Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Scorched

Scorched by Mari Mancusi
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Scorched, the convoluted story about a girl who could start an apocalypse just by hatching a dragon. It’s a dragon apocalypse!

You know, I honestly don’t know why I picked up this book from my ARC stacks. I just felt like dragons. But I probably should have guessed, based on the dragon coping a feel of the the girl on the cover there, that this book wouldn’t be for me. I stuck with it, though, and gave it a fair shot. All the way to page 136 when I had to stop for my sanity’s sake.

So the writing itself wasn’t the worst. I had no real problem with its descriptors or anything but the three main characters drove me completely up the wall.

The plot tried to pull this WHAT A TWIST style story structure. Trying to keep you guessing on who Trinity should trust. The clear answer being your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman and nobody else. Spiderman would have known what to do.

The most aggravating thing about this novel is that a few pages can’t go buy without Connor mooning over Trinity. Or Trinity mooning over Connor. Or Caleb mooning over Trinity. I didn’t get up to the part where Trinity moons over Caleb, but I’m pretty sure it would happen eventually. And when people were kissing only a few hours after meeting, I wanted to throw the book at the wall and sing I Feel Pretty to myself until the pain went away.

“She was beautiful, he thought. The history texts did not do her justice. Sure, she had the same tangles of black curls falling down her back in waves, the same delicate features. But no photo could capture her long lashes, sweeping across freckled cheeks, or the way her lower lip plumped as she frowned in her sleep. And they certainly couldn’t capture the fiery passion in her black eyes, illuminating the spark that was so strong within her.”
And no photo could capture my pain at having to read this shite every time Connor or Caleb decided to go all star-eyed over the most specialist special girl who ever specialed. Because Trinity is the uberspecial. She kicks off the apocalypse, she has super powers, she’s bonding with a queen dragon, she’s gorgeous, she’s going to be world famous/infamous. Two uber hawties travelled back in time ala Terminator to save her.

Kill. Me. Now.

And can we talk about the use of the word Fleck? Instead of swearing in the book, Connor and Caleb use the word Fleck.

So fetch!

Look, first of all, you’re a Young Adult novel. It’s okay to swear. Really. I give you permission to use the word fuck. And don’t try to tell me that it’s possible that 200 years in the future, people will have replaced fuck with fleck. It’s never going to happen. Fuck is a perfectly serviceable, good word that isn’t suddenly going to be replaced by some random reiteration of it within a few generations. It’s just… Stop it, okay? Just bloody swear because you’ve made me do enough of it already.

Basically, this book is a hot mess and I demand reimbursement for the pain it’s put me through. That or, I dunno, a puppy.
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Reading Progress

March 24, 2015 – Started Reading
March 24, 2015 – Shelved
March 24, 2015 –
page 12
3.26% "Heroine is is an orphan. I smell a YA Heroine Bingo game starting up."
March 24, 2015 –
page 19
5.16% "Two boys. Dare I smell a love triangle in the making?"
March 24, 2015 –
page 32
8.7% "This is quickly becoming painful."
March 24, 2015 –
page 36
9.78% "Fleck is never going to happen. Stop trying to make Fleck happen."
March 24, 2015 –
page 47
12.77% "This protagonist is so annoying. And frustrating. And aggravating. And... ARGH!"
March 24, 2015 –
page 63
17.12% "The dragon on the cover is definitely coping a feel."
March 25, 2015 –
page 96
26.09% "I don't think I'll be able to finish this one. How much is reasonable to read before I give up?"
March 25, 2015 –
page 131
35.6% "If seine says Fleck one more time imma throw something. You're a YA novel, not a kiddies book. Just say fuck already."
March 25, 2015 – Finished Reading
March 26, 2015 – Shelved as: apocalypse-rah
March 26, 2015 – Shelved as: just-plain-bad
March 26, 2015 – Shelved as: kat-s-book-reviews
March 26, 2015 – Shelved as: kat-s-rants
March 26, 2015 – Shelved as: to-ya-or-not-to-ya
March 26, 2015 – Shelved as: too-painful-to-finish

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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message 1: by Tal (new)

Tal That bad?

Kat Kennedy Just utter blah ness.

message 3: by Allison (new)

Allison Bummer.. I love dragon books!
This kinda sounds like The Dragon's Demon, with the dragon egg and all.
I'm starting it today, we will have to compare reviews.

message 4: by Cole Klotz (new)

Cole Klotz at least you gave it a shot

Kat Kennedy I tried. I really did.

Lyn *GLITTER VIKING* LOL! All I could think about was Kat with a Santa hat: "Stop trying to make fleck happen. Its never going to happen!"

Kat Kennedy That was me exactly. In a santa hat scolding Mancusi because, damn it. Fleck is just so lame.

Lyn *GLITTER VIKING* So your final rating: Fleck this book?

message 9: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa J. Imagine if people gave you puppies everytime a book feels like a great pain wherever you want it the less...

Kat Kennedy Fleck this book, Lyn. It's totally flecked up.

message 11: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa J. Who says our society is not going to change and that instead of saying "fuck", people are going to say "fleck"? Pfft, please, it's the most probable thing to happen. ;)

message 12: by Nidofito (new)

Nidofito And no photo could capture my pain at having to read this shite...

You made me choke on my water from laughing so hard at that part! XD

message 13: by Leah (new)

Leah Alvord No puppies, but I have kitties I'd be willing to part with. ;)

Kat Kennedy Vane, you're right. That wouldn't be so great...

message 15: by ☆Joycedale☆ (new)

☆Joycedale☆ My kids are looking at me like I'm insane because of my laughter. Couldn't hold it in anymore when I got to the special part.

message 16: by Shelley (new)

Shelley Fleck?! That's fracking lame. (nerdy Battles Star Galactica reference)

Kat Kennedy At least fracking, I get. Fleck is just dumb.

message 18: by Rebecka (new)

Rebecka Mähring Lol, great review, Kat! Thanks for the day's first laugh, aka ugly snorting sounds :)

message 19: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Lol your reviews are so entertaining. I just 'flecking' love them. Huh. Nope that doesn't work. ;-)

Kat Kennedy Glad you like my reviews! Super glad we don't live in a world where everyone says fleck. Except for my thread, apparently! ;)

message 21: by Shannon (new)

Shannon "The most specialist special girl who ever specialed"

message 22: by Nakoma (new)

Nakoma I personally like the idea of not using the F bomb....Hate that word! Yes I give permission to people who love that word to verbally bash me :-P

bookwormmama I should have read this review before I read the book! You did not miss anything by not reading to the end.

message 24: by Hayah (new)

Hayah Gosh, why do i want to read this and rant about its badness myself now? Lmao. Fleck is just not it.

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