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Radleigh University #1

Last Will and Testament

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Lizzie Brandt was valedictorian of her high school class, but at Radleigh University, all she's acing are partying and hooking up with the wrong guys. But all that changes when her parents are killed in a tragic accident, making her guardian to her two younger brothers. To keep them out of foster care, she'll have to fix up her image, her life, and her GPA—fast. Too bad the only person on campus she can go to for help is her humorless, pedantic Byzantine History TA, Connor Lawson, who isn't exactly Lizzie's biggest fan.

But Connor surprises her. Not only is he a great tutor, but he’s also a pretty great babysitter. And chauffeur. And listener. And he understands exactly what it’s like to be on your own before you're ready. Before long, Lizzie realizes having a responsible-adult type around has its perks... and that she'd like to do some rather irresponsible (but considerably adult) things with him as well. Good thing he's not the kind of guy who'd ever reciprocate.

Until he does.

Until they turn into far more than teacher and student.

Until the relationship that helped put their lives back together threatens everything they both have left.

414 pages, ebook

First published December 9, 2014

About the author

Dahlia Adler

19 books2,652 followers
Dahlia Adler is an editor by day, a freelance writer by night, and a writer of Contemporary YA and NA at every spare moment in between. She's the author of the Daylight Falls duology, Just Visiting, the Radleigh University series, Cool for the Summer, Home Field Advantage and the Sydney Taylor Honor book Going Bicoastal; editor of the anthologies His Hideous Heart, That Way Madness Lies, At Midnight, and, with Jennifer Iacopelli, Out of Our League; and a contributor to the anthologies All Out, The Radical Element, and It's a Whole Spiel. She lives in New York with her family and their overstuffed bookshelves.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 578 reviews
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,937 followers
December 10, 2014
4.5 stars!!


This book ranks high on my list of favorite NA romances. Though it has clichéd tropes (what NA book doesn’t?), the approach and execution was done very well and with ethnically diverse and easy to love main characters, an engaging storyline, and side characters that were both comical and warmed my heart, Last Will and Testament was a big winner for me!

“...life doesn’t give a shit about perfect timing or perfect circumstances; it just happens. And by now, I’ve lived enough to recognize that when something pretty damn good is coming your way, no matter how inconvenient, you should just fucking embrace it while you still can.”

What makes this book stand out from the typical NA romance is the strong heroine Lizzie Brandt. I can’t tell you just how refreshing it is to read about a heroine who actually deserves the title of female lead and doesn’t instantly turn into a giggler and a pile of mush when she meets the hero. She’s gutsy, bold, and snarky, but she has her fair share of flaws. I love how well-rounded her character is, and she’s everything a normal 18-year old college girl would be.

When she learns that both her parents passed away in an accident, Lizzie starts to realize there’s a lot more at stake than just her own needs: she has two younger brothers to take care of along with all the things her parents left behind, and she can’t afford to slack off in school any longer.


The one guy who has the potential to help her out of the mess and at the very least tutor her is her history TA, Connor Lawson. As I have an extreme weakness for intelligent and brainy heroes, Connor made me swoon at every moment. He’s nerdy, righteous, and so thoughtful, and goes far and beyond to help Lizzie. Though there’s no insta-love, subconsciously these two characters can’t help but want to be near each other and because they have totally opposite personalities, it was SO fun to see them clash and banter.

“Whose work are you ripping apart?
Yours. Constantine VI is best known for being the son of Constantine V? Really?
Best is subjective.”

As for the side characters, Lizzie’s younger brothers melted my heart! I loved seeing them interact with her and Connor and their naïveté was endearing. Several of their conversations gave my heart a squeeze and some had me smiling like a fool.

“I don’t know how to…I don’t know what I’m doing. I just know I like hanging out with you guys, and I’m crazy about your sister okay?”
“Gross. Aren’t you her teacher?”

Because of the forbidden nature of Lizzie and Connor’s relationship, there’s an expected amount of angst and drama but regardless of all the stolen moments and secrets they do stay strong and their feelings for each other never waver.


I did find some things to be a little inconsistent, like how a bright high school valedictorian could fall so, so low in college. I didn’t really buy into that part of Lizzie’s character and in addition the author does delve into the past a lot but not much development is seen there, so there’s a slight disconnect. It didn’t bother me too much though because Lizzie and Connor made such a great couple and I was entertained by their relationship dynamic and invested in their story. It speaks volumes to how much I enjoyed this book when I say that as a reader with a very short attention span, I just had to finish this book in one sitting and I actually wanted to continue to read it instead of watching my favorite anime show.

Last Will and Testament is a NA romance standalone and the first book in the Radleigh University series. The next book focuses on a side character.
February 6, 2021

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What were you like at eighteen? I was in my first year of college, and apart from academia, wasn't even close to having my adult game together. Neither is Lizzie Brandt, ex-valedictorian and scholarship student turned party girl. In fact, she's busy sleeping with another girl's boyfriend on the night she finds out that her parents are dead and she's been made her brothers' guardian.

We read OUT ON GOOD BEHAVIOR in the wonderful Unapologetic Romance Reader group for Pride Month. I'd heard wonderful things about Dahlia Adler, so participation was a no-brainer. Sadly, I didn't like the book - at all. Not because of the writing, which was excellent, or the sex scenes, which were well done. No, my dislike of the book was entirely because of the main character, Frankie "Can't Keep It In Her Pants" Bellisario, who is the embodiment of every negative stereotype of pansexuality there is.

I wanted to give this author another shot, though, because I did like her writing style, and managed to snag a copy of LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT when it was on sale to buddy-read with my good friend, Sarah. From the first page, I knew that this was going to be a totally different story. Lizzie is no Frankie. She's not selfish, she's not sex-obsessed, she's not a serial-cheater who leaves a trail of bruised and broken hearts in her wake. She's a young girl who makes foolish decisions because she's scared of the future, but she gets her shit in gear when fate deals her a heaping plate of responsibility.

One of the things I liked best about this book was Lizzie's relationship with her two younger brothers, Tyler and Max. Sometimes younger siblings can feel like comic reliefs or plot devices, but Max and Tyler had their own personalities and desires that sometimes came into conflict with Lizzie's, but despite their arguments, you really got a sense for the love they shared and their desire to be happy together, in spite of their terrible, terrible tragedy.

That was another thing that I thought was handled incredibly well - Lizzie's grief and her sense of loss. I kept tearing up, because it was so easy to project myself into her shoes and ask myself, "What if this happened to me?" Given the fact that her whole support group has just disappeared, it makes sense that she would grow attached to the closest thing she has to a mentor/nuturer in her life, her tutor-slash-TA, the nerdily gorgeous, Canadian-born Connor Lawson.

Connor and Lizzie are cute together, except when they're fighting and then I want to put them both in the corner and have them think about what they're doing. Unlike most NA book arguments however, I felt like Connor and Lizzie actually raised valid points when they fought, and it was interesting to see how the relationship continued despite the obvious conflict of interest and Lizzie's mourning.

Also, props to Sophie for being the craziest b-word that ever inhabited the e-word. She is Queen Cray-Cray, and all should bow down to her for being the crazy piece of work that she is.

Am I going to read the next book? Oh yeah!

3.5 to 4 stars!
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,496 reviews5,336 followers
December 12, 2014

*4.5 Flat-Front Pants Stars*

”I need to fix my life up at Radleigh or it’s over. If I lose my scholarships, or my brothers, or both…I just can’t.”


Eighteen year old college student, Lizze Brandt has to grow up quickly when tragedy strikes her family. She finds herself in danger of losing her scholarship and custody of her two minor brothers all the while falling head over heels in love with her Byzantine History TA, Connor Lawson.

”Flat-fronts. Duh.”

“Are you trying to turn me into a hipster?”

“I said flat-fronts, Connor, not skinny jeans and a fedora. I’m trying to turn you into a non-hopeless dresser.”

This story was so enjoyable! The writing is very witty with some added college mean girl drama and a love connection that was not only believable but hot as well.

”Sacrement, Lizzie…


Fantastic characters, heartbreak and the humor all scored this standalone story in a series very high with me.

”I don’t want to come up with reasons not to be with you anymore. I just want to be with you period.”


Profile Image for Rachel  L.
1,988 reviews2,437 followers
June 10, 2016
4 stars!

 photo last will and testament.png

I'm actually kind of bewildered that this book isn't more popular. It's a new adult gem!

Last Will and Testament is about college student Lizzie who just found out that her parents both died in a tragic accident leaving her as the guardian over her two little brothers. Lizzie moves her brothers up to college with her, but finds she is falling behind in her classes and asks her history TA to help tutor her. Thus, romance! Just kidding, but the two fall into a friendship and very soon feelings spark up.

I really liked the banter between Lizzie and Connor. He was the perfect "nerdy" good guy that Lizzie needed and Lizzie seemed to be Connor's dream girl and self confidence booster. There was a little bit of whiplash on his end from not being able to make up his mind about dating Lizzie, but when he made up his mind, he stuck to his guns.

The best part of this book was watching Lizzie get her shit together, stepping up and becoming an adult for her younger brothers, despite being only eighteen. Not many people would have done this and Lizzie gets mad respect for stepping up to the plate and committing to taking care of her brothers.

My problems with this book include Lizzie's lack of grief. I mean, maybe we didn't really see her process it enough, but at times I felt it was glossed over. There were also a few moments like this (I exaggerate in the pic) but it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book:

 photo batman meme.png

Plus, the two brothers weren't developed very well at all. There's so much more to that part of the story that wasn't included. And the ending wrapped up a bit too fast and nice to be realistic but oh well, it is fiction after all.

Overall a very fun new adult book that many will enjoy.
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,221 followers
December 24, 2014
4 Strong Stars.


Lizzie just went to college and is going through a rebellious phase, missing out on classes, alcohol and random guys. Until tragedy happens and suddenly she find herself without her parents and with the custody of her two younger brothers. And if she doesn’t want to lose her custody she needs to maintain her scholarship, and for that she needs the help of Connor, a TA that will tutor her. Their relationship is forbidden, but when neither can resist their feelings things are going to get rough. The forbidden fruit is the most desired one… but when your life depends on that, how much are you willing to risk?


I tend to run from NA for a while, because for some reason they all just look the same to me. I will not say that this book was completely original, but it had a slightly different plot and some elements that were refreshing. And the writing was solid and easy flowing. It was sweet, heartwarming, and it had the nice amount of drama and teary moments. If you’re looking for a nice NA book, this one is a good choice.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Characters Development: In the beginning Lizzie annoyed me to no end. I couldn’t understand why she was acting that way, but trough the book she really grew up and it was nice to see her development as a person. In the end she was a completely different and way better person. Connor was nice (despite one very immature moment where I just wanted to shake him.). He was sweet and supportive and a nice hero. The brothers and Nancy were great, I loved them!
Steam: Some hot moments.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for L A i N E Y (will be back).
397 reviews811 followers
October 8, 2018
“My brain’s still working to process the past few minutes. Connor has taken my fashion advice. Connor has also, apparently, taken a lover. Or already had one.

And I care, apparently.

Which means I need to get laid.”

How can you not love a girl whose brain works like this??!

This book read so much like butter: smooth, flowing and delicious (yum!). It was hella funny and I love Connor, he’s such an adorable (hot) nerd!

It’s an almost forbidden romance between a teaching assistant and an undergraduate but one that was surprisingly believable. Meaning I didn’t find Connor to be creepy or Lizzie too over-the-top forward about her feelings so point for that.

Totally on top of my NA pile, maybe even right below Addicted to You.

If you’re an NA reader, I’d recommend this one.

rating: ★★★★½
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,589 followers
March 4, 2015


“…life doesn’t give a shit about perfect timing, or perfect circumstances; it just happens.”

“Last Will and Testament” was such a fantastic read and for sure one of the best NA I’ve read so far. From the blurb you can tell the story is about a forbidden relationship. What makes this book for me so different from other books with same premise is the fact that this story is not only about a teacher-student relationship. It’s a story about life, love, family, friends and so much more.

Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Brandt is a 18 years old college student who enjoys college life and of course, drinking, partying, hooking up with different guys. Everything changes for Lizzie when she learns her parents passed away in an accident. Her life changes drastically when she realizes she’s the guardian of her two young brothers. She’s practically forced to grow up not only to be a good role model for them, but to keep her scholarship as well. Lizzie’s best friends Cait and Frankie support her in any way they can, but the one who is there for her and wants to help her with her brothers is her history TA Connor Lawson. Connor is a twenty-five years old intelligent French-Canadian graduate student at Radleigh. He is a little bit of a nerd who desperately needs some fashion advices.

“And what crimes against fashion?”
“Oh no.” I hold up my hands. “I’m so not falling into that trap.”
“You’re the one who mentioned it!”
“I take it back. You dress impeccably. Cary Grant should rise from the dead and learn from you.”

Lizzie needs Connor in more ways than one. She needs his help with her brothers, but she also needs some tutoring.

As the story progresses, they start to spend more time together and they realize they are good for each other and pretty great together.


Both of them want more than just a friendship, but getting involved is dangerous as long as Connor is Lizzie’s TA. Things get more complicated when one of Lizzie ‘enemies’ wants and tries to make their lives hell.

I really, really enjoyed this story. It wasn’t the best NA I’ve read, but like I said before definitely one of my fav. When you read a NA novel you must have to expect the story to be predictable. Yes, this one was predictable, at least at times. But who cares when you have such endearing main characters, great side characters and a fantastic love story?! I didn’t care for one moment.

While most of the time I like/love the male main character, in this case the one who surprised me in a good way was the heroine, Lizzie. She was simply fantastic. I loved her! From the beginning to end. I loved her personality. She’s strong, confident, bold and sassy and I really enjoyed her sarcasm . Needless to say she’s not the usual NA heroine. I really felt for her and for her little brothers. At times she felt mature to me, but at times (most of the time) she felt like exactly who she is, a 18 years old girl. She wants to be a good role model and she tries so damn hard. I admired her for that and for her tenacity as well. She has flaws, she doesn’t have a perfect relationship with her younger brothers, but she has a good heart and she tries to be there for them. She doesn’t succeed all the time, but she tries her best!

Connor was pretty great! I don’t necessarily prefer a nerd hero, but I enjoyed his character. He is supportive, caring, attentive and overall an adorable guy. Like Lizzie he has flaws and I liked this fact. He is confused and at some point he doesn’t know what to do about their situation. I understood him, but I can’t lie, he frustrated the hell out of me. Anyways, I like him a lot. I liked how he is with Lizzie, how he talks with her and his relationship with Lizzie's brothers.

I enjoyed their dynamic and their banter. To say their interactions were entertaining would be an understatement. They were fun, they were sweet and at times they were tender. Lizzie and Connor complete each other perfectly. Maybe because they are so different from each other.

The side characters are likeable (most of them) and engaging. Lizzie’s friends like I mentioned above are fantastic and her brothers were very, very cute.

The angst and drama are not overwhelming, which I appreciated it. The story is told entirely from Lizzie’s POV (1st POV) and I totally enjoyed being in her head.

All in all, “Last Will and Testament” was a really great heartwarming read with endearing characters, a sweet love story and flawless writing. Can’t wait to read the next book/s in the series!


“I’ve lived enough to recognize that when something pretty damn good is coming your way, no matter how inconvenient, you should just fucking embrace it while you still can.”

Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
December 20, 2014
4 - 4.5 Stars

This story shows you that your life can change the blink of an eye. One minute Lizzie is a frat party drinking and sexing it up, the next she is the legal guardian of her two younger brothers.

At eighteen years old she is a sophomore in college and basically doing with young college students do…making bad choices. Lizzie doesn’t have the option of making bad choices when her parents are killed in a car accident one night. At that moment everything changes, she has to move from her dorms, become a parent two small boys, and maintain her scholarship.

Lizzie has friends and they are great, but who really ends up stepping up and being there for her is her TA Connor Lawson. Connor is twenty-five years old and graduate student at Radleigh. He is a little bit of a nerd, or a lot of a nerd, but he is so adorable and sweet you can’t help but love him.

Things start off like this between Connor and Lizzie:

They have their witty banter and begin building a friendship.

“What’s wrong with pleat-front pants?”

"Nothing except for everything.”

Then Lizzie begins thinking she may actually be developing feelings for nerdy TA. In LIzzie’s mind this is completely unacceptable because she has set Connor up to be this dorky guy who’s only love is history.

"Which is crazy, because this is not a date. And this is Connor Lawson. He’s probably saving his virginity for the third rise of Constantinople."

It doesn't take long for Lizzie to admit she does have feelings for Connor, despite wanting to.

"Ugh, Connor. Connor. How the fuck did I end up liking Connor? I never should’ve told him about flat-front pants.”

This is my favorite part when Lizzie truly realizes there is more to Connor and she can’t help her feelings for him. During this period Connor is helping tutor her and is always willing to step up and help her with the boys. When reading this it is easy to love Connor he is pretty perfect and Lizzie is in a league of her own. I loved Lizzie. When you read this you have to think this an eighteen year old girl and she is trying so damn hard to be a grown up, but she is seriously still a child. My heart broke for her and the boys, in one night their family was taken from them…they still have each other, but I can’t imagine how hard it would be to lose a parent, let alone both.

This story has so many things going on, but it is written really well and it all works together. It isn’t messy and the story flows perfectly. We have the issue with Lizzie being a parent and her developing feelings for Connor. While I love Connor and Lizzie they still have a lot of issues and reasons to not be together. He is her TA and their relationship is forbidden, she is seven years younger, and most importantly is the guardian to two small boys. That’s a lot to take in and overcome.

I loved watching these two try work things out and make a go for it, because it really is just so freaking sweet. I loved when Connor opened up to Lizzie and she was able to be there for him for a change. I loved how he helped her through the hard times and rough months.

I highly recommend this one. It is a heartwarming story about love, loss, and overcoming. I also can’t wait to read more about the other characters.
Profile Image for Riley.
447 reviews23.4k followers
September 2, 2016
This book made me remember why I like New Adult
And major plus that it had a very strong emphasis on family
Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,000 reviews12.9k followers
May 22, 2018
Buckle up ladies and gents, this book just took the third spot on my "new adult books that are actually healthy romances!!" list.

I've been highly recommended this on the front of being a healthy romance with a main character of color (Filipina), and on those fronts, it definitely delivered. So really, this book accomplished what it needed to, and I would recommend it. It was what new adult promises: college angst, some good wholesome sex scenes, and a happy ending. But there were bits and pieces of it that I wasn't a fan of.

Firstly, I didn't find Lizzie's reaction to her parents' deaths to be reasonable. I know people deal with grief in different ways and I'm not entitled to police someone on how they should feel, but there was a total lack of remorse that was instead replaced with sarcasm and anger. Maybe it's just because I can't relate to her grieving process, but I was just craving different reactions from her than she gave. This particularly became bothersome upon her interactions with the love interest, because Connor is such a sweetie and genuinely kind-hearted guy but she was incessantly rude to him. I'm not gonna linger on this because, again, I know just because I can't relate doesn't mean her emotions aren't valid, but it was just harder to put myself in her shoes that way and be sympathetic for her situation.

Secondly, there's a subplot in this book about a previous partner's ex-girlfriend trying to blackmail Lizzie and ruin her relationship, and I thought the idea of it was a bit unsound and farfetched. The entire last quarter of the book centering on this conflict frustrated me because it was just too difficult to picture it being plausible in any real situation. The antagonist herself was sort of a cookie cutter character of the pretty, bitchy drama queen, and the narrator had a moment or two of slut shaming her and degrading her, which I was disappointed about. This whole plot point felt unnecessary and didn't quite fit naturally into the trajectory of the story.

Regardless, Connor was just such a great love interest that I was glued onto this book and hoping for scenes where he and Lizzie were together. I think her progression throughout the story was admirable and pleasing. Especially since I couldn't stand her attitude at the beginning of the book, seeing her mature and apologize and grow closer to her family was really satifying. If you're looking for a romance book to devour that isn't perfect but still makes you feel warm and satisfied, I say go for this one!
Profile Image for Dear Faye.
492 reviews2,135 followers
December 19, 2014
If you guys know me, then you should know that I rarely read New Adult. Mostly, it's because I'm not into the "bad boy meets virgin girl and they both undergo an angsty drama" thingy that a lot of them are unfortunately full of. Another reason is that I'm not really into reading sex scenes. I'm not against it particularly, but it's just something I seek once in a blue moon and when I'm in the right mood for it. What's interesting is that when I chanced upon this book, I wasn't feeling like reading one under this genre at all, but after taking a sneak peek at the blurb, I just knew I had to get my hands on it.

An age gap? A taboo teacher and student relationship? An orphan girl suddenly becoming the guardian of two minor kids?

Dude, something like that just screams to be read.

And I did read it and I really liked it. And it's not because I'm Filipina and the heroine is a Fil-Am - this book is legitimately awesome.

First of all, I'm not someone who is sexually active. I don't seek sex when I go party and I don't sleep around. That automatically makes Lizzie and I different, because she enjoys having sex and sees it as somehow as an escape from the problems that envelope her. But even though she and I were different, especially when it came to this certain lifestyle, I still couldn't help but feel for her and understand what she was going through. Dahlia Adler gave her a voice that was equally riveting and raw, making her someone easy to relate to and sympathize with. It's hard to lose your parents in a blink of an eye and be suddenly responsible for two other younger lives, just like what happened to Lizzie and her two siblings, because it forces you to grow up faster and put the needs and worries of other people before your own. And this book perfectly shows Lizzie's struggle while trying to look for her place in this big, confusing, and demanding world.

I absolutely loved reading how Lizzie tried to juggle so many things in her life since the advent of her parents' death - her dwindling grades, her grief, her brothers' grief, the gossips around campus, and of course, her newfound feelings for the Teacher's Assistant, Connor Lawson. Like I previously said, her narration had that perfect balance of rawness and honesty that were just so enchanting to read. We can really feel how confused and exhausted she was, but she tried her best to hide them because she had her brothers' interests at heart. You'd think this to be emotional in a dark way, but it actually wasn't (at least for me). It was rather emotional  in a way that was more... heartfelt. Genuine. More human and not over-the-top.

Plus, she was a snarky, cool person to boot, and I loved how she would make fun of herself sometimes even if the situation weren't exactly all rainbows and butterflies.

And the romance was simply awesome. I loved the pace it took them to realize their feelings. I loved how there were already so much tension between the two of them from the very first scene they had together. I loved how they liked each other while recognizing at the same time the repercussions of their feelings due to their current situation, and how they gave each other space because they both understood, and how they kept finding each other all the same. It certainly was refreshing for both of them to have doubts in their relationship in the beginning, not charging into it blindly like a lovestruck fool. When you love someone, you just don't love parts of them that are convenient to you. You need to accept them wholeheartedly for who and what they are, baggage and all. And it's great that this was one of the many things that this book emphasizes.

Plus, the sex scenes! They were hot, and I loved how it teased a lot because it was, in essence, "slow and steady". If I'm not making sense, then you better read this book to find out :P

There were a few things that I wish were improved on, however...

For instance, the main heroine is a half-Filipina. While this makes me happy because I'm Filipina myself, I am quite disappointed at how the Philippine culture wasn't given much of a highlight. In my opinion, if you make a character someone of color, it's necessary to be able to give details that are representative of that person's background, that can make someone from that country say, "Yes! This is truly WHO we are!" But aside from the fact that her mom made lumpia, and that the Philippines is largely Catholic and conservative (which is hardly true today with the more recent generations. Trust me, *I* know.), nothing else were really mentioned which was really a bummer. I really wanted to feel her being a Filipina, even just a little, but it felt like this fact was more in the background than anything else.

Also, while I loved the sibling interaction going in between Lizzie and her brothers, I wish her brothers' grief were more prominent. I think it would be more traumatic to lose parents at a younger age (13 and 7) because it is during that time that they are dependent on adults and need a mother and a father to look up to. I know this is mostly about Lizzie and how she coped with all the crazy things going on around her, but it would have given the book an incredible amount of depth if we were given a look into how the kiddos were coping as well. Their struggle were mostly behind the scenes and more implied, which bummed me out a little bit because I wanted them to have their own stories alongside their sister, and not just have them be merely a background for Lizzie's.

As for the ending, it certainly wasn't what I expected. It was more bittersweet in my opinion, but I greatly appreciated the messages it were sending - that we can't handle all our problems by ourselves. That no man is an island. That there are loving and caring people out there who are willing to share with our pain and lift them from our shoulders and carry them for us. That families and friends may walk different paths, but there will always be something that would connect us back together in one way or another.

And those messages were absolutely beautiful.

All in all, Last Will and Testament was a wonderful read for me. It's not an angsty New Adult, but a more heartfelt and genuine story of a confused and lost girl trying to get back on her feet with some help along the way - from family, friends, and a man with a big heart. Dahlia Adler is definitely someone to watch out for! I know I'll be reading her next books for sure.

Profile Image for Kat Kennedy.
475 reviews16.3k followers
April 16, 2015
Last Will and Testament started out really strong for me. Mostly because of Lizzie’s amazing narrative voice and unapologetic style. How unapologetic? Well the story starts out with her screwing another girl’s boyfriend when the police show up and inform her that her parents are dead.

Lizzie’s entire life changes then, when she has to adult-up and take on her two younger brothers while cleaning up her life at Radleigh university. To do that, she needs the help of her uptight TA, Connor Lawson.

Lizzie’s voice started out and remained the very best aspect of this novel for me. I would say there were a lot of great things about Last Will and Testament. Great characterisation, hot romance action, maintenance of drama and story line, good writing.

It was just the little things that got me, ya know? How quickly Connor and Lizzie’s relationship sparked up. The whole will-they-won’t they that came on really thick and fast and then just eased up abruptly in a way that made me question its legitimacy.

Don’t get me wrong, despite these criticisms it was still a great read, that I thoroughly enjoyed. And all the sexy times were greatly appreciated. No. Really.

Boner alert!

I just really loved Lizzie. Like so much. Such a flawed and well-rounded character. And Connor was delicious when he finally removed that stick from his ass. Oops, did I just say that out loud?

So whilst it wasn’t a perfect read for me, it was pretty damn good, and I think a lot of people are going to like this one.
Profile Image for ❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃.
810 reviews656 followers
December 11, 2014

Genre: Student/Teacher romance. (College TA)
Cover: 7/10
Writing: 9/10
Heroine: 9/10
Hero: 9/10
Humour: 6/10
Hotness: 6/10
Romance: 7/10
Extra book Details: Heroine POV; 1st person. Stand Alone. Approx 290 kindle pages.

I honestly wasn't expecting much. I don't think I've read a really good student/teacher book since A Different Blue. It was GREAT.

It started off okay, my issue in the beginning was that I didn't feel Lizzie's grief. As time went on, I was like; oh ok, she's dealing with it differently. Then she revealed more sides to her. I loved that she was so sassy, confident, funny, wicked... All the things I look for in a heroine, some of her lines were kick-ass and I truly enjoyed her.

Then she went and met Mr Connor Lawson.
They were totally perfect together. It was a case of opposites attract. Cocky, flirty and fun heroine with a blushing, badly dressed, geeky hero.

Their banter was awesome, Lizzie was so incredibly funny with Connor, they had a little love hate, and some snark, the lust was a little dirty and love was gentle. Awesome build up to it too.

Then it actually went and made me feel.
I felt love and sorry for them both.

Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews688 followers
December 16, 2014
★★ 2.5 Stars ★★

This clearly fell short for me, the first half I quite enjoyed but then at around the 50% mark things became extremely boring, the characters became immature and the story fell flat for me.

There was a 7 year age gap between Lizzie and her TA Connor, but this wasn't evident to me. Connor wasn't my type of BBF and his French blaspheming was a bit of a turn off if I'm honest.

I felt that they got together as a couple too quickly without any kind of sexual tension. I still don't know what it was that drew Connor to Lizzie.

Don't let me put you off, It's just not my kind of book.

Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,049 followers
February 17, 2015
He's bringing a salad. It's official; I want to fuck Connor Lawson.

Personally, I would have held out for dessert. But whatever.

I think there's a good chance that NA contemporary romance haters might enjoy this better than the standard fare. This is a less-ridiculous book than much of what's being offered at the moment, and is entertaining to boot.

But first to deal with : I'm probably super picky about teen mom stories because I was a teen mom. I did continue to screw up at that age. I still went to inappropriate parties and had inappropriate sex. But the one thing that seemed easy enough to me was learning how to flip a switch from "being around friends" mode to "being around kids" mode. Lizzie stayed crude and obnoxious around her siblings throughout the entire story and that really rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. It isn't hard to do what you want when you're out with friends, then dial it back when you get home, no matter how much stress you're under.

Having said that though, I will state that the one thing that made Lizzie feel real to me was that she wasn't an extreme parody of good or bad. Often, young adults are either "too old" for their age, or "too ridiculously young." There's rarely a realistic balance. This is something that the author did manage to handle well. Lizzie was neither extreme. She struggled, she fought, she tried. She failed sometimes, and succeeded others. This is what life at 18 is like.

The story had great "pull." As a reader, I wanted to know what was coming next. I wanted to root for Lizzie and Connor. And I most certainly wanted to see good things happen for all of the main characters involved.

Did I get what I wanted? Yes and no. I can't be more clear than that. One of the major solutions didn't sit well with me . That right there is the main reason a very readable 4 star book fell into 3 star territory. I didn't like that mess. But the good was good, and the good made me enjoy the book quite a bit.

I'd actually recommend this. It's got a little bit of everything - problems to overcome, drama that doesn't make you want to stab someone, strong relationship building, and some sweet chemistry coupled with good coupling.
Profile Image for Lucia.
737 reviews902 followers
April 29, 2015

From college party girl to guardian of her two younger brothers, Lizzie had to grow up very fast after the accidental death of her parents. I really liked transition of her character. Author made very good and believable job of developing her character. And even though I never experienced what Lizzie did (fortunately), it was very easy to connect with her. She was very realistic 18 years old character which made her POV very enjoyable for me.

Add NOT INSTA forbidden love, funny banters between main duo, emotional moments of three siblings learning to adapt in world without their parents and we have this not so original but solid NA read. I had some issues with author’s storytelling and plot holes but fortunately it wasn’t anything major that would prevent me from enjoying this novel.

Recommended for all fans of forbidden romance trope between teacher (teaching assistant) and student!

MORE REVIEWS ON MY BLOG Reading Is My Breathing
Profile Image for Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner).
390 reviews1,813 followers
July 30, 2016
THE TYPE OF NA ROMANCE I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. Oh man, I loved the crap out of this book. It was a sweet and sexy romance that I totally shipped like you have no idea but I also really loved how it explored how hard the college transition can be, family, grief & loss and having to grow up too soon. I have been pining for some books that aren’t just SET in college as a flimsy background setting for sexy times but the main character ACTUALLY is engaging with college life stuff and this book is 100% that. And well…the romance?

If you like forbidden romances (a student and TA) that don’t make you feel icky…I highly recommend. I loved the slow build of their relationship and the tension that just kept growing between them — especially since he was her TA so a romantic relationship between the two could really have repercussions.

I just could NOT put this one down — it’s compulsively readable and stood out for having a substantive college setting alongside the romance and for having a good guy love interest.

My only qualm came with the uber villainy of the antagonist…it just seemed a little overboard for me. I can see jeopardizing her love life because she’s mad but then some of the other stuff she was threatening was a little much.

You know I don’t read a ton of New Adult because most of it makes me all eye-rolly but I will heartily recommend this one!!
Profile Image for Sue.
781 reviews1,569 followers
September 18, 2015
Review also posted at Young Adult Hollywood.

Pants heavily.

That was me with this book.

I honestly didn't expect to love it this much.

But here we are.

I love how Adler writes her female characters.

We have a Filipino-American protagonist which is certainly a first from this genre. Her heritage was mentioned a handful of times but didn’t play any bigger stance in the plot. I kinda wish it did, though.

Lizzie is a fiery, unapologetic character and yes, she is a good person, but she makes bad and shitty decisions. And she doesn’t feel the necessary need to grovel at anyone’s feet and say sorry. And that’s okay, that’s fine. I am not trying to glorify or justify her actions, but it is always nice to see that a female character, especially of color, is given a complex agency. She is flawed and she does this thing most people would deem unlikable and not morally acceptable. I like that a lot. Women shouldn’t only be the standard for good, or role model type. While there is nothing wrong with that, women are all complex. One cannot simply deduce us by saying we can only be compliant and good. Each woman is different from the other. I’m clapping my hands for Adler because she captured what I was looking for in a female character. An unlikable character that is actually a likable character.

Aside from that mini snippet of why this book speaks to me, I don’t have any words to say except

• I really love the romance.
• It is hot and definitely swoon worthy.

Though I have to say Lizzie got the whole book spinning, Last Will and Testament is a story of grief, family and love. Highly recommended to all NA fans who are seeking a slow burn, heartfelt read.
Profile Image for Kathe L.
181 reviews95 followers
January 15, 2015
3,5 - 4 stars!


FORBIDDEN RELATIONSHIPS! This book isn't all about "love". It is also about loss, growing up, being more mature, and respect. Despise being a forbidden relationship, this one was different because the girl, Lizzie, knew he (Connor) was a teacher before they started dating. And that was new. Also, it has a whole lot of a different context.

In the very beginning, Lizzie finds out her parents died in a car accident and she has to take care of her brothers (Ty - 12 years old; Max - 7 years old). But she's only 18, and she has to take care of them, keep all her grades up in order not to lose her scholarship, and deal with all the papers and problems her parents left behind. It is too much for a college girl, right? Well, since she is failing her classes she starts having classes with her TA, Connor. AND here's the romance. He helps her a lot, though, because Lizzie is a tad bit... Brutally honest? I swear, I've never seen a female character with so much personality and at the same thing so sure of herself. And also so afraid to let everyone see deep inside her heart.

Despise not having anything "new", this book was very enjoyable because it's not just focused in the romance. It is sad and it shows how life can change in seconds. Imagine being in the same situation? I would be entirely lost.

"I may not have my parents or a house up here, but I do have a family, and I do have a home, and I think I might even have a handle on this "adult" thing. Maybe. Eventually. Whatever - I'm getting there."

What I liked a lot, too? Lizzie wouldn't support Connor's crap. She was firm, and told him everything that she thought. And you know that "I want to be with you, but we can't, and I'm going to kiss you but regret later"? Lizzie was the type of girl that was up for all or nothing and I really enjoyed it, because Connor could lose his job and Lizzie could lose her scholarship. It can't be treated lightly, you know?

Anyways, this was a good, quick read, and overall, I really recommend it. Lovers of romance, family issues and character with a lot of personality, this book is for you.

Profile Image for Brittany S..
1,838 reviews811 followers
June 22, 2015
Initial Impressions 11/30/14: Yayyyyy! 4.5 stars for this lovely book!
I'm usually not quite interested in students who have relationships with their teachers/professors/TAs (I'm looking at you, Julie Taylor (Friday Night Lights)) but I trusted Dahlia Adler to steer this book in the right direction because she is awesome and she totally did.
I'm always craving for more books in college and I think it's hard because as much as people's high school lives vary, I think things start to get really different in college too. I've been staying away from new adult for a long time because it's not like I'm averse to reading about seksi times but some books start to get a little vulgar for me (not the content itself, but HOW it's worded. Maybe reading so much YA makes me feel more removed from hearing about it? Maybe it's my Catholic school upbringing deeply rooted in my brain somewhere? Maybe all of the above?) and yes, at times I was like WOO boy, this is not leaving anything to the imagination but hey, it's fun! (*fans self*)
I really loved how every situation was handled and with a student getting involved with a TA, there's no doubt that either the student or the TA or both is in jeopardy of a bad rep and/or career getting ruined. I mean, of course I won't say what happens -- that's the obvious assumption there -- but I really did love what Dahlia Adler did with the book and how the characters really shaped each experience as well.

I really liked the characters a lot. Lizzie was a bit more brazen than I was (or am) but she really reminded me a lot of a few of my friends combined. I LOVED Connor (I just love a good guy. So refreshing after reading so many bad boys (though I do love the bad boy with a heart of gold story too)) and if you watch New Girl, I pictured him as hot teacher Ryan soooooo. YEAH.

Anyway. Really enjoyed this one and will be recommending for SURE! Thanks to Dahlia Adler for the copy so I could read it in advance! :D

Full review posted HERE on The Book Addict's Guide 12/15/14: Pretty much every since college, I’ve been looking for a book that incorporates a college atmosphere. I fell in love with young adult, but I was still craving those books that reminded me of my college years and there just weren’t that many out there. With the emergence of the “new adult” category, I got very excited but upon sampling a few selections, none of them really did it for me. Yes, many more sexy times happen in college than in high school but I didn’t want to read just a romance novel in a younger package than it usually is.

Then came this year. I swore off new adult for a while (unless it leaned heavily towards the young adult side), not wanting to try another one unless I really felt confident that I would enjoy it. I saw that Dahlia Adler had a new adult book coming out and because I love her so (and was genuinely interested), I immediately jumped on the chance to read, review, and promote. I finished Last Will and Testament in a single day because I couldn’t put it down. I absolutely loved it and it really was the perfect new adult for me.

The thing I’ve been craving the most in new adult — the college feel — was very much a part of the book and almost all of it takes place while Lizzie is at college at Radleigh University. I just love the campus feel and the change-up from roaming the halls of a high school to dorms and quads and lecture halls. Throw in a hot YA (hey, I’m sure a lot of us had a hot teacher/TA in college) and things just got even more interesting!

From the very first few pages, the emotions were running high. From a string of “big mistakes” to an all-time low, Lizzie Brandt was already have a terrible year and things just started piling on after her parents’ death. I really just loved how realistic her reactions to everything were. Lizzie is very protective of her brothers and immediately starts planning what she can do to keep the rest of her family together but she’s not totally un-selfish either which I liked. Of course she wants to do the best thing for her brothers but she’s also still in college and has a lot of her own life to live. Everything gets turned upside for her so quickly and it’s incredibly difficult to manage.

I really loved how everything was handled with the story line too. I’m sure some people are thinking, “Student relationship with a TA? No way.” Because in any other book, I’d be hesitant about it too. The relationship between Lizzie and Connor felt totally natural and I wasn’t quite sure exactly how that relationship would start. Despite the natural hesitance about the two getting involved (hey, they had qualms of their own, of course!), I was always rooting for them to make it work somehow. I absolutely love Connor and yes, it was infuriating and scary at times watching this romance pan out for Lizzie, but boy did I want those two together! Everything really fell into place as the story progressed and I think Dahlia Adler totally hit the nail on the head with this pairing and how the entire conflict was handled.

I KNOW you’re wondering, “But what about the sexy parts?!” WHEW, BOY, you guys. Yes, there are sexy parts. Lots of them. And GOOD ONES. I’m not a romance reader (just contemporary where things tend to not get as steamy) but things got hot and heavy in LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT and I loved it. (Also holding my Kindle away from my husband so he didn’t read over my shoulder during the more detailed scenes because I was blushing). I thought the characters had great chemistry and yep. I’ll admit it. I totally had a thing for Connor too.

For someone who’s been hesitant about new adult for so long, I’m so happy that LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT started to bring me back towards this category of books. This book was utterly addicting and so much fun to read. I finished and immediately wanted more! If you’re on the fence about new adult, DEFINITELY try this book! It’s one I will be highly recommending!
Profile Image for Hazel (Stay Bookish).
635 reviews1,617 followers
December 23, 2014

This one is definitely a high 4 and I not only really liked it but loved it. Super enjoyed Lizzie's voice! Full review tk.


HELLO THIS IS BY DAHLIA ADLER OF COURSE THIS IS GOING TO BE FABULOUS AND HOTTTTT. And can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that the main character, Lizzie, is half-Filipina? Diversity in New Adult, yes please!
Profile Image for Keertana.
1,138 reviews2,274 followers
December 23, 2014
Last Will and Testament is one of the few novels I've managed to read in one sitting over the past few months. Considering that little has kept me away from sleep since I began college, this speaks volumes. While Adler's latest is compulsively readable, with a flawed heroine we cannot help but root for and a swoon-worthy romance to boot, my feminist brain couldn't help but nit-pick at the villain of this storyline--which only contributed to my rising dislike of the plot during its last quarter. Nevertheless, I cannot help but recommend Last Will and Testament in a sea of increasingly predictable and bland New Adult novels. It isn't the best forbidden romance novel I've read, but it's certainly not the worst either.

Lizzie, the heroine of our novel, is knowingly helping the president of an on-campus fraternity cheat with his girlfriend by being the "other" woman, when the police knock of their bedroom door to inform her that both her parents have been killed in a car accident. This makes 18-year-old Lizzie the guardian of her two younger brothers, 13-year-old Tyler and 7-year-old Max, as well as forcing her to increase her GPA if she wants to remain on a scholarship to stay in college. Stunned, alone, and completely unprepared for the responsibility she must now undertake, the last place Lizzie expects to find help is from her young (and very sexy) TA, Connor. Connor, whose history class Lizzie is currently getting by with a C, finds Lizzie a new apartment to house her brothers and agrees to tutor her as well, all so that Lizzie can achieve the minimum GPA required to maintain her scholarship. While Lizzie is puzzled--and grateful--for Connor's willingness to help, she doesn't expect to fall in love with him. After all, this is the TA whose class she has ignored, skipped, and detested. But, as both Connor and Lizzie will realize, there is no convenient time for love.

First and foremost, I have to applaud Adler for, from the beginning of her novel itself, creating a heroine who isn't instantly likable. Lizzie is knowingly sleeping with a guy in a relationship and she spends her weekends getting drunk in frat houses instead of studying to improve her GPA. Yet, despite this, it is Lizzie who is our heroine and I admire that Adler crafts her in such a way that she manages to be grief-stricken and sarcastic, with "loose morals" by New Adult terms, and is still an incredible heroine with strength and courage in the face of tragedy. Moreover, another kudos I must assign Adler is her realistic portrayal of college; college is hard. Lizzie may have been the valedictorian of her high school but she's struggling to get by in college and as soon as she owns up to her responsibilities and stops partying, spending all her time looking after her brothers and studying, her grades improve. The New Adult lifestyle of party-going heroines who have time to both maintain their grades, their popularity, and their love stories? It's a myth that is very difficult to perpetuate in reality and I like that Adler approaches this from a realistic stance.

Last Will and Testament stands out, however, because of its forbidden romance. Connor and Lizzie's love story plays out slowly, cautiously, with neither of them acknowledging the feelings they have for one another until they are so ingrained into each other's lives. Lizzie starts out detesting Connor and her change of heart as she gets to know him as a person--as more than her TA--is developed perfectly. I was on the edge of my seat, dying to see how Lizzie would handle her younger siblings alongside Connor. Moreover, I was desperate to see if Connor would rise to the challenge of being with a student, particularly one with the baggage Lizzie brings with her. Adler handles this romance adeptly, making it both sexy and believable without sacrificing any of the side characters she adds. Lizzie's brothers have their own personalities, each as developed as that of Lizzie and Connor, so the complications they add to the storyline were a unique twist. Connor, too, is not without his own baggage and though the main plot line revolves around Lizzie and her issues since her parent's death, I appreciated the glimpses into Connor's past.

Where my issues with Last Will and Testament arose came in the last quarter of the novel. Lizzie, who--if you'll re-call, was sleeping with the president of a fraternity house even though he already had a girlfriend--winds up becoming Public Enemy #1 of said girlfriend. And, naturally, this girlfriend is the villain of our plot and proceeds to go to great lengths to make trouble for Connor and Lizzie in their little paradise. Last Will and Testament doesn't need a villain, frankly. The circumstances Lizzie is placed in cause enough hurdles in her life, not to mention her younger brothers, thus the emergence of such a dramatic storyline towards the end of the novel was disappointing, to say the least. What's more, the villainous girlfriend in question chooses to take down Lizzie when it was her own boyfriend who was truly at fault for cheating on her in the first place. I continue to be confused by why media--books, movies, commercials, shows, etc.--perpetuates the idea that a scorned woman will exact revenge on another woman. I attend an all-woman's college and I can assure you that, despite all the confused looks I received after I made my decision--there has been less drama and more solidarity and sisterhood on my campus than those of my friend's who all opted for the usual co-ed route. Girls are not naturally vindictive and vicious and the fact that the villain of this novel goes to extreme lengths to "get back" at Lizzie is not only unrealistic, but it perpetuates a terrible reputation upon women. It is especially saddening within the context that Adler truly created an exceptional heroine in Lizzie, one who had not just one but two close girlfriends with reliable friendships. Yet, the disintegration of the plot within these last few chapters deducted a couple of stars from my otherwise favorable rating of Adler's latest.

Like I said previously, I would not hesitate to recommend Last Will and Testament. It is a New Adult novel that manages to be un-put-dow-able and the romance at the crux of this story is truly sweet and swoony. If you manage to overlook the dramatic plot developments of the end, this is an ideal New Adult read. Adler may not be a favorite author of mine, but she certainly possesses the potential.
Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews417 followers
November 18, 2014
☆ I received an ARC via the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ☆


Dahlia Adler’s upcoming New Adult Romance was genuine, honest, and realistic…BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, it had heart!!

Last Will and Testament dwindled a delicate balance between life, family, love, and obligation.

For college wild-child, Lizzie Brandt, What happens when your life is spiraled upside down and you suddenly become the sole custodian and provider for two adolescent boys?


Faced with these obscurities while being a full time student, Lizzie, has to change her tune and get her act together before she not only flunks out of school, BUT, loses those most important to her—her brothers.

With the help of her handsome TA and a whole lot of growing up in the process, Last Will and Testament was a heart-gripping, heart-rendering, and all around touching read that tugged at my heartstrings and admire Lizzie’s character for persevering during this grievous period (in her life) and push forward for the sake of her and her brothers’ futures.

I will definitely be keeping an ear and eye out for this author and her works, as well, as bk2 of this series!! Can’t wait!!

Profile Image for Jaime Arkin.
1,441 reviews1,370 followers
December 30, 2014
Lizzie Brandt has spent her year at college skipping classes, partying and sleeping with another girl’s boyfriend, so when the police show up at a house party to inform her that her parents have died she isn’t quite sure how she should react or what she should do.

Her Byzantine History TA is quite familiar with Lizzie’s slacking off and when she emails him to let him know she won’t be in class for a quiz he does what any other teacher might do in his situation… asks for proof.

But dealing with her parents’ death isn’t the only thing on Lizzie’s plate now... she has two younger brothers that she now has to prove she can take care of and that quite possibly means she’ll have to lean on Connor in ways she never would have expected. And who knew that her uptight History TA would be the one who helps offer her some guidance with not only school things, but also the things she can’t necessarily control.

So admittedly I have shied away from teacher / student relationship books (Slammed is the only one that I have liked) since I flounced Unteachable at about 4% in. But this sounded different to me, like something I could get on board with and understand the relationship and the actions of the characters.

And it was.

To start with, Adler writes characters that you want to be friends with… well for the most part anyway, I’m positive I’d pass on a certain person in this book, but Lizzie – definitely. She’s funny, sassy and snarky and not one to keep her opinion to herself. Even though the whole book revolves around this really sad event, I didn’t find that the story itself was sad and I attest that to Lizzie’s character. She made you sympathize with her, but she wasn’t all woe is me about it. Instead she pushed forward to try and make a life for her and her brothers and prove that she could handle these adult responsibilities… even though she maybe couldn’t. It was amazing to see her try and to push herself to accomplish all the things she had.

And Connor… *swoon* who knew what flat-front pants could do for a guy. I love slightly nerdy guys… and doesn’t Byzantine History TA just scream nerdy? Connor certainly doesn’t have all the answers but he offers Lizzie an ear and a shoulder and though he fights his feelings for Lizzie for a long time, things finally come to a head… literally… HOLY HOT *fans self*

Adler can write some sexy scenes and what I will say here is that they don’t overtake the story like they so often can (and do) in new adult. It was nice to see the relationship and friendship develop side by side and when the shit hits the fan, there were no overly dramatic moments, instead we get a mutual ‘we’ll figure it out’.

In Last Will & Testament, Adler weaves an engaging, emotional story of life, love, family and friendship filled with moments of humor, and bits of sadness, I was hooked from the first page and if you’re fan of new adult then you must grab this book as soon as possible!
Profile Image for Beatrix.
545 reviews94 followers
January 21, 2015
Okay, I was not even going to write a review for this one, because I really have not much to report.

So just a few thoughts –

This is a proper 2-star read for me. I neither liked nor disliked Last Will and Testament; it was simply okay. Maybe I was not in the mood for it, because honestly it was not a bad book. The writing was a bit cliché, but nothing too bad. There are worst books out there, let me tell you that.

Therefore, I won’t be recommending this book to any of my friends, but I wouldn’t discourage anyone from reading it either; you might like it, depending on what you’re looking for. For me it was simply mediocre.
March 9, 2016

As a forbidden love junkie, I'd wanted to read Last Will and Testament for a long time. If you're a fan of student/teacher love stories with loads of "but we can'ts" and "but I want to's" then you should totally check this out. Even though there were parts that didn't completely work for me, I thought it was a fun read with good dialogue and sexy sweetness.

The author does a great job of hooking you right from the beginning. Lizzie has become accustomed to coasting in college instead of working hard to maintain her GPA, so when she has to buckle down for the sake of her brothers she leans on her History TA, Connor, for extra help. And here's where things get hot, you guys.

Connor is French-Canadian and speaks French. Let that sink in for a second. (All you Canadian people are probably rolling your eyes at me right now). Mix his hot bilingual abilities with his bad fashion sense and geeky humor and you have basically the most adorable guy ever. I thought he was super hot. Connor was so easy to like and I couldn't help but fall in love with him. He was more than willing to help Lizzie when she needed it.

The story read really quickly and fluidly. Like I said earlier, the author did a really great job pulling you into the story and it had this great magnetic momentum. The dialogue was funny and felt natural. I could feel the sexy tension between the two main characters, the struggle between professionalism and heart. If you're wondering about the age gap: she's 18 and he's 25 and in grad school.

I wish that the author would have slowed down the pacing of the romantic relationship. I feel like it got started way too soon, which then led to the obligatory back-and-forth in order to drum up tension and conflict between the characters.

Connor went from being this shy slightly awkward guy to being a semi-sex god. He knew all the moves and I just found it to be a little inconsistent with who he was as a character. I'm not saying that just because a hero is shy means he needs to be shy between the sheets, but I just couldn't see Connor's character going all alpha in bed like he did. Also, some of the sexual dialogue between them was repetitive and over-the-top which detracted from the sweet nature of their relationship.

I didn't love the resolution in the ending. I feel like it sort of nullified everything that Lizzie was working towards and it didn't really make me happy (no, I'm not talking about the romance). [spoiler]She was struggling to be a mother figure to her two little brothers. Basically what happens is that one brother goes back to their hometown to live with a family and her other little brother lives with their next door neighbor.[/spoiler]

I will definitely be reading the next one!!

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