Eyehavenofilter's Reviews > World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

World War Z by Max Brooks
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I really don't know what to say that's not already been said excapt to include some recipes that might be helpful should you take the time after you've already turned and have some dignity left and perhaps want to entertain a few of your closest zombified friends that have maintained a small sense of decorum.
a large table would be in order to avoid pushing and shoving to fight over the multiple main courses you'd have to supply, one must have variety after all. Vegetables would only serve as color and decoration since meat is the main fare, certainly.
I'd suggest dividing arms, legs, and torsos into groups to avoid any major pushing and pulling or breakage, of food or guests.
when meat is served...i would suggest stepping back at least 50 paces to avoid being mistaken for part of the meal....ENJOY!
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Reading Progress

May 26, 2013 – Started Reading
May 26, 2013 – Shelved
May 29, 2013 –
0.0% "Now I'm barring the doors and windows!"
June 24, 2013 –
100.0% "What a wild ride, what can I say that hasn't already been said."
June 25, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Eyehavenofilter Ooookkkkaaay...I've contacted a solicitor, and am arranging to buy land ( with credit) in the mountains that can only be accessed by helicopter. No I just have to hire a copter to get me there on short notice. I'm stock piling food, medicine and water, just in case.

Eyehavenofilter Ok! I'm officially terrified. But if I have to go, I want to be turned inti some nice sauce for a sundae, not have my face gouged out and my eyes balls left hanging, I do have standards!

message 3: by s.penkevich (new)

s.penkevich Awesome. I REALLY need to read this. I love his Zombie Survival Guide but I've yet to read this. Save me a leg piece!

Eyehavenofilter It'll cost you an arm!

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