voiceless consonant

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Synonyms for voiceless consonant

a consonant produced without sound from the vocal cords


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Attention should also be paid to the shortening or "clipping" effect of voiceless consonants following English vowels.
He thought this was due to sound change within Khotanese wherein intervocalic voiceless consonants became voiced:
The duration of the last syllable vowel is the shortest in the word purronikadoks (V5 = 60 ms), which is probably due to the following voiceless consonant cluster.
Placing emphasis on the final voiceless consonant /k/ would not require the addition of the vowel.
preterite indicative was extended, the voiceless consonant followed suit.
The aspirated allophones [[p.sup.h], [t.sup.h], [k.sup.h]] generally occur word-finally in single stops, stop-clusters, and other voiceless consonant clusters.
Singing three words, such as in "a short phrase," we alternate vowel, voiceless consonant, vowel, voiceless consonants, vowel, and voiced consonant, requiring not only multiple changes in the position of the articulators, but also three onsets and three releases of the tone itself (Figure 2).
aggoz [a'ggeZ] 'harrow', kadud [kaduD] 'hands', ab [a'B] 'help', "the syllable is sonorously short and when the break of voice cannot be heard, the syllable intonation is hardly different from in a syllable with a short vowel + voiceless consonant" (Kettunen 1938 : xxi).
2) The voiced category ([+V]/z/): the phoneme /z/ in all the cases where it "should" be pronounced voiced (no assimilation effects), prevocalic if not preceded by a voiceless consonant: <kann sehen>, <frei so>, intervocalic < Rosen>, in prevocalic-postconsonantic positions after voiced consonants <Halse>, <winseln>.
In the punctuating particle desu, the voiceless consonant /s/ devocalizes the /u/ vowel, essentially dropping the vowel sound and resulting in [des].
In "aspirating" languages, they assigned the lowest numeric value to the traditionally labelled voice consonants ([1spread glottis]), and the highest value to the traditionally labelled voiceless consonants ([9spread glottis]).
Presence or lack of intervocalic voicing of voiceless consonants doesn't differentiate UK accents, social classes or the sexes.
Thus with underlyingly voiceless consonants /-di/ is realized as [ti] (48a), with underlyingly voiced oral consonants it is realized as [di] (48b), with underlyingly ejective consonants it is realized as [ti] or [t'i] if the host is alveolar (48c), and with nasal consonants it is realized as [di] (48d).
They observed that the patients articulated the voiced consonants perceived as the production of voiceless consonants. It is believed that this is a direct consequence of the mechanical properties of pseudo-glottis, which is very different from the properties of the vocal cords.