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Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough

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Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought Dragon Age: Inquisition Guide

Last update: 06 June 2024

Way to unlock the quest: Complete the Here Lies the Abyss quest

Quest giver: -

Arabor wilds - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
Arabor wilds

After you have completed the Here Lies the Abyss quest, you can start another one, in the main storyline. It has been divided into several stages and the recommended level, to complete the quest is 16-19. To receive the quest, go to the war room and activate the operation with the name of the mission - cost: 40 Power points.

You will travel to the Arabor wilds (M29,1a). It is merely a transition area, which is the battlefield to various units of the Corypheus's army. You can even skip the battle and simply push forward, until you reach the Mythal Temple (M29,1b).

The mosaic in the temple - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
The mosaic in the temple

At the Mythal Temple, approach the mosaic in the center (M29,1c). You note that these are slabs that glow blue, after you walk onto them. You need to light all of the slabs, but there are some rules, though:

  • The slabs that have been stepped onto, by a party member, do not count;
  • Stepping on a slab that has been lit already makes all of the other slabs switch off;
  • You cannot hop over a slab to avoid stepping on it;
  • You cannot step outside of the ritual area - onto the flooring, the barriers, etc;
  • You can step on the gold-colored flooring - it is neutral and it does not reset the slabs.

As soon as you manage to solve the puzzle, door on the upper floor opens and you can proceed into the temple.

Two paths: the door in the distance or the hole next to you - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
Two paths: the door in the distance or the hole next to you

Now, there are two paths to choose from: perform the ritual (M29,1d-1f) and cross the main door (M29,1g) or enter from below (M29,1h) after the Red Templars. What makes the choice important is that the elven guards become turn hostile towards you, if you skip the rite. On the other hand, if you perform it, they become your allies and additionally, they guide you across the areas in the temple, away from the enemies, through secret passages that would be inaccessible to you, otherwise. Also, you can choose a compromise - perform the ritual in the temple and follow the tunnel behind the back of the Templars - also then you will gain the favor of the elves.

The first ritual - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
The first ritual

To perform the rite, you need to solve puzzles to the one that you had to handle at the temple's entrance. The first ritual (M29,1d) is this: walk into the center of the mosaic and deactivate all of the slabs. Walk onto the second one, from the wall, turn left and walk over the outer rim, over the stairs down. Turn right and get to the end, where you walk over to the neighboring slab. Return over the outside rim. After you walk onto the stairs, go left and light the rest of the slabs. After the first mosaic is alit, hop over the low wall and make the pattern over the second mosaic, in a nearly identical way - start with the first slab in the very corner.

The second ritual - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
The second ritual

The second ritual (M29,1e) is exceptionally easy: you simply need to stand on the slab on the stairs and go left. Zigzag ahead and walk around the second statue on the left. There, keep zigzagging up until you return to the starting slab.

The third ritual - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
The third ritual

The last ritual (M29,1f) may be trifle troublesome. First, walk into the center and use the lever. Now, stand on the single slab on the left and head towards the opened gate. There, zigzag your way over all of the slabs. Return by keeping at the same height as the starting slab. Stand on the golden flooring and use the lever. Now, as you are standing on the rim, zigzag your way onto the opposite edge. Then, light all of the slabs around the statue in the center.

The sewers under the temple - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
The sewers under the temple

If you enter the hole (M29,1h) you get into the sewers. You need to go leftwards of the entrance, as far as possible, to get to the other side of the sewers. Then, along the other side, you need to return to the other side again, but across the passage at the other end.

The lever for the grate - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
The lever for the grate

At the other side, there is a passage behind a grate - you can open it with the hidden lever (M29,1i) next to the veilfire torch.

Surrounded by elven guards - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
Surrounded by elven guards

Now, after you enter the main corridor, you will be surrounded by elves - if you do not want to/can't ally yourself with them, you will have to fight them. However, if you ally yourself with them, after the cutscene, follow the old elf guide with the cane. He will guide you to the last door (M29,1j) of this stage.

The elven guide - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
The elven guide

If you decide on passing on your own, you are up to quite a lot of fighting, both the elves and the Red Templars. If you see that they have a slight advantage over you, you can first let them fight each other and simply finish off the remnants.

The artifact that you can use to destroy Samsons armor - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
The artifact that you can use to destroy Samson's armor

After you reach the last door, climb down the stairs. There, you encounter Samson - Corypheus's right hand man. Note! If you have earlier completed, for Cullen, "Before the Dawn" quest, you will now be able to use the artifact to destroy Samson's armor.

Samson - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough

If you have allied yourself with the elves, Abelas is going to help you fight Samson. The enemy is sluggish, but he is tough and the battle may take a while. If you are playing as a ranged character, do not let him land attacks on you and do not interrupt yours. If, however, you fight at a short distance, watch out for Samson's swings and occasional spinning attacks, across the arena. As you deplete his health bar, he will become stronger and stronger, but also more and more sluggish, at the same time. His parameters go up every 25% of health.

Make a decision at the well - Dragon Age Inquisition: What Pride Had Wrought - Main storyline quests (The Path of the Inquisitor) - Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Guide & Walkthrough
Make a decision at the well

After the battle, you see a cutscene, where you decide who is to receive the well's power. You can either point to yourself or to Morrigan. Your decision will determine who will handle conversations, until the end of the game.

There are no rewards for this quest.

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