mark monday's Reviews > World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

World War Z by Max Brooks
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bookshelves: rain-man-reviews, after-the-fall, horror-modern

On the menu tonight: WORLD WAR Z

Amuse Bouche
Our rich Tartare à la Homo Sapien will astonish you with its hauntingly familiar flavors, its bright and vivid colors, and the truly gamey taste of terror, tears, and trauma. Fresh kill will never appear so carefully arranged and presented: prepare yourself for a buffet that appeases both the palate and the intellect.

A surprisingly hearty summer soup: tantalizing hints of summer flavors frozen solid, then slowly re-animated to surprise the unwary diner. You will literally gasp in amazement as the flavors you thought had come and passed during the colder months rise again to challenge your taste buds! The stew contains a veritable global village of ingredients: you will taste the inscrutable flavors of the mysterious Orient, the refined and subtle tastes of English manor and European castle, the bold and ruthless tang of Mother Russia, and at its core, the zesty essence of woodsy North Americana will serve to keep this dish firmly anchored in the classic Western tradition. This bold starter will act as a bullet straight into your palate’s head!

One could perhaps assume that a multi-course, zombified meal will be centered around a choice cut of rare beef steak; our menu will sorely disappoint such traditional diners. Instead we offer as the centerpiece of our prix fixe meal an array of delights that appease not the base emotional senses, but the higher appetites of the intellect! Never fear, diner, your hunger will be truly satiated – but only if you are able to cast aside your yearnings for an old fashioned cheeseburger and partake in a less sensual but perhaps more fulfilling menu. To that end, we offer a buffet of international flavors: taste the crusty unleavened bread of walled Israel, savor the rainbow flavors of a South African duo of rib and grain, relish the fatty riches of Canadian poutine (we understand that Americans will often flee north simply to indulge in this dish!), enjoy a classic sampling of melancholy Japanese swordfish... the world is yours to consume, in a carefully planned and constructed rejoinder that laughs in the face of undead chaos, and shouts: I Am the Decider!

For our last dish, we offer you this stunning plate: a downed, half-mad pilot, communicating with phantoms as she hurtles through dense bog and over abandoned freeway, bravely resisting the hungry hands and teeth of the undead!

Wine Pairing
We are proud to offer a new vintage “Max Brooks”, heretofore enjoyed only by ironic survivalists, now available to the world at large.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
February 15, 2011 – Shelved
January 26, 2012 – Shelved as: rain-man-reviews
May 6, 2012 – Shelved as: after-the-fall
October 4, 2012 – Shelved as: horror-modern

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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kwesi 章英狮 I have a friend who owned this book for so long and I wanted to read it since Christmas, I'm not sure if this book is worth reading.

mark monday yes, it definitely is!

Bandit I thought WWZ was a five star read and this is definitely a five star review. So clever :)

message 4: by mark (last edited Feb 17, 2011 02:40PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday thanks Bandit. i think the only things that makes it less than 5 stars for me are the two sequences set in japan. they are well-written but they are also strangely stereotypical, at least to me. it is a minor thing overall in what is an awesome novel, but i only like to give the full monty to novels that i had no issue with from beginning to end. but who cares about the star system anyway, its all so subjective!

Bandit I hear you, I think I've been a bit lax and overly generous with my ratings lately, although one of them apparently upset a writer so much, she de-friended me on HA.

mark monday which review, i want to look it up now!

Bandit wendy potocki's Horns of September...mind you I really wasn't being mean, I was actually going for kindness (since I'd won a book) and honesty, but I guess it didn't come across

Joselito Honestly and Brilliantly i'm disappointed. no dog meat on the menu yet.

message 9: by Michael (new)

Michael Kwesi Ian Jay wrote: "I have a friend who owned this book for so long and I wanted to read it since Christmas, I'm not sure if this book is worth reading."

I didn't think it was. I started it and made it about 100 pages before I decided that the book was never going to get good. The best thing about WWZ was that I was able to get a couple of bucks for it at the used book store.

message 10: by Mir (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mir It isn't possible to make reanimated rotting meat sound scrumptious, but you come close!

message 11: by Whitaker (new)

Whitaker Fantastic riff, mark! Love the metaphor!

message 12: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday thanks, tasty human!

message 13: by Whitaker (new)

Whitaker mark wrote: "thanks, tasty human!"

No one's ever complained after eating me.

message 14: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday yes, i've only heard good things about the experience! Whitaker: a tasty dish

message 15: by Mark (new)

Mark Sybil strikes again.....not much cutesy poo here though

message 16: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday i've forgotten all about my old favorite phrase! must re-incorporate in future reviews!

message 17: by Mark (new)

Mark Its alright. i release you from your need not shoe horn it in.....much !!

message 18: by Tina (new) - rated it 3 stars

Tina I just wanted to say thank you. this is one of the best reviews I have read.

message 19: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday thanks Tina!

Eyehavenofilter Fantasmagorical!

message 21: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday well thank you! hopefully also delicious.

message 22: by Joel (new) - added it

Joel How/where can i read this book???

message 23: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday amazon

message 24: by Beca (new) - added it

Beca Loved this review! Really makes me want to read this book now.

message 25: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday you should! I liked the movie as well, although it is quite different. and thank you!

message 26: by Olivia (new)

Olivia best review ever, just like any menu, it makes me want go eat it, the book not the menu.

message 27: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday eat this book up, Olivia. its courses are hit or miss but overall it is pretty tasty.

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