Michael Ferro's Reviews > The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer
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's review

it was amazing

Shirer's masterpiece has long sat untouched on my shelves—it's ominous block swastika unsettling all guest who entered my home (not always fun to explain to people that you're not a Nazi...).

That said, I decided to read this book in tiny increments alongside other books for the past few months, and at over 1,000 pages, it took a bit to finally knock this one out, but wow... what a book. I truly find it surprising that authors and journalists would bother to continue to write about the Third Reich after such a complete and comprehensive book was written about that disastrous time almost a century ago.

Quite simply, we all know the basics of the story: Hitler rises to power, does some horrible things, starts a world war, and eventually falls ignominiously—but the secret to this incredible book is the amount of detail and sheer breadth of knowledge within concerning life, war, and the troublesome arch of human history.

A MUST READ... especially in these modern times.
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February 14, 2019 – Started Reading
February 14, 2019 – Shelved
June 8, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Jill Hutchinson I have read this classic history twice over the years. A must read.

happy very much agree

Michael Ferro Thanks!

Porter Broyles Try carrying that book on the bus or to work... the looks you get.

message 5: by Khush (new)

Khush I laughed reading your enthusiastic review.

''Hitler rises to power, does some horrible things, starts a world war, and eventually falls ignominiously''

He did ''some horrible things'......but his fall was ' ignominious,'

I also thought about your guests to whom you have to explain that you are not a nazi.

All this is funny.

Lori Definitely one of the definitive works on Nazi Germany by a man who witnessed some of Hitler's rise to power. This has long been one of my favorite books.

Michael Ferro Porter wrote: "Try carrying that book on the bus or to work... the looks you get."

Oh yeah—this sucker never left my house.

Michael Ferro Khush wrote: "I laughed reading your enthusiastic review.

''Hitler rises to power, does some horrible things, starts a world war, and eventually falls ignominiously''

He did ''some horrible things'......but hi..."

Thanks! I try to keep the reviews entertaining if I can.

message 9: by Michael (last edited Jun 19, 2019 10:17AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Michael Ferro Lori wrote: "Definitely one of the definitive works on Nazi Germany by a man who witnessed some of Hitler's rise to power. This has long been one of my favorite books."

Agreed. I think it's one of the best historical narratives I've ever read.

message 10: by Dan (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dan Lutts It is a hefty book, but well worth the effort of reading.

Michael Ferro Dan wrote: "It is a hefty book, but well worth the effort of reading."

Very much agreed, Dan.

Disillusioned War Veteran "... it's ominous block swastika unsettling all guest who entered my home" haha. Yeah, well, it's their ignorance.

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