MischaS_'s Reviews > A Court of Wings and Ruin

A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
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bookshelves: funny, books-i-own, amazing-cover, english, surprised-me, too-many-characters-unnecessary, stupid-ending, series-finished, re-read, bookshelf-in-my-flat
Read 2 times. Last read October 10, 2020.

Edit (10/10/2020):

Okay, so, since I re-read the second book, I thought it might be fun to continue with this one. I still think that the second book was the best in the series. However, I have to say that I enjoyed the mayhem Feyre caused at the beginning of the series was just so much fun to watch. Plus the meeting between the High Lords was also quite entertaining.

I don't have much to say other than that I need more of Helion and probably controversial opinion, but I need more on Eris.

Well, this was a weekend full of A Court of Thorns and Roses series. I can say that I have never read that many pages that fast.

Yeah, I surrender, I liked this whole series.

I'll again have several points:

-Can people, please, stop vomiting in this series?! Seriously, I could not count how many someone vomited or said that something made them vomit or that they wanted to vomit. I get it; it's hard, but... not a fan.

-Where I usually say that the second book in a trilogy is the weakest, I don't think this is a case of this series where I believe the second book is the strongest.

-Because this has 700 pages and where it was fun to read, I think 100 pages should have been cut because sometimes it was just repetition and prolonging it. I don't really think we need to be reminded that Feyre and Rhys are mates. We. Get. It.

-I loved Rhys in the first book, so I'm a bit disappointed. I wanted him to be more wicked!

-(view spoiler) Just a bit.

- The SURIEL deserved BETTER!

- IANTHE deserved WORSE!

- Can I say that I'm a bit in love with Helion? I would love to see more of him. And actually, of the other lords, I had so much fun reading about their meeting. This kind of politics I like.

- One of my problems were Feyre's sisters. Where I finally started to like them in the last book, I really disliked them in this one. Especially Nesta, can someone stuff her in a Cauldron? I get it, she had a traumatic experience and everything, but her behaviour was not okay even before all that. So a hard no for me.

- (view spoiler)

-Yeah, I still dislike Tamlin, nothing has changed from the first book. And honestly, I had so much fun with Feyre's little revenge at the beginning. He deserved all of it. (view spoiler)

-I liked that SJM included all of that. Showing that it's normal that you may fall in love with someone who seems to be a prince charming only to turn into an abuser.

-Where I liked Lucien so much in the first book and disliked him in the second, I don't have much of an opinion on him in this one. Somewhere in the middle.

-Don't know what to say about Elain. Only that (view spoiler)

-Is it wrong that I would like to see more of Eris? I sort of like that guy. Yeah, he's a cruel, power-hungry brute but... there is a certain appeal to him.

-My favourite moment? (view spoiler)

- What happened on page 666 is sort of poetic that it happened on that page. Wonder if it was done on purpose.

- I liked Amren and Varian.

Tarquin cringed. “We’ll alternate who has to deal with them on holidays.”

-I would like it if the Ouroboros was more. That it had a bigger role in the story.

- I know that the series is getting three more books, but I do not know what I think about that. When a series is extended, I'm usually left disappointed. So, I'm not exactly certain if I want to read it but... I guess I'll have to wait and see. But because I thought that this is just a trilogy, I expected it to be resolved in this book. This... I'm not entirely okay with it. But as I said, I have to wait and see.
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Comments Showing 1-40 of 40 (40 new)

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message 1: by Mads (new)

Mads Terrific review 💋

MischaS_ Maddie wrote: "Terrific review 💋"

Thank you. :)

Holly Just a big 'OMG I SO AGREE' to everything in this review. Especially points 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10! Bravo.

MischaS_ Holly wrote: "Just a big 'OMG I SO AGREE' to everything in this review. Especially points 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10! Bravo."

Thank you. :D :D I had to go back to see which points those were. :D And I'm glad that someone agrees with me on point 4 :D

message 5: by Maggie (last edited Oct 24, 2018 10:37AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Maggie ☘ To much vomitint, too much 'males and mates' :D I was dissatisfied with the ending too. (view spoiler)

SJM does still get a lot of backleash for lack of diversity, and I can't say I don't get it! Especially in her TOG series, which has such a large cast of characters.
Basically her books are very heteronormative and her male characters hyper masculine, which many people have problems with. (view spoiler)
So yeah, she included 'diversity' in ACOWAR because of that, but I almost wish she didn't force it, because what of it she included was kind off.. not that. great. And very forced. (view spoiler)

MischaS_ Maggie ☘ (Reader in Wonderland) wrote: "To much vomitint, too much 'males and mates' :D I was dissatisfied with the ending too. [spoilers removed]

SJM does still get a lot of backleash for lack of diversity, and I can't say I don't get ..."

:D Well, I can get over the males/mates easier than over vomiting. :D :D Yup, the ending really was a bit amateurish in a way? Like a fairy tale.

Oh, thank you for the explanation I didn't know that, but it really felt forced, and I thought it was done just to show a better face? Make the series more diverse. Definitely a huge difference between the first two books and the last one. Personally, I prefer when the book is not diverse rather when the author does it just so everyone is happy.

I don't really know about ToG because I read only the first one which was a bit disappointing but I don't remember much of a diversity either.

And as for hyper-masculinity. Seems to be her to go. Cause it's the same in this series.

Meagan Great review! Helion was one of my absolute faves! I would love a spinoff series with him as the focus! <3

MischaS_ Christina wrote: "Great review! Helion was one of my absolute faves! I would love a spinoff series with him as the focus! <3"

I'm not entirely happy about the spinoffs. But if there is one with Helion... I AM IN. :D

Maggie ☘ Hahah! I just HATE how she called EVERYTHING about the guys 'male'. Male smile, male smell, male whatever..:-/ I've heard she even included the 'word' gentleMALE in the ACOTAR novella..:D
(view spoiler)

Mybe, or maybe she felt pressured and wanted to improve, but didn't inform herself enough on the matters and didn't write it organically in the series. No diversity is better than bad diversity. I've read so many books with amazing diverse cast, but that was because the authors themselves wanted to do it: Like Lunar Chronicles, Fire and Thorns, Sarah Fine's books.

It is the same in this series for sure! SJM is so extra for alpha male love interests.. *ehm ehm Rown from TOG* who is basically same as Tamlin, bt romanticized. Also did you notice how everyone is always so gorgeous in her series? :D

MischaS_ Maggie ☘ (Reader in Wonderland) wrote: "Hahah! I just HATE how she called EVERYTHING about the guys 'male'. Male smile, male smell, male whatever..:-/ I've heard she even included the 'word' gentleMALE in the ACOTAR novella..:D
And as mu..."

She indeed used "gentlemales" in the novella. I laughed at that. I read the novella, but I still did not have the mood to review it. It basically is the ending of this book just stretched over 200 pages.

(view spoiler)

No diversity is better than bad diversity. This! Please let everyone know that. The biggest truth.
And honestly, I don't have problems with the nondiverse book. Not every single book has to be diverse.

But the "everyone is ultra cute, masculine, sexy unless they are the bad guy" is kind of old. Sort of Disney.

Meagan MischaS_ wrote: "Christina wrote: "Great review! Helion was one of my absolute faves! I would love a spinoff series with him as the focus!

I'm not entirely happy about the spinoffs. But if there is one with Helio..."

The spinoff series is about Nesta. I was an avid Nesta hater, but I seriously can not wait to see how her story goes! I would also love one to be about Tarquin. he was so sweet.

MischaS_ Christina wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Christina wrote: "Great review! Helion was one of my absolute faves! I would love a spinoff series with him as the focus!

I'm not entirely happy about the spinoffs. But if there ..."

Really? I thought that every book would be focused on different characters. Honestly, I won't survive three books of Nesta.
I disliked her at the beginning of the first book, in the end, I started to sort of like her. (I sort of started to ship her and Lucien) In the Second book, she was actually funny. But in the third? Back where we started. And in the novella? Hard no, I'm over her.

Oh, Tarquin was a sweetheart, but I have to say that Varian pushed him a bit aside. :D Because that's what I call bravery. :D

I'll take spinoff about Tarquin, Helion or even Jurian over Nesta. :D

Gaelle ✨ (asparklingchapter) Hey, that was a great review ! I think the same thing about that ending and the revelation about Az & Mor. I really loved the High Lords reunion moment, getting to meet them all was fun. I'm still pretty excited about the following books even though A Court of Frost and Starlight was less good in my opinion. Have a good day :)

Gaelle ✨ (asparklingchapter) Oh and I would recommend you read The Throne of Glass series by SJM. Those are so much better than ACOTAR in my opinion ! ^_^

MischaS_ GaelleB wrote: "Hey, that was a great review ! I think the same thing about that ending and the revelation about Az & Mor. I really loved the High Lords reunion moment, getting to meet them all was fun. I'm still ..."

Thank you so much! :D I am happy that I'm not the only one disappointed by the ending. And yup, I read A Court of Frost and Starlight ... basically, the ending of this book just written over 200 pages. And about the other books, let's just say I'm cautious. :D

Yay! Loved the High Lords, I found it hilarious.

GaelleB wrote: "Oh and I would recommend you read The Throne of Glass series by SJM. Those are so much better than ACOTAR in my opinion ! ^_^"

I actually already read the first one... and I was disappointed. So much that I almost did not read ACOTAR. My main issue was the main character. But then I keep seeing so many great reviews and people are excited. So, after reading ACOTAR where the second book was better than the first one... I think I may give TOG another chance.

Gaelle ✨ (asparklingchapter) MischaS_ wrote: "GaelleB wrote: "Hey, that was a great review ! I think the same thing about that ending and the revelation about Az & Mor. I really loved the High Lords reunion moment, getting to meet them all was..."

I get what you mean about the first book in the TOG series ; I was also very disappointed with this one as there wasn't that many action in it, but as I had first read and absolutely loved the novellas (the Assassin's Blade), I did read the folowing books. I would say the first part of Crown of Midnight has the same TOG vibe, but it really picks up in the second part. And then Heir of Fire and the other books are so so so so good and different and emotionnaly amazing ! Moreover Celeana has one of the best character growth in my opinion :)

(spoiler alert ACOMAF) I thought ACOMAF deserved a good and tragic death haha

I'm looking forward to reading your future reviews ! :D

MischaS_ GaelleB wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "GaelleB wrote: "Hey, that was a great review ! I think the same thing about that ending and the revelation about Az & Mor. I really loved the High Lords reunion moment, getting to ..."

Oh, I might really give it a chance. To me Celeana seemed just like spoiled, little brat more than a feared assassin.

I sooo agree, it needed some painful death to make it awesome. (view spoiler)

Gaelle ✨ (asparklingchapter) MischaS_ wrote: "GaelleB wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "GaelleB wrote: "Hey, that was a great review ! I think the same thing about that ending and the revelation about Az & Mor. I really loved the High Lords reunion mom..."

Yeah I agree x1000 with that, it left me a bit disappointed. I did not connect with that character either (I mean, how could we ?) and I wanted some real drama ! I don't know what that says about me but anyway x) (And yeah, in the first book Celeana is a real brat haha but I still love her) Have a great day !

Maggie ☘ (view spoiler)

Yeah, forced diversity always more or less backfires, becuse it ends up being a bad rep. The author needs to want and understand it to include it organically, and not just include it to get praise.

Oh no, I hate that trope! The thing where the good guys are all pretty, but the bad guy looks ugly is so old, and yeah Disney like. And let's face it, nothing like the real world at all. What's it going to teach kids and young people...

Also, I have read here in this comment section that you think Celaena is a brat. Same!! I read the first four books in the series, plus novellas and she does not get better.:-/ She was insuferrable in the first two books and the stories, she is insufferable now just as much, only in more glaringly obvious way.
Honestly, I either didn't much care abot the ToG characters, or hated them. Hated Celaena, Dorian (which is a super unpopular opinion as everyone seems to worhip him, but he annoyed me SO much in the first three books), and Rowan who appears later on. Kinda liked Chaol in the first two books, but overall meh. Liked Manon who also appears later on..
Though I use the term liked loosely here, as I more or less couldn't connect to anyone, and with such a large cast it's underwhelming and boring.

Like here in ACOTAR series, I have so many problems with it, but at the same time I liked and care about so many characters, but in the ToG I just didn't give a damn.

MischaS_ GaelleB wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "GaelleB wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "GaelleB wrote: "Hey, that was a great review ! I think the same thing about that ending and the revelation about Az & Mor. I really loved the High ..."

Yes! There was this buildup for this epic battle and I was just looking at the characters and guessing who is going to die. And I expected several of them to go... (view spoiler)
I guess I really should give TOG another chance. :D

MischaS_ Maggie ☘ (Reader in Wonderland) wrote: "With Elein and Lucien I have a feeling Maas is going to go in the direction of them not ending up together, and what it would mean for Elein to choose someone for herself (Az) insead of following t..."

That's brilliant! I did not see that possibility coming. :o But since you said it I can really see that happening. ANd it's actually rather interesting!

Yup, it's idiotic when the bad guys are not pretty, it's rather childish. It was same with Amarantha. Feyre said something like "yup, she's pretty but not that much", or something like that. Of course, she's not pretty when she's the bad guy or woman in this scenario. :D

Yup, Celaena is a brat. I hated her behaviour when she got the puppy. And she was like "I want it to know this, do this etc..." but someone else do it. Really wanted to smack her.

I so far prefer ACOTAR way more than TOG, but people keep telling me I should continue with TOG. So, I'm thinking about giving it a second chance but... not really ecstatic about another book of Celaena being a brat.

message 22: by Maggie (last edited Oct 26, 2018 06:51AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Maggie ☘ (view spoiler)

I don't remember Amarantha not being gorgeous? Haha it was probs just Feyra's petty thinking because she was jealous of her and Tamiln. Dunno, the way she was described seemed like he was a good looking. But let's face it, 99% of the cast in Maas's books is drop dead gorgeous! Some authors are just physcally incapable to write a not-stunning but rather normal characters!:D

Celaena was childishly immature and bratty in the first two books, then I guess she did change , but I wouldn't call it a 'character development' as for that the character needs to actually develope and change for the better. Which she did not, I actually disliked her even more. She's just so entitled and arrogant and bratty to me. And I never know if she's written this way by Maas on purpose, or is she really thinks Celaena is a charismatic character everyone can feel for. I do like me some 'unlikeable' female protagonists, but Celaena is not one of them.

Haha SJM fandom can be very persuasive!:D I don't think your opinion about Celaena will change, but if you really wanna try it, I'll just tell you that there are more characters with their own POVs later on so maybe you will focus on a few of them instead of the brat.

MischaS_ (view spoiler)

Well, with Amarantha Feyre said something like that she was pretty but not that much or that she expected her to be prettier. I found it pretty hilarious.

Ouch, not really good. Would it be bad if I at least hoped that Maas would kill Celaena? I would like that. :D
Btw, seeing how popular Celaena is, I think that she was written like that on purpose. :D

Maggie ☘ (view spoiler)

MischaS_ Well, seeing as there is a little chance I will ever finish the TOG series, I can at least hope. :D

(view spoiler)

Meagan That would be the love story of the century if SJM can pull it off! I personally want to see Elain with Az and will be highly upset if they do not end up together. The tension that would be created between Az and Lucien! I think it would be a great chance to add to Lucien's already heartbreaking backstory and then maybe give him an epic happy ending (that's not with Elain). And it would also give Az more page time, which I need because he is my fave!

MischaS_ Christina wrote: "That would be the love story of the century if SJM can pull it off! I personally want to see Elain with Az and will be highly upset if they do not end up together. The tension that would be created..."

Yup, if she can pull it off it will be fabulous! Because Elain already works way better with Az on the page than Lucien does. The "she's my mate!" was the most random thing ever... and honestly a bit unnecessary.
I loved Lucien in the first book but then... he was never the same so a bit disappointed in that regard. In the first book, I actually thought that he will end with Nesta! :D
And honestly, Az needs a pure, little, cute, good soul like Elain!

✘✘ ~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ 📖A great review L💕ve 💙💋

MischaS_ ❤️ Paulette wrote: "📖A great review L💕ve 💙💋"

Thank you so much. 😍🌺 Did you already read this series?

✘✘ ~ Paulette & Her  Sexy Alphas❥✘❤️ MischaS_ wrote: "❤️ Paulette wrote: "📖A great review L💕ve 💙💋"

Thank you so much. 😍🌺 Did you already read this series?"

Always Pleasure L💕ve ツ...... No but its on my TBR list ... Tpp many book never enough time to read them all

MischaS_ ❤ Haha, you tell me about it. My TBR pile is endless.
I actually almost did not read this series because I was not impressed by the throne of glass. But I already bought all of them. So one day I picked up the first one and I finished the whole series over a weekend. 😂😂😂😂

Debbie "Buried in Her TBR Pile" Wait til you read book 4 - the best one in the series for me.

MischaS_ Debbie "Buried in Her TBR Pile" wrote: "Wait til you read book 4 - the best one in the series for me."

Do you mean the novella? Cause the fourth one was not published yet, right?

Jocelyn totally agree that SJM should explore some of the other courts in more detail!

MischaS_ Jocelyn wrote: "totally agree that SJM should explore some of the other courts in more detail!"

Thank you! I totally would stand for a book on each court rather than Feyre's sisters. 🤷‍♀️ I mean each court sounded so interesting and at the meeting, we could see some interaction between the members in each court and there totally would be a good story for each high lord... or the making of a new high lord. 😂
I don't know, I would be so happy about that cause I'm finding it hard to be excited about Nesta's book. 🤷‍♀️

Constantine Wonderful review. I liked this book too but like you I enjoyed the second book too and I think it is the best. The fourth book was the worst for me.

MischaS_ Constantine wrote: "Wonderful review. I liked this book too but like you I enjoyed the second book too and I think it is the best. The fourth book was the worst for me."

Thank you so much. Yes, agreed, the second is the best. 😍 And by four do you mean the Frost and Starlight novella or Nesta's book?
Anyway, yeah, the Frost and Starlight was a bit too cringe for me.

Debbie "Buried in Her TBR Pile" MischaS_ wrote: "Do you mean the novella? Cause the fourth one was not published yet, right?" Sorry Mischa - I'm reading TOG straight through and have it on the brain.

MischaS_ Debbie "Buried in Her TBR Pile" wrote: "MischaS_ wrote: "Do you mean the novella? Cause the fourth one was not published yet, right?" Sorry Mischa - I'm reading TOG straight through and have it on the brain."

No problem at all that happens to me all the time. 😊 Mixing two different series together. 😉

Constantine MischaS_ wrote: "Constantine wrote: "Wonderful review. I liked this book too but like you I enjoyed the second book too and I think it is the best. The fourth book was the worst for me."

Thank you so much. Yes, ag..."

Yes, I meant 3.1, not the fourth (which is not out yet). A Court of Frost and Starlight was totally unnecessary.

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