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Cassandra Palmer #5

Hunt the Moon

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Cassandra Palmer recently defeated a god, which you'd think would buy a girl a little time off. But when your job is being Pythia - the world's chief clairvoyant - you don't get a lot of R&R. Cassie is busier than ever, discovering her power, figuring out her complicated relationship with enigmatic and sexy vampire Mircea, and preparing for her upcoming coronation.

But someone is dead-set against Cassie becoming Pythia, and will go to any lengths to stop the coronation ceremony from happening - including making sure that Cassie is never born.

Now, Cassie has to save herself - and the world, if she can find the time…

419 pages, Paperback

First published May 25, 2011

About the author

Karen Chance

56 books5,201 followers
Karen Chance is the author of two New York Times bestselling series, plus a number of novellas and short stories, all set in the Cassandra Palmer universe. A full-time writer since 2008, she was previously a university history teacher, which comes in handy when writing the time-travel aspect of Cassie’s crazy adventures. She loves Las Vegas, the main setting for her novels, but currently lives in Florida near her family home. Visit her website or connect with her on Facebook here.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 728 reviews
Profile Image for Helen 2.0.
467 reviews1,273 followers
June 4, 2017
Best in the series so far! It's saucy, shocking, and then there's that added little bonus of PRITKIN PRITKIN PRITKIN PRITKIN PRITKIN IS MY LIFE PRITKIN PRITKIN PRITKIN PRITKIN.

Relationships are redefined in the fifth installment of the Cassie Palmer series. Cassie's standing in relation to Mircea, Marco, her mother, my life (aka Pritkin), and others change radically and became a lot more interesting this time around.

Cassie's life continues to be a fuck-up of epic proportions, and it seems like no part of it is under her control anymore. On the plus side, she finally managed to defeat an enemy without outside help for once.
Profile Image for Melannie :).
350 reviews207 followers
March 5, 2018

cover is beautiful!

but what do they mean 'figuring out her relationship with Mircea'?!?!

Pritkin should be the one she chooses!
he's WAAAAAAAAAY better than Mircea!



Post-reading thoughts:


March 2018

I just went through a serious binge read and I am finding myself totally compelled. Despite the fact that I hadn't cracked these books open in seven years, all the fun I had reading them for the first time rushed through me like a cool breeze.

Hunt The Moon finally answers some much-asked questions about Cassie's origins and it is also the book that finally takes a sharp turn into new waters of really complicated love triangle that--before this particular book--seemed to be already resolved. Not to mention the very celebrated fact (by me at least) that my girl Cassie finally got the respect from the magic comunity that she deserves. And it possible, she got even more badass.

Karen Chance, I AM BACK. And I really hope you are prepared to deliver the rest of the series soon because I don't think I can go back to the traumatizing periods of time between books. Please have mercy.

Profile Image for Chichipio.
159 reviews131 followers
July 3, 2011
Hello, Dulceata. Look at the mage, now back to me, now back at the mage, now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me. But if he starts treating you like you're only a prized possession without a brain and telling you "Let the grownups talk business and don't you worry your pretty blonde head" he could act like he's me.

What? You were about to object?! Then look down (no, it's not a baby seal, it's all me), back up, where are you? You're in the past in a hotel with the master vamp that can sell you sand in the middle of the desert (twice) as soon as he takes off his clothes. What's in your hand? Back at me. I have it, it's the armless midget (sorry, little person) between my legs. Look again, I'm treating you like dirt and breaking all my promises about respecting you (again). Anything is possible when you're a powerful senator (even putting the moves on eleven years old girls). I'm on a (flying) horse.

This was kind of a disappointment. After waiting for so long, I felt like Karen Chance is dragging the important part the story without a reason. I like the characters, I could read anything about them and that's exactly my point: why have them running in circles having the exact same discussions they had in the previous book without making any progress when you have a faithful audience that will follow you regardless of where you take the story? It's a cop-out and if she doesn't make a decision soon, it will backfire. At this point, trying to avoid upsetting half of her readers, she's pissing everyone off.

Magically speaking, yes, there were some developments, but not many. If you take out the little information we got on Cassy's parents, it was pretty much a reenactment of book four.

It's a shame, really, because I love Karen Chance's writing. She's one of the few writers who can make me LOL not only with jokes in dialogs and observations in some character's head, but also with the sequence of events in her action scenes. Sometimes it's like playing a Chaplin movie, or maybe The Three Stooges, in my head. I just wish she would start delivering in other areas before I give up.
Profile Image for QueenB.
61 reviews68 followers
June 1, 2011
Hunt the Moon is probably one of the strongest entries in the Cassie Palmer series yet. There was a lot of action (as per usual) however it seemed less confusing and easier to follow. Mircea was his usual sexy, powerful self, but can I just say.....PRITKIN!!!!!!!! ::sigh:: We learn so much about the enigmatic war mage and there's a scene that just about boiled my skin off. Yeah. I'm a happy (and slightly frustrated) girl today. The ending was great and the set up for the next book has me eagerly anticipating the next one. Is it 2012 yet?
One of the things I really loved was Cassie really started coming into her own in this one. And let me say, she can be extremely kick ass when she wants to be. I can only imagine how scarily awesome she'll become given more time and practice.
This book was good times all the way and I devoured it in one sitting. If you're a fan of the series, you will not be disappointed in this one. If you are new to the series, I highly recommend you start from the beginning. These books move fast and a lot has happened from the first one til now.
ETA: Full review is now up here
Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
831 reviews221 followers
May 8, 2018

I read the 4 first books of the series in a row. Then, I reread them in a row again so I had them fresh to read the 5th one. That means that I have them all scrambled in my mind right now which is why I can’t review each of them separately. This is more a general opinion of the combination of the 5.

This series have many elements that make it an entertaining and interesting read. It has compelling plots, action, miseries to solve, enemies, romantic tension, magic, friendship, humor, a strong female lead, deaths, attractive men, fantastic creatures, time travel, vampires, and much much more.

Nevertheless, I had a few problems with the books, which prevented me from giving them a higher rating:

To me these books have way too much action and the scenes are way too long. The books are a succession of action after action without rest, no pause to collect our thoughts. Due to this huge amount of action the information is dropped in the middle of it, which elongates the scenes. As a result, this can be a bit tiresome at times. With all that activity and turmoil, there is obviously no time for musings, there barely are any reflections; we only know what the characters are thinking because of what they do in each moment while affronting the situation in the middle of the action. I truly believe there is a serious need for more dialogue and thoughts communication here, it needs deepness.

The romance need to be explored further. There is just enough of it as well as enough sexual tension to keep you interested, but not enough to trap you. And after 5 books, it has become annoying to always be left wanting.

Mircea is your typical sexy vampire type. In fact, he is so stereotypical that there are exact copies of him on many other Urban Fantasy books. But I can’t fault the writer much for this since it seems to work every time for most female readers.

Despite my issues with the series, all and all, these books are ok, stimulating and intriguing . And, if I recall correctly, I liked the third one a bit more than the others.

I will continue reading this series.
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
June 1, 2011
Let me start out by telling you the absolute worst thing about this book: the fact that it's over. I'm finished with the damn thing and I don't know how I am going to be able to wait to find out what will happen next.

The story begins with Cassie awaiting her coronation as Pythia. Mircea has her under constant guard; Pritkin is inundating her with self-defense training. Obviously, they're taking the threat of an attack very seriously. And they're right. A mysterious force targets Cassie in an assault and no one can understand how it was done. So Pritkin goes on a journey to Faerie to see what information he can dig up.

The only time the book dragged for me was in his absence. And perhaps Mircea fans will disagree, because for 100 pages or so, it's a Mircea-thon. He accompanies Cassie back in time to see her mother. But the plans get turned asunder as Mommy is kidnapped and attacked by dark mages. The rest of the action in the book centers on keeping Cassie's mother alive and figuring out what is behind the malevolent force targeting Cassie, herself.

But to me, all of that is window dressing for the fantastic interpersonal stuff that happens in this book. Cassie still isn't sure where she stands with Mircea and that confusion is compounded by his insistence on inflicting his will upon her. We get little more insight into his feelings for her as the book progresses. But where the story really shines is when the focus is on Cassie and Pritkin. He comes through for her time and time again; he is reliable; he is constant; he is selfless; and the sexual tension between them is Oh-My-God out of this world. Every book, I find myself wondering if this will be the one where Cassie realizes what she means to him --and what he means to her... Will this be the one where they finally, er, do the damn deed? I won't spoil you with the answers, but the journey is both amazing and riveting.

A couple of the action sequences were just a bit too long for my taste, and the mythological motivations explaining the main story arc were a bit complicated. But the climax was fantastic. And the ending left me gutted. We've got a big cliffhanger here; a powerful one. And I don't want to wait! Karen Chance, you are a cruel woman. I don't even know when the next book comes out. 5 stars.

*ARC Provided by Penguin
Profile Image for Lana *Lifeinwordsandlyricscom*.
626 reviews150 followers
September 6, 2017
This one is my favorite so far, that's for sure. And if I had to describe it with just one sentence it would be Cassie's words:

It looks like caution is kaput for this round

As usual there were a lot, like really a lot going on but I'll highlight my favorite moments. First of all, Cassie's mom was one badass chick. The way she used her powers was WOW! Damn that's a tough act to follow.

Then there was a date with Mircea. I can't get enough of that man, seriously. Whatever his faults, and there are a few things I agree with Cassie on, when it's just the two of them together - it's gold. Forget Pritkin, I'm team Mircea all the way.

Also, my favorite trio made a return and that's always a plus in my book, or your book, or any book for that matter, because the hags are just too hilarious to go long without them. And can we have them in every book?

Some things I won't spoil, but one other thing I couldn't not mention - Dragons!!! I know it's not Game of Thrones, and it's still too soon after what happenned there and I'm still obsessing over it and so everywhere I look read there they are, and can someone please tell me that my other two kiddies are gonna be ok?

Wow, wrong turn there. What was I saying? Oh, right. Good book.

Over and out
Profile Image for The Flooze.
763 reviews278 followers
August 18, 2017

Worth waiting for!

Returning to Cassie Palmer’s whirlwind life was fantastic. There were a few problems here and there, mostly centering on slight continuity errors within the text and a recurring gag of “Who’s on first?”-type conversations that got a little old. But those paled in comparison to the non-stop action, the thrilling confusion, the tantalizingly sexy scenes, and most of all the Answers.

Because, yes, folks, we get some Answers. Not to everything, of course, but Chance provides us with countless tidbits in this volume. The kinds of tidbits that make everything so much more complicated, yet oddly make sense in the larger scheme of things.

Before starting on this book, I made a list of plot threads still hanging in the air. I’m pleased to say that almost all of them were addressed in some manner, leaving a sense of progress and a deep hunger for more. We finally get a huge chunk of Pritkin’s backstory as well as Mircea’s (much of which we know from Dory’s series, but still) and Cassie’s relationship with each continues to grow and change. More important though is what we learn about Cassie’s own past. She’s been desperate to know more about her parents and her wish is finally granted. It’s a suitably crazy tale, as only Chance is capable of putting out. Game-changing information comes to light, and Cassie has to come to terms with a lot. But this heroine is resilient. Despite her self-doubt and anxiety, nothing much will stop her once she sets her stubborn little mind to something. In the face of shocking revelations, she ends up thriving. Hunt the Moon leaves her poised to become a different sort of heroine - one who knows she’s fully within her rights to do what she wants and kick ass along the way. Whoo hoo!

I’ve heard people claim this ends on a cliffhanger, but I’d have to argue. Chance leaves us on the cusp of another adventure, something she’s done in almost every story so far. Granted, this next adventure is bound to be a doozy, but I’m left with a feeling of pleasant, tingly anticipation as I contemplate how Cassie is going to handle her next trial.

Whatever she does, it’s bound to give Mircea a heart attack.

Ahhh, Mircea. Ahhh, Pritkin. Mmmmm, such deliciousness.


Chance’s humor is in good form, bringing her trademark sarcasm and slapstick to numerous scenes. It adds a welcome balance to a story filled with the usual peril and nastiness. I often imagine Cassie and co. sporting Indiana Jones-style looks of “Why me?” exasperation. Of particular note are Marco’s scenes, which expand his character into a friend who genuinely cares about Cassie as opposed to a haggard and put-upon bodyguard. Sure, he’s still frustrated, but he radiates sympathy, laughter and concern and I found myself loving his character all the more. Cassie states that Mircea’s vampires are family; her interactions with Marco emphasize that in a priceless way.

Cassie’s over-thinking still annoys me, but there are passages here to justify her thought-processes - they make sense once she explains them, though I still think she take things a hair too far. Nonetheless, I like her character. Frankly, I adore almost every character Chance creates, mostly because she imbues them with such life, with so many layers of emotion that they seem complicated and real. Even the side characters are granted distinct personalities, making Hunt to Moon feel like a visit with old friends. There’s a comfort to Chance’s consistently reliable portrayal: the people in Cassie’s life remain who they are - I just understand them better with each installment.

Hunt the Moon was, as I said, worth waiting for. It made me giggle with glee, gasp in sympathy, and widen my eyes in concern. It gave me more information than I’d hoped for and made me so anxious to learn more. At over 400 pages it’s no slim tome, yet I desperately didn’t want it to end. Needless to say, I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book. Please, Ms. Chance. Tell me I don’t have long to wait!
Profile Image for Angela James.
Author 3 books61.2k followers
June 19, 2017
I just can't bring myself to rate this book, because while I enjoyed the story quite a bit and read it quickly from start to finish, I'm going to give you fair warning...this is another book with a cliffhanger ending. And if anyone has followed my reviews for any period of time, you already know I'm not a fan of cliffhangers. From an author whose last release in this series will have been over 2 years ago by the time this book releases? I think it's extremely disturbing to get a book that ends with a cliffhanger. It just...feels disrespectful to the reader, I guess.

But, I did enjoy the book and we do learn more about all of the main characters' backgrounds, so I think fans of this series will find this a satisfying installment in the series in that regard. I definitely did. I do wonder how many more books are planned in the series (the author's website doesn't say) and when we can expect future installments, given how this one ends (the author's website also doesn't indicate that). I really like this author's writing, and the world she's built, but I wish she hadn't chosen quite this construct for the end of this book.
December 18, 2015
Possible Spoilers!!

i was really disappointed when i finished reading hunt the moon cause i wanted to keep reading, lol.
it was a great read! we got alot more of pritkin & mircea, can i just say... OMG PRITKIN he is so scrumptious, i know mircea is suppose to be the sexy one and he loves cassie but pritkin will win it the end, you just wait and see ;-).
pritkin opened up more to cassie, which was lovely!! and cassie's now accepted the power as her's, we got to meet her parents.... kinda. oh and shes going to kick pritkins dad ass in the next book to get pritkin out of hell... well thats kind of the idea im getting. cant wait till the next book, its going to kick ass!!

also im totally on team pritkin!! ;)
September 8, 2016
The best parts of this book were the Cassie and Mircea going back in time parts. I liked the new villain additions and the ending fight. Definitely got annoyed with Mircea and the Senate's decision about the coronation, but Cassie is so inept and TSTL, she's likely to die any moment. I'm still highly annoyed about this love triangle shit the author keeps trying to peddle. Stop, just stop it. No one wants a love triangle, ever.
Profile Image for Torzilla.
278 reviews132 followers
May 14, 2011
Roughly two years ago, CURSE THE DAWN was released. After such a long and tortured period of living in limbo, the fifth installment to the Cassie Palmer series has finally reached the public. And oh what a wait it was.

In a way, the hiatus was a good thing. Why? I remember when I read the first four books in this series, I was engaged, but not 100% with the writing and characters (this, mind you, was all before I embraced my book addiction; it was when I actually worried about running out of books to purchase and devour). After reading HUNT THE MOON throughout the week, and having it haunt me when I wasn't reading it, I was addicted. That little spark that was lacking in the earlier books was shining brightly, demanding my complete attention.

The writing has improved. I had an easier time picturing everything, and the dialogue definitely was a bonus. I got a real taste of characters via conversations (especially Pritkin this time around). Everything in this book flowed so smoothly and effortlessly that I couldn't help but be enamored.

There is a love-ish triangle in this series, and I thought I was going to hate it. I remember I despised the idea of Pritkin and Cassie being together initially--that is, until the two got down and dirty to save Pritkin's life in a past book. I was always a Mircea fan, but after HUNT THE MOON, I think I'm legitimately torn because both men are so likable, and both have their faults. Kudos to Chance for actually making me question who I want Cassie to be with.

Fans of the series will definitely appreciate this installment because we learn more about character histories. I think I'm also torn between the two men because Chance focused on both equally this time around, permitting them to reveal something substantial that happened in both their pasts, and thus, making them easier to like.

I have two minor qualms with this book: some of the fight scenes, and redundancy. There was a tendency for certain things to repeat themselves--whether it was a certain behavior during an interaction, or something a little more substantial, like a trending when it comes to attacks. I hate to say it, but halfway through the story, I was able to predict the inclination in the fights for shifting, attacking, crazy chase, and regrouping.

As for the fight scenes themselves, I don't remember if I had similar sentiments for earlier books, but I felt lost at some points. I'm not sure if this was because of editing issues, or if I wasn't catching certain details. Even upon rereading these pages, I still felt overwhelmed and confused. It seemed like Chance either got lost or too wrapped up in these scenes. To me, there seemed to be a few consistency errors, but again, I'm not sure if it's my fault or not. For example, in one chase scene, Pritkin was supposedly pulled into the car (or at least, I thought he was), but then then a paragraph later, he was back on the fence, being dragged again. In that very same scene, Cassie told a vampire to drive, then took the wheel back; a few paragraphs later, the vampire was driving again. I felt it happened fairly often with the more intricate fights, which lessened my enjoyment of them since I was having difficulties attempting to envision the overall picture.

Word of warning: there is a cliff hanger in HUNT THE MOON. I, personally, was not agitated by this, but I know a lot of people will not be thrilled... especially after a two year wait for this book coupled with no word of book six's release.

Overall, HUNT THE MOON was an excellent reunion with a wonderful world and characters. Mircea and Pritkin were just as sexy as I remembered, and I actually started tearing up at the end because I thought Pritkin died at one point (but he didn't!). Cassie didn't annoy me as much like she did in the past, and I was hating every moment where I wasn't reading. I think Chance just proved that, despite a reading slump, a creative author can effortlessly wipe away the fatigue any reader may be feeling via an engaging world and characters.
Profile Image for Felicia.
Author 47 books128k followers
September 25, 2011
After 2 years (has it really been that long?!) Karen Chance is back with a new Cassie Palmer book! Woot!

Now, for the record, although I still enjoyed it, I wasn't a huge fan of the last installment, it was definitely my least fave in the series to date. However, I feel like this new installment was MUCH improved over he last, better dialogue, moving forward in plot, enough page-time with the love interest (and emerging love triangle, hmm?), and some personal plot tension that gets resolved in a way like I lived a great story. The action scenes felt a BIT long sometimes (so long I lost track of who we were chasing) but the witty dialogue and free, not-trying-too-hard humor was a great trip with characters I enjoy!

Only thing I'd love to request: Can Cassie please get focused on solving her gaps in knowledge about her own abilities? It's time to stop being whiny and get into A+ STUDENT MODE!! Can't wait for the next book, the cliffhanger was BRUTAL GOOD!

So there have been "Teams" emerging for this love triangle thing, cheering between Mircea (First vampire boyfriend) and Pritkin (rumpled battle mage). I'm pretty much Mircea all the way, but this book definitely filled out Pritkin a bunch to be a viable love triangle spoke. I just want to point out, the reason why Pritkin is more interesting is because THE STORY AROUND HIM IS BETTER! Mircea's plot is just not as interesting, it feels played out, his backstory emo stuff is nice but the tension is definitely in the Pritkin storyline, hence why people are cheering him on. So hopefully Mircea gets more interesting next installment, or Pritkin will get the girl, at least in the readers' mind.

Profile Image for Cat Russell  (Addicted2Heroines).
349 reviews210 followers
June 15, 2011
It was sexy.

"People can see through the windows," I protested, as the soaked silk was unzipped and my bra unhooked, all in one smooth motion.
"But . . . I'm hungry."
"So am I," he growled, and pulled off my dress.

It was funny.

Three vamps stood in the kitchen doorway, staring at me. They looked a little shell-shocked, and a glance at the stainless side of the fridge told me why. I was naked and bloody, with tufts of half-dried hair sticking up everywhere and a chicken leg distorting one side of my mouth. I looked startlingly like a mad cavewoman.
I removed the leg and licked my greasy lips. "Um. Hi?"

It was intense.

"His clothes were mostly burnt off, his hair was on fire, his skin was cracked and charred and running, and fiery light was gleaming on the blood cascading down his body. But he was on his feet, acting like he didn't even feel it.
And he was smiling."

It was Cassie.

"You seem like a nice guy," I told him. "I mean, you know, when you're not trying to kill me. I just... " I sighed and came out with it. "I just really don't want to date you."
He suddenly looked up. His eyes were wet, but his smile was blinding. "Then it seems I have something else to thank you for."
Profile Image for Mel.
330 reviews526 followers
February 7, 2016

3,5 stars
Hunt the Moon is the fifth in the Cassie Palmer series by Karen Chance and boy, was it a long wait or what? Anticipations and excitement were running high and I couldn't wait to start reading the book and immerse myself in Chance's elaborate world with attention to detail, neck breaking action and rich characters.

Maybe it was the high expectations but I couldn't help being a bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong: it's a well written story in typical Chance pace, prose and humor. But it also felt a bit different. Partly in action (there was quite a bit of down time in this book) and partly in character. I felt both Cassie and Pritkin changed in this installment.

General critique by Cassie haters is that she is TSTL and self absorbed. I have never felt it was true until this book. Cassie has always been a character who felt responsible for all those around her, but this time around she just randomly set out doing things without heeding the consequences, acting snappy and rude along the way, and being really slow on the uptake a few too many times.

The biggest change, though, was in Pritkin. Don't get me wrong: I have waited for ages for him to open up and show more of himself. But, like one of my GR friends said, it was too fast too soon. I almost didn't recognize him in some parts. When did he get so talkative and... fun?
Fortunately the Cassie and Mircea scenes still felt like old times.

In general though: the book was well written, entertaining and fun. And the love triangle: oh my! I thought Chance handled it in a most satisfactory way. There is no resolve, but the story isn't milked out. There is progression and change, but at the end, Cassie is still as confused as ever.
So are the readers, I presume, because Chance makes it impossible for us to choose! Both men are wonderfully complex. They are attractive and mysterious, warm and closed off, honorable and flawed. (I'm still Camp Pritkin though).

All in all: a story worth the wait and I can't wait to find out what happens next book. I just hope to dear God it doesn't take another 18 months to come out!
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,623 reviews1,146 followers
January 27, 2016
Hunt the Moon ended up the best of the series by far. I LOVED this book.

There’s plenty of time with Mircea, at the beginning especially, and these scenes were awesome. Some hotness, some interesting dialogue exchange and humorous moments. More is revealed about their bond. I find it so strange he hasn’t mentioned to her yet about having a daughter. There’s a whole other series out there about him and his daughter so this isn’t a secret or spoiler. We learn some more of his backstory. The other characters are great as well. Marco is so amusing and great to have around as a bodyguard type. He’s definitely a favorite of the series. I’m getting more resentful of the control of the vampires, though, their rules and restrictions and keeping her housed up in the apartment when they can.

The developments with Pritkin made me officially switch teams. Mircea is still divine but he’s been replaced in my fangirl thoughts. It’s not truly a strict love triangle but there are hints in it here and there. I know this bugs some people but I think the way it’s done is done well. Pritkin reveals some major things about himself and his past. There was an amazingly hot scene too – woolala. Both men get to shine with their stories and scenes in Hunt the Moon.

As always, I’m intrigued by the ghost angle and Billy, but feel they are underused.

There’s plenty of action but I think it’s evened out in consistency with some genuine emotion too and works better now. Sometimes the scenes do go on a bit long with action sequences, as before, but I think this has improved some. I’m only so-so on the development with her parents and the back story with that, but I can understand it and the revelation. There’s plenty to be discovered there, things I was surprised to learn.

The ending battle finale was epic, strong, and the cliffhanger, very ending where there is a surprising sacrifice, was heart numbing. Cassie’s reaction was awesome in its power and exciting, even if my heart was reeling from everything else going on. It made me basically trip over myself to grab the next book, which thankfully I had waiting for me on the bookshelf.

Humor is strong in the books, so you can expect to have a few laugh out loud moments that make people around you shoot weird looks in your direction. These are heavy on action and adventure – I can totally picture Cassie as a female version of Indiana Jones. The writing is excellent, especially the dialogue as quirky and convincing. I dig how the author sets Cassie apart as not being extraordinarily beautiful; instead she finds herself feeling inferior and plain.

Excellent book that keeps climbing up in success – excellent action sequences and even if they exhaust me some at times, they’re balanced out with humor and clever characterization. The ending is such a haunting note that refuses to leave my membrane and leaves a last impression. Excellent stuff, the series continues to improve.
Profile Image for Roxanne.
620 reviews12 followers
June 8, 2011
So excited to read this!!! *girly scream*

Update: Finished!!!

Ohmy...that book was spectacular! It amazes me that these books just keep getting better and better. This is by far the best one in the series and does not disappoint. I'm actually getting a little depressed now that I finished the book, I wish it was never-ending.

So the main storyline in this book is about someone trying to kill Cassie's mother, which would prevent her from being born and being gifted with the Pythia power. Apollo may have died in the last book but that doesn't mean the Gods have finished screwing around with Cassie.

On the romantic side Cassie is still dating Mercia and is basically in the vampire terms his wife and property. Now Cassie does not take kindly to being bossed around and Mercia reaaaallly pushes some boundaries in the book. He has his reasons but they still piss off Cassie to no end. I noticed in this book how much history we learn about Cassie, Mercia and Pritkin. We knew the characters in previous books but never found out how they came to be the people they are today. I really enjoyed hearing this and Pritkin's past will no doubt be a part of the next book I think.

One downside to this book is there was not enough Pritkin, I adore him and in this book there are some surprisingly tender moments between him and Cassie, and she seems to be noticing him a bit more in another light. (I am totally team Pritkin)

The action scenes are phenomenal, they just kept getting bigger and more exciting with every new one. There are also plenty of Cassie's crazy moments as usual. Personal favorite

"I looked up to find a slim blonde figure standing in the doorway to the kitchen. For a frozen second, I looked at him and he looked at me, and then I screamed and threw my coffee, which hit him square in the groin."

This scene left me in stitches. There are tonnes of funny moments in this book and the ending...oh the ending! It makes me want the next book SO bad. I loved every moment of this book, If I picked up this book straight away and re-read it again It would be just as fantastic as the first time. Well done Karen Chance.
Profile Image for Enjee.
267 reviews16 followers
June 2, 2011
I loved it. Lots of questions were answered, and new developments provide fodder for lots of plot directions.
There was tons of time with Pritkin, along with Cassie's vamp bodyguard Marco. They all seem to be getting quite chummy...
When Cassie is on the phone with Pritkin, Marco asks if the mage is coming over. Pritkin says yes (he can hear very well). So Marco says "bring beer, were almost out". And Pritkin shows up shortly with cold beer.
Mircea has his special date with Cassie, which leads to crazy time travel action, mayhem and fighting; and later activity in front of a fire in London.

We learn more about Mircea's past and his family (human and vamp).
We learn more about Cassie's parents, and how they ended up at Tony's.
We learned what happened to Pritkin's wife Ruth.
We learn why Pritkin was kicked out of Hell, and some details about demon sex.
We learn what kind of beer and music Pritkin likes.
We get a description of Mircea's court in Washington.
We get a description of Cassie's coronation dress.
Cassie demonstrates powers she previously had not.

In short, her relationships with Mircea and Pritkin still have the same issues as in the last book, she continues to end up in ever more embarassing circumstances (she is naked a lot), and she continues to learn about her power.

Favorite quote: "Let Daddy help."

I think the next book will focus on retreiving people dear to Cassie, with trips to other realms.
And I believe a large dog will be involved...
Profile Image for Scratch.
1,127 reviews47 followers
November 27, 2021
Surprisingly, this might be the best Cassandra Palmer book yet. I'm a bit of an odd duck in that I read the Dorina Basarabh books first. I tried to soldier my way through a Pritkin novel that claimed to be in the Dorina series, when there is absolutely no way it would make sense to the reader unless the reader had first read the Cassandra Palmer series.

Now, I'm catching up. And for all that Cassie still has a number of flaws, I'm getting more into this series. Sure, she is characterized here as a cross between Paris Hilton and a homeless woman. Sure, she has the hardest time remembering to use her own powers, even the ones that she has had her whole life. ("How did you forget that you're a clairvoyant!?") But the sex scenes are becoming a little less gratuitous (the most graphic sex scene in this book actually was important to the plot). The action is picking up, and the references to multiple cultures' pantheons of gods please me.

The humor could use some tweaking, but I warmed to it a little more with this novel. I enjoyed the elderly mage character and his maddening inability to carry on a coherent conversation.

The author clearly never gave much thought to Cassie's academic or career interests. But at least here she made a passing reference to Cassie's previous job as a secretary for a travel agency, and had Cassie speak candidly about her own assessment of her skills. (She started out terrible with self defense, but she is learning how to shoot; she has no faith in her ability to use her "Pythia" powers, but she is trying to learn.) She doesn't feel like a fully rounded character yet because she doesn't have any academic/career interests, nor does she even talk about basic hobbies. But, I do feel like the author is giving Cassie as much personality as she can with the few boxes Cassie has been allowed to check.

I'm going to keep sticking it out with this series.
Profile Image for Choco Con Churros.
697 reviews59 followers
February 18, 2024
Reto lector 2024 PopSugar Reading Challenge 3. Un libro sobre un joven de 24 años

Qué saga tan divertida!!. Y qué final! Estoy obligada a seguir, no me puedo quedar asiiii!.
Desde luego todo ha girado del modo más impensado en el quién es quién, percepción pública, los mil y un insospechados usos de los saltos en el tiempo (Hay que tener imaginación!😱), la verdad sobre Cassie, sobre Mircea, sobre Pritkin y ancentros, los padres de Cassie... incluso la verdad sobre la tierra, sí... el planeta... que tampoco es lo que parecía.
Así que es un libro asombrosamente sorprendente, como siempre mucha acción, más saltos en el tiempo que nunca, problemas con un universo paralelo... me he quedado de piedra.
Subidón, chim pón!. Autores en GL Bis y Reto 2024
Profile Image for Penny.
215 reviews1,384 followers
June 12, 2011
Enjoyed this installment of the Cassandra Palmer series but, as with all the other books in this series, some of the scenes ran entirely too long--way too much detail. Usually that sort of thing doesn't bother me but Hunt the Moon kept me in anticipation way longer then I could handle. Plus, I'm not a huge fan of Mircea, especially how he handles himself in this book. So I gave myself permission to do something I never do (and I really mean never). That's right, I totally skipped entire paragraphs at a time. Sometimes multiple paragraphs & entire pages.

You know what I missed by doing so? Absolutely nothing. Because the only parts I skipped were the parts with Mircea. I did, however, learn that Mircea talks too much & most of Mircea's and Cassie's conversations--when they actually take the time to speak to each other--are about control. Also, whenever Cassandra is talking to Mircea, she's wondering what he's up to, what his ulterior motive is--Wow, Cassie sure knows how to pick 'em. Way boring. And dysfunctional*.

I mean, really, are we supposed to enjoy the time they spend in each others company? The time they're actually speaking to one another, I mean? I'm not sure if Karen Chance is just trying to make a stronger case for Pritkin or if I'm actually supposed to enjoy the whole Cassie/Mircea pairing--I don't, in case anyone was wondering.

The worst part is Mircea is out of town for most of this book yet he still manages to sully a good portion of Hunt the Moon's pages--I'd say one-third, at least.

Otherwise the story arc, character development, etc were great. Everything I loved about the other Cassie Palmer books are back. The great one liners and so-absurd-they're-awesome scenarios are back, too.

And of course Pritkin is back. *sigh* Pritkin. (for the record: I spent the first two books hating his guts/hoping he'd die. Mircea just fell out of my favor a few books back and that sneaky Pritkin started to grow on me). Cassie and Pritkin still have an interesting relationship that, even by the end of Hunt the Moon, has no real definition. I'd say they were just friends, because, despite all the sexual tension, they're wanting to keep it that way. But then you take that friendship and compare it to Cassie's friendship with Marco, or any other character, and it is incredibly clear: what they have is much more then a mere friendship.

Undefined relationship status aside? I love each and every scene that feature these two together. Their working relationship, their partnership, is as fun as it ever was. Same goes for their conversations--vair entertaining. Pritkin and Cassie spend a little more time talking about their pasts--Pritkin shares a doozy with Cassie.

There is also a few new characters. One of these new characters happens to be Cassie's mother. Exciting, no?

Part of me wants to give this more stars--because I really liked it--but I can only give it 3.5 stars.


*Look, I understand 'dysfunctional' is the new 'twuuu wuvvv', particularly in urban fantasy, but it's not really my bag. Sure there are messed up UF couples that I actually enjoy--Kate & Curran--but those couples actually speak to one another about a wide variety of subjects; aren't limited to the topic of control which ultimately leads to "hero" bedding heroine.<-----in a series this scenario can only happen so many times (*cough*TWICE!*cough*) before jumping the shark.
Profile Image for Soraia.
453 reviews34 followers
August 3, 2017
I'm torn. I have a huge list of reasons why I absolutely detested this book and was completely sure I would not want to look at this series ever again, but then, with one stupid cliffhanger ending (as usual) Chance gave me hope I'd get to see what I've wanted all along. No, I don't mean the cliffhanger solution exactly, but the badass attitude in the heroine that's been sold to me but I have yet to receive. Cassie is a wimp! Every time someone does something to undermine her and you know you were supposed to be outraged on her behalf, side with her, yet you kind of have to agree with said someone, I mean, the heroine is a disaster afterall.

Rant time!

Can someone point out ONE quality in her? One thing that makes her a good heroine? I honestly can't. She possesses a power and that's it. Now her faults, well, childish, stupid, skewered morals, low self-confidence where it matters, too high self-confidence at the worst moments, stubborn, weak, stupid...oh, I'd mentioned stupid? Ok, an abnormal tendency to avoid dealing with shit but an also abnormal tendency to jump head first into unknown situations that SHOULD have killed her by now, complete lack of self-preservation, selfish under the pretense of being selfless, stupid... Ok.

What truly bothers me is that we see ZERO character growth from book one! She hasn't improved any! How many times has she almost died already? How many of those times she almost took people she cared about with her? She claims she can't lose her people, she won't have it, yet she doesn't seam to realize that her attitude towards everything (training, information, theories) only rises the risk to the people willing to keep her safe. They're always one step behind, always trying to catch up to things only to have to jump in front of metaphorical bullets to save her. All. The. Time. Then comes the drama "it's my fault, it's all my fault". Yes, bitch, it is and what are you going to do about it? May I suggest stop whining and start getting better at the damn job you finally decided to accept? Study, learn, practice, ask questions, stop avoiding shit, be pro-active for a change! It pisses me off! She's always complaining she's not good at something yet does nothing to change that! Spoiled brat expecting solutions to fall onto her lap.

As you may have noticed by now, I fucking hate the heroine. And sadly I can't read the story ignoring her since it's in her damn POV. The big revelation on this one, SO DAMN OBVIOUS! The first part of it was obvious from the start, second part became easily obvious later and frankly took me longer to accept because it stumbles onto a plot hole that didn't allow it to make sense, yet it was not corrected once things were confirmed.

Ok, done ranting. I could go on, I have a lot to rant about still, but what's the point? This sucked, so far this series with an amazing universe and awesome premise has sucked. It's sad, really. Such potential being so badly wasted. I'm no longer torn, I have a gameplan, I'll read reviews, maybe even spoilers, for the next book, just to see if Cassie gets any better, if not, I'll just let this one go.
Profile Image for is mee... kissa.
322 reviews
June 17, 2011
pretty good. it's always kind of hard for me to keep track of what's happing in this series, and this one was no different to me. all i really want to comment on is Pritkin. ah Pritkin. We find out quite a lot about this guy in this novel. He is freaking awesome. I've known that for a while now, but it's been particularly highlighted in book 5 of the Palmer series for me. The ending! grrr. i'd want the next book just because of that ending alone.

Previous Thoughts
that's ages away!!! ahhh! why did i have to find out when it's coming out now
yaaaaay.. only about 325 days to go... not that i'm counting...

* * *

oh.. i don't think i like the cover much... i don't know why... i think it's the dress... the background is gorgeous though

Profile Image for Esra.
411 reviews1 follower
June 14, 2011
From of a mircea fan point of view , the book was sucked. and it was full of action. maybe it's a good thing but it f.cked up my brain.I mentally exhausted =) Dorina basarab series is better than this. I want read more dorina books ! =)

Profile Image for Cassie.
114 reviews9 followers
June 10, 2019
In Hunt the Moon Cassie is fighting for her life almost top to bottom. Multiple Gods want her dead and that makes the men around her very cranky. Mircea tries too hard to protect her; Pritkin risks too much. Poor Marco is always left to clean up the mess and take the blame. And Jonas gets...weirder.

But Cassie just gets stronger. No matter what is thrown at her she keeps fighting. She’s getting better at controlling the Pythian power and reacting under pressure.

We meet some new vamps in this book. Fred cracks me up. We also learn more about Cassie’s parents. And multiple gods/goddesses are introduced as potential enemies. I love all the mythological connections.

This is probably my favorite book in the series! So much happens but yet you still don’t want it to be over. Karen Chance at her best.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
793 reviews19 followers
October 9, 2011
Finishing this book signifies that I am caught up on the series. My feelings as of right now are optimisitc, as I (finally) liked the ending and am hopeful as to the turn in the story. I am still sick of Mircea. His character never changes and does/says the same things over and over. Cassie may not always be the brightest crayon in the box but I still like her. Pritkin, who began as one of my least favorites of the series, is now my favorite character.

I must make a note though of Chance's loose storylines. She has left numerous plots dangling into nothingness. I hope she plans to
revisit them, such as Tomas and the Dark Fey. I am afraid that this series will never hit 5 stars for me though, no matter how much I like Pritkin's character, simply beause I dislike Mircea so much. And I dislike Cassie when she is with him.
Profile Image for Bell Curran.
59 reviews8 followers
June 10, 2011
My cup runneth over. This whole series is staggeringly good. Hunt the Moon is just as action packed, emotionally compelling, and densely imaginative as the earlier books in the series. It develops our understanding of both Mircea and Pritkin, giving them both about equal time (and you know I think I'm starting to develop a crush on Marco, too). Cassie is just as fearless and crazy and adorable as ever, and the possession scene that starts the book is laugh-out-loud hilarious. It also has some gob-smacking revelations about Cassie's parents that I won't give away here! The one thing I was really hoping for but didn't get in this book was an appearance by the "mistress" that Cassie has been jealous of ever since she found the photo album in Mircea's suite at MAGIC (if anyone is curious about that mystery, the Midnight's Daughter series will solve it, but I was still hoping to see Cassie figure it out).

I've always been Team Mircea, but in this book, I was almost converted to Team Pritkin. This is shaping up to be one of the most intriguing love triangles in all of UF, and yet it's not one of those frustrating triangles that appears to be little more than a standard plot device. In this book, there ar love scenes with both Mircea and Pritkin, and Karen Chance has always written some of the hottest, most explicit, yet least cliched sex scenes in this genre -- and considering the volume of UF and historical romance that I read, it's really something when I find a sex scene that feels new ("his arousal" = yawn, "manroot" = giggle).

But beyond the sex, the emotional content is there. There was one scene where Mircea was such a jerk (under the guise of protecting Cassie, as usual) that I was consumed with vicarious anger and frustration and depression on Cassie's behalf. I couldn't put the book down. I had an errand to run and I kept pulling over to the side of the road to read a bit more because I was so anxious to see how Cassie would put him in his place. I was all ready to abandon him for Team Pritkin. I seriously wanted Cassie to give him the boot. But then Chance redeemed Mircea by showing why he does what he does, how his love for Cassie and his fear for her safety drives him to irrational behaviour. While we see glimpses of his past that show why he is overprotective of Cassie, his actions resonate even more deeply if you've read the Midnight's Daughter series, which reveals a lot about Mircea's past and the woman he loved when he was turned into a vampire 500 years ago. Meanwhile, the contrast between Mircea and Pritkin keeps growing. While Mircea tries to hide Cassie away to protect her because he loves her and is terrified by her fragility, Pritkin's idea of protecting Cassie is to train her up so that she can protect herself. Mircea keeps Cassie prisoner painting her toenails in a hotel room surrounded by bodyguards, while Pritkin literally throw her off cliffs. I still love Mircea for his charm, his kindness, his generosity and his sexiness, but I'm coming to adore Pritkin almost more than Mircea for treating Cassie as an equal partner while ruthlessly suppressing his own attraction to her. Above all, I adore Cassie because she never gives into any of the men who try to dominate her, yet she always understands why they act the way they do and she has this amazing capacity to love the people around her (which is a relief after the latest Sookie Stackhouse book, where Sookie seems to just spiral deeper and deeper into a well of bitter, angry self-absorption).

For the past 6 months, I've had this book pre-ordered and for the past 2 I've been counting down the weeks until it's release. No kidding, actually counting down. Then I won a copy of Hunt the Moon through a prize draw on Karen Chance's website*. I actually squealed when I found out. I think one of the secret rules they told me when I got my PhD was "don't squeal," but I can't help it when it comes to Karen Chance's books. I was going to read the book before everyone else! I couldn't wait! I usually ignore the mailbox (bills!) but I started checked the mail every day.

But then doubt set in. When Karen sent me the book, she asked me to not include any spoilers if I reviewed the book before the general release date. "You'll see why," she said. Curious about this spoiler, I started checking reviews on Goodreads and there were already a few reviews up that said there was a cliffhanger ending. And that's when I got seriously scared. Ever since the third and fourth books of the Karen Marie Moning's Fever series, I've developed this terror of cliffhangers. I do not like them, Sam I Am. And so I started imagining all the horrible spoilers that might happen in Hunt the Moon. Mircea could die. Pritkin could die. Cassie could leave Mircea for Pritkin. Mircea could leave Cassie. Mircea could betray Cassie. Pritkin could betray Cassie. Cassie and Pritkin could get stuck in each others' bodies and Mircea makes out with Pritkin because he's really Cassie. (Oh wait, that actually happened in one of the earlier books.) Etc. After all that counting down (and squealing), now I was afraid to read the book. I got more and more nervous as the end approached.

Well, I'm not going to spoil the ending, but I will say this: phew. For those of you who are as cliffhanger-averse as I am, let me reassure you: the ending isn't really a cliffhanger. Yes, it ends right in the middle of some action, and there are plenty of loose ends waiting to be taken up in the next book(s), but that's par for the course with this series. The ending here is no more of a cliffhanger than the ending of the first book, when Cassie runs away from Mircea and he promises to chase her down. Overall, the ending is satisfying and there's a feeling of resolution. Yes, there's a doozy of a revelation about Cassie's parents, but it's exciting, not a god-awful depressing cliffhanger.

I first picked up Touch the Dark (the first in Karen Chance's Cassie Palmer series) a couple of years ago on a whim. I look back on that day with extreme nostalgia. The book turned out to be the start of my favourite urban fantasy series of all time -- one of those books that gets you hooked on an entire genre. And yet of all the other vampire / UF books I've picked up since then -- always looking for the next Karen Chance -- few even come close to living up to this one. These books are at once genre-defining and genre-defying. They are so complex and action-packed that they're almost a parody of this genre. Yet these books (and the Midnight's Daughter tie-in series that follows Mircea's half-human, half-vampire daughter Dorina Basarab) are also incredibly emotionally rich -- even though the word "love" hardly ever even appears. (By the end of the 2 Midnight's Daughter books, the love between Louis-Cesar and Dory is palpable, yet I don't think either of them once says the word.) I'm impressed by the way Chance can balance an enormous cast of multidimensional characters and make you care about so many of them, but more than that, I am in awe of the way she keeps the time-travel theme logical and consistent. I keep longing for the day that I'll pick up another book on a whim that will impress me as much as this series, but I appreciate now how rare that was and what a treasure I found that day in the bookstore.

* Chance's website is worth checking out as there are several free short stories that flesh out some intriguing minor characters, including Kit Marlowe and Tomas: http://www.karenchance.com/ -- but whassup with that bloody 3-fingered alien in the flash intro to her website?!?
Profile Image for Noodle The Naughty Night Owl.
2,314 reviews37 followers
August 27, 2012
I've just reread this book after completing the entire series again in one hit, and I recommend to any Karen Chance fan to do just that. I picked up so much more from the series than I had done in the past, reading one book then the next with large breaks between. By submersing myself in Cassie's world and reading them altogether in quick succession, this series went from awesome to outstanding and beyond.

I won't go into too much detail again, my first review pretty much sums it up for me but I will say this, I am in love with Mircea and can't wait to read more about him, but now I find myself pining for Pritkin too.

Who would have thought a rereading could make me like the mage, but there you go. My heart is literally breaking for him. Well done Karen Chance - outstanding!

Originally read: 10th June 2011 - Original Review

Oh, I have missed Karen Chance.

When I first started reading her novels, it took a little effort to get into her chaotic and very wordy writing style, but after wading through the first 100 pages of Touch The Dark, I finally got it. And man, was it worth it.

Her style hasn't changed, but my appreciation of it sure has. This time round, in the fifth installment in the Cassandra Palmer Series, she manages to infuse her fast paced dialogue with oh so beautiful descriptions, pulling you into the protagonist's world entirely.

"The worst part was the silence. Death was supposed to be loud — gunshots, explosions, screams and thunder. Not this eerie quiet that wrapped around me like a shroud."

Cassandra Palmer is a clairvoyant, she see's the future, but she's not just any old seer, she's the queen of seers, The Pythia. Reluctantly, she has had to take on this difficult and dangerous role, with little to no guidance and a whole lot of upheaval.

The magical community is made up of Mages, Vampires & Weres, and they all want Cassie as their own. But it's not all love and hugs for Cassie, there are some out there who do not think she should be the all seeing, all knowing Pythia at all. And they'll do anything to make sure she doesn't get crowned at the upcoming ceremony.

But that's not all Cassie has to worry about. There's a war brewing, and although Cassie managed to kill Apollo last time, there's some other Gods on her tail too, and they're not easy to kill.

To top it all off, someone's after her Mum, and Cassie can't have that at all.

So, you can see, there's a lot going on in a Karen Chance novel, so I guess the fact that it's a little wordy, is kind of understandable.

But, that's just the action stuff, there's also the little love triangle between Cassie, Pritkin - her Mage bodyguard, and Mircea - a master vampire and member of the Vampire Senate. This is definitely a case of Team Pritkin or Team Mircea. You're going to have a favourite, and although I have not been on Pritkin's side at all through the past four books in this series, he did rub off on me in this one.

We see a little more of his history and he has definitely softened somewhat from the brutal, disagreeable and grumpy mage we first met, but as much as he was easier on the eyes this time round, he has nothing on Mircea for me.

Mircea Basarab is five hundred years old and comes from a noble Romanian background. He's powerful, beautiful, suave and let's face it, just so yummy. He may be a vampire, and vampires always have ulterior motives, but he is besotted with Cassie. It's just that I'm not too sure that Cassie feels entirely the same way.

Why else would Pritkin always be getting in the way, and man, does he succeed in this book.

But, I do have to agree with some other reviewers of this book, Mircea needs to stop over protecting Cassie, it is bordering on smothering. Yes he loves her and wants to protect her, she is after all a fragile human, but she is also a kick-ass capable female with some pretty nifty tricks up her own sleeve. So, back off buster, or Pritkin will take over your position as most sexy love interest around.

So, a book filled to the brim with action and intrigue, fast paced from page one, and wound up tight like a jack in the box. What more could you want from a fantasy novel?

I loved it! And I can't wait for book six.

What do I give Hunt The Moon, book five in the Cassandra Palmer Series?

Easy: 9/10 "Fantastic, left me wanting more" on the NBRS.
Profile Image for Mallaidh.
93 reviews
June 8, 2011
Cassandra Palmer, I'm going to slap you. And seriously, Karen Chance, you are a cruel woman. I'm already going through Pritkin withdrawls. I'm glad Cassie finally sort of admitted she has feelings for JP (you THINK?), but it took her damn long enough. I SWEAR TO GOD if those two don't have actual sex in the next book I'm going to freak. Plus, can they please have sex b/c they want to, and not because one of them is dying??

I have nothing really against Mircea, I guess he's just boring to me. His character seems pretty typical. Beautiful, ancient vampire with long hair, an accent, and a cute pet name for his girl. *yawn* Now, JP is where's its at, but I do like I men more manly than pretty pretty princess. He's flawed, obnoxious, and (according to Cassie) not that perfect looking. Okay, yeah, she should talk. She spends entire paragraphs discussing her plainness. It isn't until the end of the book that she realizes he IS attractive (very, duh). Plus, the guy threw himself into Hell for her ala Dean Winchester and told her she's a strong and capable woman. Mircea just locked in her in a hotel suite to "protect" her. Okay, Edward Cullen.

I'm REALLY hoping their relationship takes a turn (the sexy kind) in the next book, although sometimes I wonder if Cassie even deserves him. Maybe if she realizes what a great catch she has right in front of her, I won't want to club her so bad.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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