Marco Rubio in his successful Senatorial bid. His efforts have been characterized by negativity, delight in going after opponents with whatever weapons work, and a feckless disregard for the truth. In 2016, however, this paragon of virtue was among many Republicans whose tolerance for awfulness was pretty high, who found Donald Trump an unacceptable candidate, and became what we now refer to as a never-Trumper.
Yeah, unfortunately, there was always a dynamic pressure inside the party. The fiscal people and the individual liberty people would keep the social conservatives from getting too out of control. The social conservatives would keep the fiscal people from getting too out of control. The foreign policy people, this tripartite internal, the three-legged stool they used to call it. Well with Trump, that all fell apart. It's all gone. It's all id. It's everything that's in their heads. They're told, "You can have whatever you want, we're going to burn it all down." And that's what they're doing. - from the Salon interview
There are many who fit that description, Republicans who will never support Trump. Of course, these days, while some such folks remain Republican, a growing number have abandoned the GOP, as the party they loved has become the party of Trump, a cult-like organization that bears little resemblance, in their minds, to its predecessor. (See the link in EXTRA STUFF to The Lincoln Project, an organization of erstwhile Republican Never-Trumpers that seeks to help end the Reign of the Suntan King) These folks still support a host of policy positions that I, and most of my fellow and sister Democrats, find unacceptable, appalling, and often inhuman. Nevertheless, while we may flip birds and scream epithets at each other across a river, we share a common cause in not allowing that river to rise up like the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and destroy us all. Donald Jessica Trump (name variant courtesy of Randy Rainbow) is that flood and we need to make common cause with some of those awful people on the other side to prevent an existential catastrophe. While merrily hurling insults at Democrats, Rick Wilson, former GOP mischief-maker, current Never-Trumper, and really funny guy, now offers his acquired wisdom to Democrats.

I recognize that the next two paragraphs (about 450 words) constitute an aside, so am tucking them under a spoiler tag to spare those who object to my leisurely pace. There is nothing remotely spoilerish here.(view spoiler)

The core can be distilled down to a few nuggets. Donald Trump is a menace to the nation we love, and we need to work together to remove him from the White House. Wilson can help, and he knows what he is talking about. The only real issue in the 2020 presidential race is Donald Trump, keep him or dump him. Those who are in his camp are not worth your time and energy. Ditto for those who are firmly against him. It boils down to fifteen states where the outcome is not already assured. Focus almost all your campaigning energy there. Wilson goes into detail about the best ways to attack Trump, both in the content of one’s media approach and in the need to tailor that approach to each locale. There is a lot to learn here about the details of the campaigning craft. Of particular interest was a breakdown of voters into “hidden tribes within the electorate.” Identifying where people fall in this sorting helps define how candidates might try to reach them.
Q - If you were advising on the economy to these Democrats, what would you recommend?
A - First off, I would talk about the stories of real people in the swing states. "I'm farmer X, I am a soybean farmer in Iowa. Donald Trump said that this trade war was going to help me. My farm is in foreclosure now." And we do have record farm foreclosures in Wisconsin and Iowa right now. "I'm a steelworker in Pennsylvania. Donald Trump promised his trade war was going to help me. Instead, our plant is closed."
- from the Salon interview
He talks about the horrific downside of a second Trump term, including the grooming of Ivanka and Don Jr to take over in 2024, the expansive corruption of all that is not already corrupt, the further degradation of the planet, and our remaining civil liberties, the jailing of his opponents, and more, none of it pretty.

Wilson offers a list of Trumpian issues to focus on, depending on the location, corruption, misogyny and sexual aggression, paying off porn stars, kids in cages, alienating our allies while cozying up to authoritarians, and so much more. Hammer his ego, his declining mental capacity, weight, tiny hands, his actual net worth, his enslavement by Putin. And now his ongoing corruption of the Justice Department.
Rick's theory is not (yet) endorsed by any Gallup poll. But it makes sense. So how would Rick hit Trump? "I'd hit him on his mental instability, because he thinks he's smart and sane and he's not. He thinks he's a remarkable communicator ... he's not, he's a 70-year-old asshole from Queens." Then Rick would go after his "reputation for wealth, which is unfounded in large measure, and that's a soft spot for him ..." A billionaire client of Rick's once said: "I'm a billionaire. Trump is a clown living on credit." So having real billionaires like Mark Cuban attack Trump in an ad would be an effective tactic. - from Cracked interview
Wilson also offers advice that is fairly useless, urging Dems to start, before they can really turn their attention and their remaining funds to, going after the cheating Cheeto President. Not everyone is Michael Bloomburg, with, essentially, endless funds. (Mayor Mike entered the race too late to be considered in the book.) He urges Dems to minimize talk of policy. Again, this ignores the primary season. An ability to kick Trump in the nuts as needed is a talent to be admired, but there still needs to be some policy vetting by Democratic voters. I expect the central party is hurting for funds, (pure guesswork on my part) as most available contributions are probably going to candidates, so even the Democratic Party itself likely lacks the means to implement an attack-early-and-often strategy as soon as would be desirable.

The book is divided into Six Parts. Within each part the chapters are introduced by what are frequently LOL short comedic pieces. Part One chapter intros are Tweets From Donald Trump’s Second Term, Part Two chapter intros are from White House Diaries: Melania Trump, and so on. A sample from Part One:
@realDonaldTrump: some lying liberal media who are DFAILING BADLY and will soon be bankrupt like the Bezos Washington Post are reporting that Stephen Miller was arrested for making a suit from a woman’s skin and eating her. FAKE NEWS. He did NOT EAT HER! Stephen is doing a GRATE job!

@PressSec: Correction: Mr Miller did not eat the woman in question raw. Unlike degenerate migrants, Mr. Miller cooks his food.
There are plenty of well-deserved shots taken at Democratic campaigners and some less-deserved snark directed at Democratic values and programs, but that is part of the package. Overall, this is one of those books that anyone involved in politics in any way should read. It is funny, profane, and wildly insightful and useful. Every Democratic political operative should have a copy and I expect to see those copies heavily dog-eared. For the rest of us, if you enjoy a good dose of laughter and cynicism with your political writings, this is the book for you. Wilson may be the demon spawn of Roger Ailes and Lee Atwater, but he is one funny, smart sulfur-scented writer. His book not only explains what has gone wrong before but offers the tools to see why the political ads that bombard your TV and other screens are working or failing. We cannot afford four more years of the Turd Reich. Read this book!
He will always be with us, to the end of our days, either as a warning or as a boot stomping on our faces, forever.

Review first posted – February 21, 2020

Publication date – January 14, 2020

==========In the summer of 2019 GR reduced the allowable review size by 25%, from 20,000 to 15,000 characters. In order to accommodate the text beyond that I have moved it to the comments section directly below, in comment #1

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Reading Progress

February 10, 2020 – Started Reading
February 10, 2020 – Shelved
February 10, 2020 – Shelved as: american-history
February 10, 2020 – Shelved as: brain-candy
February 10, 2020 – Shelved as: history
February 10, 2020 – Shelved as: nonfiction
February 10, 2020 – Shelved as: psychology
February 10, 2020 – Shelved as: politics
February 10, 2020 – Shelved as: trump
February 11, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new)

message 1: by Will (last edited Jan 24, 2021 10:11PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes =============================EXTRA STUFF

Links to the author’s personal, Twitter and FB pages

-----Salon - Former GOP strategist Rick Wilson: ‘F**king hating’ Trump is the key to winning in 2020 - by Dean Obeidallah
-----Cracked - The Nasty Realities Of The Political Attack Ad Industry - by Robert Evans - nice intel on the making of attack-ad sausage
-----The Guardian - How to dump Trump: Rick Wilson on Running Against the Devil - by Martin Pengelly
-----The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Items of Interest
-----The Hidden Tribes of America Project - there’s a quiz you can take to determine your tribe. I was slotted into the Progressive Activist tribe, shocking, I know, but not where I expected to land.
-----The Lincoln Project - Bloodlines

message 2: by Will (last edited Feb 08, 2024 09:07PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes I first posted this review four Februaries ago. The book remains relevant, and worth checking out. These days (2024) Wilson has a podcast, The Enemies List, which is not bad. Certainly the perils of a second Trump term are even greater than they were when the book was published. This time Swamp Thing is promising to use the DoJ to lock up his political enemies, politicize the civil service, and set up concentration camps for undocumented residents. This time there is a plan for laying waste to all small-d democratic institutions. Read the book, get involved, work to stop the insanity.

-WB - 2/9/24

message 3: by Michael (new) - added it

Michael Perkins Fabulous review, Will.

Right in my wheelhouse. I loath Trump, but complain constantly about Democratic Party ineptitude.

Will Byrnes Thanks, Michael. There is far too much of both in the world.

message 5: by Michael (last edited Feb 22, 2020 09:28AM) (new) - added it

Michael Perkins Just watched the Trevor Noah interview. Great stuff. I love this kind of practical, revelatory stuff. Teeing it up next to read and will use to hassle both sides, as I am inclined to do.

Will Byrnes I only hope it is not too late

message 7: by Michael (new) - added it

Michael Perkins I live in Berkeley and all the copies in our public library system are checked out.

Will Byrnes Great to hear. People there should be reading this.

message 9: by Jay (new)

Jay Excellent review, Will. “Progressive Activist”, huh? I never would have guessed. Welcome to the Tribe.

message 10: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Jay. Not sure how accurate the terminology might be in today's politicospeak. Maybe liberal curmudgeon would be a better fit.

message 11: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne Day Thank you Will. Glad you are here

message 12: by Carol (last edited Feb 22, 2020 10:15AM) (new)

Carol Excellent review, Will. I enjoy watching Rick Wilson on TV panels today, especially since his caustic wit is directed at Trump and not the Democrats. I also loath Trump and I wish he had mentioned which candidate might have the best chance of winning those 15 states.

message 13: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Adrienne wrote: "Thank you Will. Glad you are here"
Thank you, Adrienne

message 14: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Carol wrote: "Excellent review, Will. I enjoy watching Rick Wilson on TV panels today, especially since his caustic wit is directed at Trump and not the Democrats. I also loath Trump and I wish he had mentioned ..."
Thanks, Carol. The answer to your question is Joe Biden, who polls consistently best against Trump among all Dem candidates, much as Trump with his cascade of lies about Joe, and the MSM want Joe to fold up his tent and go home.

message 15: by HBalikov (new)

HBalikov Nice use of political scientist, Liam Neeson, Will.

Marty Fried I managed to get the audiobook, narrated by the author. He's pretty entertaining so far, and sounds pretty young from the language. Perhaps young at heart. But so far, what I've read hasn't been that helpful, just entertaining and reinforcing what I already believe.

By the way, I took the test and was classified as Traditional Liberal, but I didn't really think too much about my answers.

message 17: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Rick is 56, but has a pixie-ish quality to him. There is definitely a swath of the book that is more about what a horror Trump is, but there is a fair bit on how to do battle with that.

message 18: by Ilona (new)

Ilona Ciller A 'pixie-ish quality' I like that! reminds me of my youngest :)

message 19: by Michael (last edited Feb 23, 2020 02:57AM) (new) - added it

Michael Perkins "The good Lord has sent us a man called Adolph Hitler. He's sent him to save Germany"

-The Downfall of Ordinary Germans


message 20: by Hanneke (new)

Hanneke Hear, hear, Will! Wow, what a great passionate review! I am in awe! So good to read your contemplations on how a sane action against the Orange Danger should be envisioned and carried out! Go for it!

message 21: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Ilona wrote: "A 'pixie-ish quality' I like that! reminds me of my youngest :)"
If your youngest was bald and had a beard :-)

message 22: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Michael wrote: ""The good Lord has sent us a man called Adolph Hitler. He's sent him to save Germany"

-The Downfall of Ordinary Germans


Clearly there is precedent for the unscrupulous to take advantage of those unable or unwilling to examine reality, so long as the demagogue feeds their darkest biases.

message 23: by Will (last edited Apr 24, 2020 09:10PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Hanneke wrote: "Hear, hear, Will! Wow, what a great passionate review! I am in awe! So good to read your contemplations on how a sane action against the Orange Danger should be envisioned and carried out! Go for it!"
Thanks, H. Wilson's other target is hapless Democratic pols and operatives, and those, like Bernie and Mike, who seek to exploit the party's weakness, for their own ego-gratification, at the expense of both the Democratic Party and the nation. The remaining candidates are no less driven by ego, and are unwilling to put their personal ambitions aside in order to have the best chance for defeating Trump. The result is that the moderate core of the party is seeing its votes divided up by several candidates, while Bernie is allowed to keep the far-left wing all to himself, in essence the same process that gained Trump the Republican nomination in 2016.

Clearly this requires an edit, as several of the February/March contenders have indeed dropped out, Amy, Mayor Pete, Tom Steyer, and most significantly, as of March 4, Mike Bloomberg. Maybe Dems can get this act together yet.

And so they did.

message 24: by Ilona (new)

Ilona Ciller Will wrote: "Ilona wrote: "A 'pixie-ish quality' I like that! reminds me of my youngest :)"
If your youngest was bald and had a beard :-)"

Mmm, yes minus the baldness, the beard and also not following politics yet :))

message 25: by Ilona (new)

Ilona Ciller Will wrote: "Michael wrote: ""The good Lord has sent us a man called Adolph Hitler. He's sent him to save Germany"

-The Downfall of Ordinary Germans


Lots of people don't seem to know that Hitler did a lot of good for his people after WW1 (employment, food back on the table as folks had been starving, better conditions for women) so people wanted to follow him. He did very wicked things to the Jews during WW2, for which Germany paid heavily for for many years (though no amount of money can replace a lost life). The holocaust was so wicked, so very dark and really let the country down. Now the holocaust is continued, this time by people who originally suffered it against the Palestinians, and 'Terrible but Great' world leaders (they call themselves) like Trump and many others just watch and let this new holocaust happen over decades.
People had their hopes crushed so not too surprising what happened. Trump gives false hope, which is better?

message 26: by Michael (last edited Feb 24, 2020 10:41AM) (new) - added it

Michael Perkins Trump is no better.

Another commonality is the use of fear to get people to compromise their consciences. In Germany, if you didn't wear a party badge you might get clubbed on the street. Trump uses fear to keep his cabinet and most GOP (if you want to still call them that) in line.

Marty Fried Ilona wrote: "Lots of people don't seem to know that Hitler did a lot of good for his people after WW1"
I think you mean "some of his people", certainly not all of his people. Some of his people included lots of Jews and others that were not included. The people who wanted to follow him are similar to the people who want to follow Trump, and believe similar tactics such as lies, claims of fake news, and of course, racism.

message 28: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes There has always been a significant fascistic element in the American character, best illustrated by the fact that half the nation went to war to preserve slavery. Reconstruction. Palmer raids in the 20s, the KKK, the America First pro-Nazi movement, Joe McCarthy, Nixon, Father Coughlin, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News. Trump, aided by the preparation provided him by forty years of unfettered right-wing media, tapped into that very significant stream, and continues to do so. It is only a matter of time before the arrests of people on his enemies list begins. And i have zero doubt that it is only a matter of time before his "enemies" begin to suffer an alarming rate of "accidental" deaths, presuming that this has not already begun. (I mean you, Jeff Epstein,and sundry Deutsche Bank, and related suicides)

Marty Fried Michael wrote: "Trump is no better.

Another commonality is the use of fear to get people to compromise their consciences. In Germany, if you didn't wear a party badge you might get clubbed on the street. Trump us..."

Not sure if this is fact, but in Lewis Weinstein's latest book, it says Hitler had his men investigate anyone within the Nazi ranks who might possibly oppose him. And of course, this leaves open the probability that the investigators went after people they didn't like, or felt threatened by. Does this behavior sound familiar?

message 30: by Ilona (new)

Ilona Ciller Marty wrote: "Ilona wrote: "Lots of people don't seem to know that Hitler did a lot of good for his people after WW1"
I think you mean "some of his people", certainly not all of his people. Some of his people in..."

You are right!

message 31: by Ilona (new)

Ilona Ciller Michael wrote: "Trump is no better.

Another commonality is the use of fear to get people to compromise their consciences. In Germany, if you didn't wear a party badge you might get clubbed on the street. Trump us..."

Yes, and after WW2 anyone wearing the nazi badge in Germany could be jailed. The extremes are always awful and the fear tactics seem to be very effective in politics in many places, history is repeating itself and probably always will.

message 32: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Marty wrote: "Michael wrote: "Trump is no better.

Another commonality is the use of fear to get people to compromise their consciences. In Germany, if you didn't wear a party badge you might get clubbed on the ..."

It was rampant in Afghanistan after the West invaded, post 9/11, with locals offering up their personal rivals to NATO forces as Al Qaida or Taliban. We can expect the same as Trump attempts to purify the US bureaucracy of any who are not Trumpkins.

message 33: by Leah (new)

Leah Will byrens shut the FUCK UP!

Marty Fried Uh oh, trouble. I think this may be Trump's latest intelligence head.

message 35: by Ilona (new)

Ilona Ciller :))

message 36: by Will (last edited Feb 26, 2020 07:35PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Another brave soul with a gift for personal expression who hides behind a private profile and can't spell. I think you're right, Marty.

Marty Fried Will wrote: "Another brave soul with a gift for personal expression who hides behind a private profile and can't spell. I think you're right, Marty."
Ha, ha, ticks all the right boxes. A rising star, I'm sure.

message 38: by Michael (last edited Feb 27, 2020 10:37AM) (new) - added it

Michael Perkins Entirely credible, Marty.

You probably saw that Clarence Thomas' wife has been lobbying Trump to "weed out disloyalty," even as Trumps' paranoia has grown even greater.


Jeffrey Keeten Fantastic review Will! Damn it, I'm going to have to read it now. I'm really disappointed that you've only attracted one troll and not a literate one either, hardly a challenge for your lasor wit. I think GR calls the change to the review length...The Will Byrnes Censoring or WBC for short. I see you have thwarted their aims. :-)

message 40: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks. Jeffrey. You will be smiling, laughing, and nodding your head in recognition of the wisdom on offer. With some eye-rolling tossed in, of course.

Re WBC, would not put it past them. I live to thwart!

message 41: by Michael (new) - added it

Michael Perkins Read the book. Loathsome fellow, but his practical advice in invaluable.

message 42: by Will (last edited Mar 06, 2020 09:04PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Yep

message 43: by Michael (new) - added it

Michael Perkins Been sharing this with everyone.

You probably read that in some speech this past week Trump said he would go after SS in a second term. Put that clip into a commercial and run it in all 15 swing states.

message 44: by Will (last edited Mar 07, 2020 09:03PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Michael.

Re SS, it was a throwaway response about entitlements generically, but we all knew what he meant. Hopefully Bloomberg will put his elves to work sharpening this harpoon and thrusting it into the side of The Great White Fail as many times as he posted commercials for himself.

Marty Fried Michael Hughes is back! New profile, but same ol' spam.

message 46: by Will (last edited Mar 24, 2020 09:03PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes I know

message 47: by Michael (new) - added it

Michael Perkins The author's anti-Trump Bulwark coalition just came out with this short video that should be run as a commercial in every swing state....


message 48: by Will (last edited Apr 24, 2020 09:14PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes One can only hope. It is certainly a very damning piece.

message 49: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Fantastic review and comments. The author appears to pack a powerful punch.

message 50: by Will (last edited May 31, 2020 09:04PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Yes he does, and if you campaigning against someone he supports, it is likely to be a sucker punch.

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