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Dragon Age Inquisition: Warrior abilities Dragon Age: Inquisition Guide

Last update: 06 June 2024

Category: Two-Handed




Block and Slash


Prepares to repel the opponent's attack and counter. To use this ability, you of course need a two-handed weapon. Countering deals more damage than regular attacks with the given weapon.

Flawless Defense


This is the best of the Block and Slash abilities. It adds two, highly useful features - increase in the strength of the counter attack and bonus to guard (defense against the enemy attacks).

Mighty Blow


Deals a powerful blow and knocks down the opponent. It is one of the best abilities in this category, which you should use as often as possible. Remember to attack the downed opponent, because this will deal more damage to him.

Easy Target


This is the best of the Mighty Blow abilities. It is a good idea to obtain it early into the game, because it increases damage dealt to the downed opponents and reduces the cost to use the superior ability.

Flow of Battle


Decreases cooldown of the activated abilities, thanks to critical strikes and increases the value of strength. Especially the latter is useful, because it affects damage that you deal.



Decreases defense parameters of the opponents' shields, thanks to critical strikes and the increased strength. Just like above. The main incentive to unlock this ability is the fact that you can boost the key attribute of the warrior.

Pommel Strike


Lands a strike that staggers the opponent. It is a perfect ability, especially that the enemy takes 300% damage. The only downside is that he remains in this state for the mere three seconds.

Lightning Jab


This is the upgrade to the Pommel Strike. Its main feature is that it extends the time, for which the opponent remains staggered, by one second. Apart from that, it decreases cooldown time of the ability.



Starts a whirlwind attack. This ability is not as useful as the remaining ones, in this category, although it allows you to deal damage (unfortunately, of decreased strength) to bigger groups of opponents.

Rising Winds


This is the upgrade for the Lightning Jab. It only adds one more feature - increases damage dealt by the individual spins (you need to continue performing the superior ability to see the difference).

Guard Smasher


Increases damage against the opponent's guard and permanently increases the attribute of strength. The former gains in meaning while fighting stronger and better armored opponents.

Clear a Path


Regenerates stamina, thanks to attacking multiple opponents in one swing and permanently increases strength. This ability harmonizes perfectly with Whirlwind, which is perfect for dealing with multiple opponents.

Earthshaking Strike


The attack forms a seismic wave. The ability is useful only while fighting multiple opponents and, additionally, you always need to position yourself in the way that allows the attack to wipe as many opponents away as possible.

Shattered Ground


This is the upgrade for the Earthshaking Strike. It is perfect and it adds the effect of eruptions, where fissures in the ground occur. This creates the possibility of setting opponents on fire.

Summary: I recommend that you rely on Mighty Blow from the beginning of the game, thanks to which your warrior can effectively interrupt the attacks of the opponents and kill them effectively. Lightning Jab is just as useful, because it allows you to stagger the selected opponents and to exploit the fact that they are defenseless. If you want to use two-handed weapons to attack groups of opponents, you should also take interest in Earthshaking Strike. However, in such a situation, also get the upgrade for this ability, so you have more chance of setting opponent on fire. As for passive abilities, invest your points in 1-2 of them, at least (mainly for the sake of the additional strength points).

Category: Weapon and Shield




Shield Wall


Uses stamina to block the attacks of the opponents. Additionally, as a result of successful blocks, the value of guard rises. It is a good ability, if your warrior has been targeted by stronger opponents, or if you want to strengthen him up, before joining more open combat. Quite a downside is that activating this ability discernibly slows down your character.

Chevalier's Step


This is the upgrade for the Shield Wall. There are two exquisite features to this one - it increases defense of the party members around you and decreases the "penalty" to mobility of the warrior, after the ability is activated.

Payback Strike


Allows you to leave the state of immobility and land a shattering blow on the nearby opponents. This ability comes in handy, whenever your warrior has fallen victim to an attack that restricts your mobility or, after you have recently taken damage, thanks to which you can strike back.

Sweet Revenge


This is the upgrade for the Payback Strike. It increases damage dealt with the attack and allows you to stagger the attacked opponents for two seconds.

Bear Mauls the Wolves


Toughens you against flanking attacks, decreases the chance of getting staggered, during a frontal attack and permanently increases the attribute of Stamina. The passive bonuses to this ability decreases the likelihood of negative effects that may expose you to attacks of the opponents.

Warrior's Resolve


You regain stamina, while taking damage and receive a permanent increase to Constitution. This is an interesting ability, if you build your warrior with aggressive actions in mind, instead of hiding behind the shield.

Turn the Bolt


Cuts damage taken from ranged attacks by a half (various types of projectiles) and permanently increases Constitution. It is a good idea to take interest in this one, because warriors are often the target of archers and other ranged enemies.

Shield Bash


Attacks with the shield. It is an immensely effective attack, because it deals 300% regular damage and, additionally, breaks the guard of the attacked opponent. Try to use the attack on the strongest of enemies, because the cooldown is long.

Ring the Bell


This is the upgrade for the Shield Bash. It increases the bonus to the weakening of the opponent's defenses. Take interest in this upgrade, only if you use Shield ash only for that purpose.

Lunge and Slash


You lunge forward and spin with a slashing attack, if the first strike connects. This is a versatile ability that can be used both at short distance and at a greater range.

Great Lunge


This is the upgrade for Lunge and Slash. It increases the bonus to damage, depending on the distance that you have dashed/ It is of use, especially, in the case of opponents that are discernibly away, because the bonus may soar to 250% damage.

Turn the Blade


Parries frontal blows and increases the attribute of Constitution, permanently. It is a good ability, thanks to which the warrior takes less damage.

Summary: As a matter of fact, each ability in this group is unique, n its own respect and may be of use. Shield Wall is a good ability at the beginning of a battle, or when the warrior is in a tight situation. Payback Strike not only allows you to lift adverse effects imposed on the character, but also respond to the attacks with proportionate power. Shield Bash is an absolute opposite of the Shield Wall and it allows you to use your shield offensively. Lunge and Slash is also offensive and can be used in a variety of situations. As for passive abilities, invest in, at least, 1-2 of them. Preferably the ones that increase your resistance to specific attacks.

Category: Vanguard




War Cry


Taunts the opponents with a cry. The main purpose of this is to attract the attention of the opponents, who are attacking the weaker party members. However, the warrior himself may also profit from this, because it increases his guard attribute.

Call to Arms


This is the upgrade for the War Cry. It provides you with an additional bonus (automatic) to your armor, at the moment at which you activate the ability.



Taunts a specific opponents, Just like in the case of the War Cry, your character also receives a bonus to guard. Personally, I recommend the abovementioned ability, because you can profit more from that.

Throw the Gauntlet


This is the upgrade for the Challenge. It provides you with a bonus to the regeneration of stamina (15 points per second).

Untouchable Defense


Provides you with a bonus to guard points and permanently increases your constitution. It is a good offensive ability, thanks to which the warrior is more difficult to damage.

Charging Bull


Fortifies guard and starts a charge. It is a powerful ability, because any warrior is capable of knocking opponents down, thanks to charge, and deal increased damage. Using this ability is especially recommended, against bigger groups of opponents.

Bloody Charge


This is the upgrade for the Charging Bull. After the charge ends, you do not lose your stamina points.

Trust the Steel


It grants a bonus to armor, whenever your guard is activated and also permanently increases the attribute Constitution. The bonus is especially discernible if the warrior wears heavy armor.

It'll Cost You


Some of the damage taken is reflected back to the opponents and makes them bleed, and also permanently increases strength. It is one of the better passive abilities in this category, thanks to which you can eliminate the opponents faster, without the necessity to take additional actions.

Cutting Words


The party deals higher damage to the taunted opponents and it permanently increases strength. I recommend that you get this ability, especially that the bonus to damage is received by all of the party members.



You receive guard points per each opponent nearby. It is a good defensive ability, which may help the warrior in battle against multiple opponents.

Still Standing


This is the upgrade for the Unbowed. You should get it soon after you have obtained the main ability, because it guarantees high bonus to guard, regardless of how many opponents are around you.



You accept some of the blows meant for your allies. It is an excellent ability that discernibly helps keeping allied archers and mages alive. You just need to make sure that your warrior can withstand damage taken both by him and the allies attacked by opponents.

Not Today


This is the upgrade for the Bodyguard. It is recommended that you get it quickly, because it allows you to ignore half of the damage that you receive from the attacked allies.

Summary: The above category is an auxiliary one, i.e. it should be developed after you have developed the ones in Two Handed or Weapon and Shield. What is common for all of the abilities is that their purpose is to focus attacks on the warrior and, at the same time, relieve the allies that do not do that well in direct combat. First of all, I recommend that you rely on War Cry, Unbowed and Bodyguard. It is also imperative that you get some of the passive ones, e.g. It'll cost you (faster killing of opponents) or Cutting Words (which increases offensive abilities of the entire party).

Category: Battlemaster




Grappling Chain


You pull the enemy towards yourself. This is one of the abilities that your warrior should be using often. It discernibly helps dragging stronger opponents away from weaker allies and in attacking the enemy archers and mages, who are trying to keep a safe distance, faster.

Give Them the Boot


This is the upgrade for the Grappling Chain. It is imperative that you unlock it as early as possible, because there are two perfect features to it - it increases damage dealt by the ability and adds the stagger effect to the dragged opponent (for 3 seconds).

Crippling Blows


Thanks to this, the critical attacks of the warrior weaken attacks by the opponents, and it permanently increases strength.



Slows down the enemy, after he is attacked from behind and it permanently increases strength. The slowing down effect is noticeable, because the attacked opponent moves 50% slower. Unfortunately, this effects only lasts for 3 seconds.

Coup de Grace


You deal more damage to staggered and downed opponents. This ability harmonizes perfectly with e.g. Mighty Blow of the Two-Handed Weapons category, thanks to which the warrior can knock down opponents without problems. The damage growth is decent - it amounts to 30%.

Combat Roll


You dive and roll. This is an unique ability, in that it does not deal any damage, nor does it strengthen the warrior. Its only purpose is to get you into a different area of the battlefield. You can use it, e.g. if your warrior is at the brink of dying or if you want to get an opponent quickly.

Roll with it


This is the upgrade for the Combat Roll. At the moment of the Combat Roll, negative effects connected with immobilizing your character, are lifted.

Deep Reserves


Increases the rate of regenerating stamina, after it falls to low levels and it permanently increases strength. You can take interest in this ability if you often use activated abilities that weigh on the stamina bar.

Horn of Valor


You blow a horn that increases bonus to damage and armor, for the warrior and his allies. It is a quite interesting ability, of auxiliary features, whose inarguable asset is that the entire party may profit from it.

That's the Spirit


This is the upgrade for the Horn of Valor. It raises the bonus to damage, from 15 to 35% so, you should take interest in it, if this is what you care for.

War Horn


Blowing the horn strikes panic into the hearts of the opponents. Your party may profit a lot from this ability, especially that the enemies remain panicked out for the next 6 seconds, at which point they are an easy target for your attacks.

Break Their Spirit


This is the upgrade for the War Horn. Now, there are two additional effects to blowing the horn - it lowers the value of the enemy armors and increases (considerably!) bonus against guard. You can profit a lot from both.

Summary: The above category has an auxiliary function, e.g. it should be secondary to abilities of the Two-Handed Weapon or Weapon and Shield categories. You can pick here, from many varying abilities. At the beginning of the game, I recommend that you use Grappling Chain. After you gain experience, take interest in the abilities that allow you to blow the horn, because the entire party will profit from it. As for passive abilities, the most interesting one, in my opinion, is the Coup de Grace, but you should not skip the rest of them either, while distributing your points.

Specializations - Champion




Line in the Sand


It blocks off a given area and does not permit the opponents to get through. It is an unique ability, which may be of use only in narrow passages and other tight locations. Thanks to this, you can obstruct the enemies from reaching your allies that fight at a range.

And No Further


This is the upgrade for the Line in the Sand. It expands the blocked area from 6 to 9 meters. If you like using the above ability, you should also obtain the upgrade.



Adds a bonus to maximum guard and permanently increases the attribute of Constitution. Both of them are very useful for the warrior.



Ensures a chance of staggering the opponents, after the warrior is attacked, and it permanently increases the attribute of Constitution. The chances of staggering the opponent are, unfortunately, low (5%). Apart from that, he remains staggered for 2 seconds only, and the ability only activates in the case of melee attacks.



Regenerates maximum guard to its full capacity and provokes all of the nearby enemies to attack the warrior. Additionally, all of the melee attacks are reflected, for the duration of the ability. The important piece of information is that you require Focus to activate it so, leave it for the longest and the most demanding battles.



It provides you with a bonus to your armor and it permanently increases the attribute of Constitution. Both of the bonuses are very useful for warrior.



You avoid a deadly attack and replace it with invulnerability to the attacks of the opponents, for several seconds. Additionally, it permanently increases the attribute of Constitution. Especially the former bonus is highly helpful,, although it is worth noting that you can escape death only once per 60 seconds.

To the Death


Encourages the opponent to burst in rage. The upside of this ability is that the opponent only focuses on attacking the warrior and he takes more damage. Te downside is that with time, the blows landed are stronger and stronger. Therefore, you need to apply consideration, while using this ability (if you decide to unlock it, in the first place).

En Garde


This is the upgrade for the To the Death. It adds a valuable feature - raises the value of the warrior's guard, each time you land a blow to the enraged opponent.

Walking Fortress


It grants absolute immunity to damage, for 8 seconds. It is an immensely helpful ability, if you often use your warrior to distract enemies, or when you simply need more time to wait through cooldown on other abilities.

Siege Breaker


This is the upgrade for the Walking Fortress. It provides you with two additional bonuses - to the cooldown and to the guard.

Summary: This specialization offers both defensive and offensive abilities. The former comprises of Line in the Sand and walking Fortress, thanks to which the warrior becomes, virtually, invincible, for a short time. As for offensive ones, try to use Counterstrike on a regular basis, for which you need Focus. Also, do not forget about the passive abilities, especially about Unyielding, which can often save you from losing your entire health bar and weaken the entire party.

Specializations - Templar




Spell Purge


Lifts all of the spells cast around the warrior. This is one of the better abilities, in this category, which you should use regularly, each time you are fighting enemy mages. The range is 5 meters.

Spell Shatter


This is the upgrade for the Spell Purge. It allows you to deal severe AoE damage to the opponents, as long as the ability lifted a barrier or some other effect, which had salutary effect on the nearby enemies.

Blessed Blades


Provides the nearby allies with a bonus to damage, of 15%. It remains activated for, as many as, 24 seconds, which makes this ability useful and good-to-use frequently.

Lights in the Shadow


This is the upgrade for the Blessed Blades, although not directly related. Its functioning is about shortening cooldown, to a minimum extent, of two other, activated, abilities - Spell Purge and Wrath of Heaven.

Champions of the Just


A bonus to damage, for the entire party, and it permanently increases strength. Especially the latter is of value, and it helps you eliminate opponents faster.

Maker's Will


Provides you with a chance of weakening the opponents attacked by the party and it permanently increases willpower. The chances to weaken the opponent are low - 5%. The upside is that he can be weakened by any of the party members.



Guard, Stamina and Mana points regeneration, in your party, is facilitated. It also increases their resistance to damage. All of the bonuses are helpful. The important piece of information, however, is that you require Focus to activate the ability so, leave it for the toughest and the longest battles. Also, you should know that the amount of Focus that you spend affects the powerfulness of the ability.

The Last Sacrifice


At the moment of his death, the warrior bestows high bonuses, to health and damage dealt, on the rest of the party. Additionally, it permanently increases the attribute of Constitution. It is not too interesting an item, because you should strive for keeping your party member's alive.

There Is No Darkness


Raises the resistance of the entire party, to elements, and it permanently increases Willpower. It is a good idea to take interest in this one, because many of the stronger enemies (dragons included) rely on dealing damage from various elements.

Wrath of Heaven


It summons a pillar of light that stuns the enemies and deals four-fold damage. The bonus to damage concerns demons only but still, it is one of the best abilities in this category. It is a good idea to use it, although the cost to use it is high and the cooldown is more than 20 seconds.

Embrace the Light


This is the upgrade for the Wrath of Heaven. It is imperative that you unlock it, if you like the main ability, because it improves on its functioning - on damage dealt and the duration of the stun effect.

Summary: Many of the abilities in this specialization seem to be connected with the fact that Templars hate Mages, because the abilities are about casting breaker spells, which make casting difficult for mages (it is a good idea to take interest in Spell Purge, among others). A very much useful one is also the Wrath of Heaven, thanks to which it is easier for the party to deal with the weakened and stunned opponents (it is definitely a good idea to upgrade it). You also should unlock, at least, 1-2 passive abilities, especially that the majority of them take their effect on the entire party and not on the warrior with this specialization.

Specializations - Reaver




Ring of Pain


It marks part of the battlefield and all the enemies within the area take spirit damage. Apart from that, your attacks become stronger. The important piece of information is that the strength of the ability depends on the severity of the warrior's wounds. Sometimes, it is better to wait until he is healed, thanks to which the ability is more powerful.

Torrent of Pain


This is the upgrade for the Ring of Pain, although not connected directly. While active, it reduces cooldown and cost to use other two abilities- devour and Dragon Rage.

Blood Frenzy


Provides a bonus to damage, based on the drained health and it permanently increases strength. The bonus is 5% per each missing 10% of health and, for obvious reasons, you can profit most (or lose, if the warrior dies) after you lose a greater amount of health points.



When an enemy dies near you, you receive a bonus to damage. It also permanently increases Cunning. It is a good idea to unlock this ability, because the damage growth is 30% and it holds for 5 seconds.



It increases the speed of attack, life steal and damage dealt. To activate this ability, you require Focus so, leave it for the toughest and longest battles. You also need to know that the power of the ability is determined by how much focus you want to spend on it (the maximum amount of bonus to the abovementioned is 30%).

Terrifying Fury


A chance to cause fear in opponents, as a result of critical damage dealt. It also permanently increases the attribute of Cunning. It is a quite interesting ability, especially that the chance of the occurrence of the effect is 25% and it can hold for 6 seconds.

Scenting Blood


The warrior bursts in rage, whenever there is a bleeding opponent around and it permanently increases the attribute of Constitution. After the ability is activated, your character moves faster and gets a higher chance of dealing critical damage so, these are profitable bonuses. Still, you should ensure yourself with abilities and weapons that increase the chance of making the opponents bleed, thanks to which you can activate this one more often.



A strong attack that heals the warrior. The strength of the attack depends on the difference between maximum health and your current number of health points - it is the most effective when he is severely wounded. It is worth noting, at the same time, that activating the activated Ring of Pain can additionally strengthen this ability.



This is the upgrade for Devour, Although it is very tightly bound with the Dragon Rage. Using that ability, coupled with Devour, increases your chances of landing a critical hit by 25%.

Dragon Rage


The warrior lands strong attacks, whose strength depends on the damage taken (the higher the damage, the stronger the attacks). It is worth noting, at the same time, that activating the activated Ring of Pain can additionally strengthen this ability.



This is the upgrade for the Dragon Rage. It discernibly improves on the main ability, because it increases the bonus for damage dealt and cuts down cooldown time.

Summary: This category is marked by the fact that many of its activated abilities are closely bound together. This means the Ring of Pain, Devour and Dragon Rage. It is a good idea to utilize those abilities simultaneously, thanks to which they gain in powerfulness and you can obtain new unique features that increase their combat value. Apart from the abovementioned, also remember about Rampage, which uses up Focus, as well as about the interesting passive ones. They often focus on playing a risky game and they make bonuses conditional on statistics and on the Warrior's remaining health points.

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