Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Last Will and Testament

Last Will and Testament by Dahlia Adler
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bookshelves: contemporary-fiction, kat-s-book-reviews, romance-romance-romance

Last Will and Testament started out really strong for me. Mostly because of Lizzie’s amazing narrative voice and unapologetic style. How unapologetic? Well the story starts out with her screwing another girl’s boyfriend when the police show up and inform her that her parents are dead.

Lizzie’s entire life changes then, when she has to adult-up and take on her two younger brothers while cleaning up her life at Radleigh university. To do that, she needs the help of her uptight TA, Connor Lawson.

Lizzie’s voice started out and remained the very best aspect of this novel for me. I would say there were a lot of great things about Last Will and Testament. Great characterisation, hot romance action, maintenance of drama and story line, good writing.

It was just the little things that got me, ya know? How quickly Connor and Lizzie’s relationship sparked up. The whole will-they-won’t they that came on really thick and fast and then just eased up abruptly in a way that made me question its legitimacy.

Don’t get me wrong, despite these criticisms it was still a great read, that I thoroughly enjoyed. And all the sexy times were greatly appreciated. No. Really.

Boner alert!

I just really loved Lizzie. Like so much. Such a flawed and well-rounded character. And Connor was delicious when he finally removed that stick from his ass. Oops, did I just say that out loud?

So whilst it wasn’t a perfect read for me, it was pretty damn good, and I think a lot of people are going to like this one.
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Reading Progress

March 22, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
March 22, 2015 – Shelved
March 26, 2015 – Started Reading
March 26, 2015 –
13.0% "I'm really enjoying this so far."
March 26, 2015 –
27.0% "Lol this is great!"
March 28, 2015 –
54.0% "I'm slightly losing interest in the story. The second half isn't gripping me as much as the first."
March 29, 2015 – Finished Reading
April 15, 2015 – Shelved as: contemporary-fiction
April 15, 2015 – Shelved as: kat-s-book-reviews
April 15, 2015 – Shelved as: romance-romance-romance

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message 1: by Vanessa (new) - added it

Vanessa J. Okay, I'm keeping this book in my TBR. Great review, Kat! Are you reading Dahlia's new book, UtL?

Kat Kennedy Yes. As soon as it's out, I'll have a copy!

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