Penny's Reviews > Hunt the Moon

Hunt the Moon by Karen Chance
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Enjoyed this installment of the Cassandra Palmer series but, as with all the other books in this series, some of the scenes ran entirely too long--way too much detail. Usually that sort of thing doesn't bother me but Hunt the Moon kept me in anticipation way longer then I could handle. Plus, I'm not a huge fan of Mircea, especially how he handles himself in this book. So I gave myself permission to do something I never do (and I really mean never). That's right, I totally skipped entire paragraphs at a time. Sometimes multiple paragraphs & entire pages.

You know what I missed by doing so? Absolutely nothing. Because the only parts I skipped were the parts with Mircea. (view spoiler) I did, however, learn that Mircea talks too much & most of Mircea's and Cassie's conversations--when they actually take the time to speak to each other--are about control. Also, whenever Cassandra is talking to Mircea, she's wondering what he's up to, what his ulterior motive is--Wow, Cassie sure knows how to pick 'em. Way boring. And dysfunctional*.

I mean, really, are we supposed to enjoy the time they spend in each others company? The time they're actually speaking to one another, I mean? I'm not sure if Karen Chance is just trying to make a stronger case for Pritkin or if I'm actually supposed to enjoy the whole Cassie/Mircea pairing--I don't, in case anyone was wondering.

The worst part is Mircea is out of town for most of this book yet he still manages to sully a good portion of Hunt the Moon's pages--I'd say one-third, at least.

Otherwise the story arc, character development, etc were great. Everything I loved about the other Cassie Palmer books are back. The great one liners and so-absurd-they're-awesome scenarios are back, too.

And of course Pritkin is back. *sigh* Pritkin. (for the record: I spent the first two books hating his guts/hoping he'd die. Mircea just fell out of my favor a few books back and that sneaky Pritkin started to grow on me). Cassie and Pritkin still have an interesting relationship that, even by the end of Hunt the Moon, has no real definition. I'd say they were just friends, because, despite all the sexual tension, they're wanting to keep it that way. But then you take that friendship and compare it to Cassie's friendship with Marco, or any other character, and it is incredibly clear: what they have is much more then a mere friendship.

Undefined relationship status aside? I love each and every scene that feature these two together. Their working relationship, their partnership, is as fun as it ever was. Same goes for their conversations--vair entertaining. Pritkin and Cassie spend a little more time talking about their pasts--Pritkin shares a doozy with Cassie.

There is also a few new characters. One of these new characters happens to be Cassie's mother. Exciting, no?

Part of me wants to give this more stars--because I really liked it--but I can only give it 3.5 stars.


*Look, I understand 'dysfunctional' is the new 'twuuu wuvvv', particularly in urban fantasy, but it's not really my bag. Sure there are messed up UF couples that I actually enjoy--Kate & Curran--but those couples actually speak to one another about a wide variety of subjects; aren't limited to the topic of control which ultimately leads to "hero" bedding heroine.<-----in a series this scenario can only happen so many times (*cough*TWICE!*cough*) before jumping the shark.
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Quotes Penny Liked

Karen Chance
“I’d have been dead a long time ago if not for my friends, one of whom had just jumped off the cliff after me.
I’d have been a lot more appreciative if he hadn’t pushed me first." ~Cassandra Palmer”
Karen Chance, Hunt the Moon

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June 11, 2011 – Shelved as: guilty-pleasures
June 11, 2011 – Shelved as: i-see-dead-people
June 11, 2011 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy
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June 11, 2011 – Shelved as: zombies-aliens-vampires-dinos
June 11, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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Mallaidh You know, I had the same reaction to this book. I also skipped A LOT of the fluff, especially the Mircea/Cassie parts that bored me to death. But the rest was great, and the continuing JP/Cassie saga I love. I couldn't stand Pritkin at first, either, but now I adore the guy.

message 2: by Penny (last edited Jun 11, 2011 09:54PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Penny (view spoiler)

Mallaidh [That has crossed my mind. I'm also really tired of dysfunctional being true love as you put it :) Mircea, to me, just acts like a grown up version of Edward Cullen. Urg. I see Cassie as being really fickle... I'm afraid that while she seemed impassioned about saving JP at the end of HtM, she'll put it aside for some other crisis or worse... sex with Mircea (ugh)in the next book. IMO, she SHOULD put saving John at the top of her list. I mean, the guy said he would rather die than go back to his father's court, and that's exactly what he did to save her.

If the next book is all about saving JP (and hopefully some real sex between them), I'll be a very happy girl. But, it could be the opposite way and only half is dedicated to that plot. The rest could be about Mircea chaining her to a wall or some other nonsense. BUT, maybe he'll try that to keep her from saving JP and she'll tell him to GTFO. That would be awesome.

I'm in love with Pritkin. He'll my favorite UF character by far :) ]

Barbara (VampAngel) I'm glad to hear that you hated Pritkin for the first 2 books, because I just finished the second book and I hate him too. I kept hearing from fans of the series how awesome he was and I have to still see that. I was actually thinking of giving up on the series after the second book, but I might now read the rest. Do you think the first 2 books were weaker than the rest? Because I really am not hooked so far. I quite like Mircea, but that might change. What do you think, should I kept going?

message 5: by Penny (last edited Jun 14, 2011 02:27PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Penny Yeah, the end of the second book is a major turning point in their relationship. He's still somewhat a pain in the butt but their relationship is much different than what it was in the first two books.

In the third book he's actually working with Cassie, training her on how to protect herself, for one thing, but they seem to be growing comfortable with eachother. They're a reluctant partners at first. There is a scene in the third book which I particularly like--actually there are three scenes I really like but the one I'm talking about now is after Pritkin and Cassie spar--Pritkin opens up for the first time. Anyway, that ups his likability. But there are other things he does which endeared him to me. He sort of just grew on me.

I would say the first two were weaker them the rest of the books in the series. I very much like how the third book begins. For me the series really takes off in the third book. You should check it out. If you don't enjoy it, I say you drop the series. This series definitely isn't for everyone, ya know.

Barbara (VampAngel) Penny, thanks! I really appreciate your reply. From everything that I heard I always thought this series would be perfect for me it's suppose to have everything that I like. I liked the first book a lot. There was a lot of info dump, but the story worked and I liked the characters. it was a good ride. The second book was really not very fun for me. I got annoyed at Cassie and just didn't get into it. So your response is really helpful because it does make me want to continue. If after the third one I'm not sold, then that's it. But I'll give it a go and hopefully it will redeem the last book for me.

Thanks again! :)

Barbara (VampAngel) Well, I just finished the 5th book. I wasn't a fan of books 2 and 3. I almost gave up, but I was curious so I read on. I really liked book 4 and 5. I wasn't very into Pritkin as a love interest at first. I liked him and all, but didn't see it going further. However after the 5th book he got to me. I think he was awesome in the 5th book and I could see them going further in their relationship. Right at the beginning of book 5 I was sold on Pritkin, especially when he said she was the strongest person he knew. But I have to say I still like Mircea. The relationship is dysfunctional but I see his appeal and I'm still a fan. I do hope they change their interactions to a more healthy one. The scene when Mircea says he loves her was great, because she had never heard anyone say that to her and that was saddest thing I have ever heard/read. I had tears in my eyes. I'm now torn between Mircea and Pritkin. I hope she can keep both! And I can't wait for the next book. I hope she gets him back asap and I hope the whole book is about that.

Penny I just finished the third book (third time I've finished it) and I noticed Cassie said that she knows sometime eventually Mircea is going to hurt her because the consul orders him to do something Cassie doesn't want him to do.. Even though she knows it she doesn't seem to care. So maybe it will end badly between them because Mircea has a master who only cares about what's good for vampires. Plus, no matter what the consul has been told to the contrary, she seems to see Cassie as a human servant, not as an equal.

Mircea never officially said he loves Cassie, which sort of irks me, but I admit I'm totally biased.

Pritkin is sneaky. I warned you. He just grows on you, huh. I didn't see it coming and before I knew it I was completely enamoured with him. What I like about him is he is more then just worried about her physical wellbeing
or her office as Pythia. He started talking to her like a friend, someone whose opinion he respects, in the fourth book and he really opens up in
the fifth book. I keep thinking they're a great team and really good friends, but then something sexy happens between the two of them--something that feels so right--and then I think: what the hell is going on between these two? Yeah he's an incubus, but there is so much more then just sexual energy that makes their relationship seem right. I mean, the way book five ends is proof of that.

Eh, you know what? I totally can see her keeping both guys, though I know it would bother both of them--Mircea because he wants her all to himself and Pritkin because he wouldn't want her putting her life in danger for him & I doubt he'd like sharing her with a vampire.

message 9: by Barbara (VampAngel) (last edited Jun 21, 2011 05:56PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Barbara (VampAngel) I have more to say and to reply, but my eyes are closing with sleep, so I'll write more tomorrow.

However, I wanted to clarify that that scene with Mircea telling her he loved her didn't move me because I thought it was romantic or because I like Mircea. It moved me to tears because of Cassie's thought process. When she said that nobody had ever said that they loved her it just broke my heart and made me sympathize a lot more with her character. Especially because it was such a lame declaration of love like you said he doesn't even say the words. And even though he probably does love her, it doesn't even mean she he's one and only or that he's actually in love with her. It was just so heart breaking to me that's that the best she ever had. She never even had parental love. It's just the saddest thing I have ever heard. So I understand her attachment to Mircea. He's the only constant that she ever had, the only real protector until Pritkin came along. I think he truly does care a lot for her, but as you said his love will never be unconditional. It's not even his fault, it's just that life as a vampire is different and there's a limit to what he can give her. It will never work out long term and she will get old anyway and he won't. But I still like the pairing and think it's a little tragic that it can't really work out in the end, even if they both want it. I think Pritkin would be able to give her more long term, so I see the appeal. If they continue on as they've been doing I might even change my mind and become Team Pritkin, but I need a little more from him. He's way too controlled and close mouthed. But I do see how he has grown to appreciate her and even probably love her, I just don't think that he is there yet and she isn't there either. I can see a future for them though, so that's why I'm torn. I like both men and in real life I would probably go with Pritkin, but in fiction Mircea so far is an interesting and intriguing man and I think he is what Cassie needs right now, but not for a long term attachment, you know? It seems contradictory and weird, but that's the best way I can explain it. I hope it makes sense!

Anyway, I ranted. I seriously need some sleep. I'll come back tomorrow!

Penny It is so sad that no one has ever told Cassandra that they love her because, despite being a pain in the ass sometimes, she is quite loveable. I think the girl is loved wherever she goes, honestly. She's just one of those people everyone likes. I think her fiercest opponents would like her if she wasn't pythia.

I do think Mircea loves her but he doesn't totally respect her, and that's why I don't prefer him. He keeps locking her up, limiting her freedom, controling who she sees. And now he reads her mind somehow, a fact he keeps flaunting and for whatever reason Cassie hasn't picked up on it. I don't know what it is that allows him to sometimes know exactly what she's thinking but I'm willing to bet it has nothing to do with their compatability. It's probably some new tracking charm, which just ticks me off that much more.

Technically speaking, Cassie could have a very long relationship with Mircea, because she could just reverse her age every couple of years and live forever, right? I forgot all the rules of the anti-aging trick she can do, but it seems to me she could use it on herself if she wanted.

The thing I keep wondering is if Mircea would care for her so much if she weren't Pythia.

message 11: by Barbara (VampAngel) (last edited Jun 24, 2011 06:24AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Barbara (VampAngel) OMG! The mind reading thing. I totally thought I was reading it wrong that somehow my ebook was missing the right punctuation for the dialogue because I thought it was so weird that he was reading her mind and replying to her thoughts directly but she never even acknowledge that. So I just assume it was something wrong with my book and her thoughts we being voiced/were dialogue. How come she never seems to notice it? The weirdest thing is that once it was over the phone too. I'm gonna be pissed if Mircea is able to do that because of some spell and not some natural telepathic ability. At least if that is the case he is not trying to hide it from her, she's just too absent minded to notice. But still it's pretty weird and wrong if he's not telling her.

You bring some really good points.

I think Mircea loves Cassie now. I think at first (when she was a child) he just wanted her as an asset for her future value, but I think he grew to appreciate her and love her as he spent more time with her and saw her real value as a woman. Cassie can be extremely annoying but she is also amazing. Of course her power as Pythia makes her more attractive. It's like having your cake and eating it too. He's a vampire and Cassie knows vampires pretty well so it doesn't really bother me because she is aware of the reality, she's not clueless about it. For me it's like those women who like powerful/rich men. They are attracted to those types and they can fall really in love with them, but there was something there that attracted them first. I don't agree with them, but it's the reality. I for one like really intelligent men, it's my type, so I go for the brilliant and eloquent types you know? Mircea is powerful so he is attracted to power. Cassie was always at the mercy of someone else, she always craved protection so she is attracted to the protective types. I couldn't really stand it. If I were her I would tell him to go to hell, but she needs that sense of protection and of a home and family now. Cassie doesn't really have anywhere else to go. Sure she has Pritkin (or had) but she can't go off or live alone. The council would pressure her to go to them, the Pythian court surely wants her. The vampires have their plans of controlling her too, of course, but at least with them she knows exactly how the game is played and she has friends and a sense of family. Plus being Mircea's girl is also giving her some protection amongst the vampires. It's the lesser evil really, at least for now. She does need to stand her ground and make him face the fact that she is his equal. I think in the last book she accomplished something close to that with her rebellion and their conversation in the final showdown. I think he faced the fact that she is a powerhouse on her own right and he needs to stop babying her. I also think the fact that he tries so hard to protect her is not such a bad thing, I think it means he cares a lot for her safety (although I don't agree with his methods), but let's face it in Cassie's life she needs all the protection she can get. That girl is trouble with a capital T. Anyone watching her back should be welcomed. ;)

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