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a consonant produced without sound from the vocal cords

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produced without vibration of the vocal cords

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References in periodicals archive ?
In the second, one grasps the presence of the unintelligible, unintelligent surd in human affairs, whereby people are unintelligent and unreasonable in their decisions, and these result in decline.
In the social sciences, if the facts do not fit the theory, this may be because the theory is wrong or inadequate, or it may reveal a high degree of social surd distorting the data.
In the cross God's self-revelation occurs through an identification not with logos, not with the rational order of the universe, but with the surd of evil.
(101) A major postmodernist theme not addressed above, however, regards confronting the objective surd of individual and structural evil.
President Obama sought input from mayors surd other stakeholders which
In ontic structural realism, these structures are the objects in question--there is no substrate of the numbers or structures posited as an unknowable surd. This is not strictly speaking the case for pancomputationalism.
According to the existing literature (Meny, Surd, 2002), the instruments that give citizens the right to be directly involved in the political decision making process are (Maduz, 2010): 1.
He is a surd that mars the equation ("a scandal for the Jews" / "un scandale pour les Juifs" that is "to us [...] a nonsense"/ "parmi nous un non-sens").
The second name, the surd, is for Lonergan an example of an inverse insight.
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION: bruise; bruised; bruit; bruited; brut; brute; buried; burse; burst; busied; busier; bust; busted; buster; bustier; debur; debus; debut; disbud; disturb; DISTURBED; drub; druse; dude; duds; duet; durst; dust; dusted; duster; dustier; etui; rebus; rebut; redbud; rudd; ruddiest; rude; rudest; rued; ruse; rust; rusted; siddur; stub; stud; studied; sturdied; subedit; sudd; sued; suer; suet; suit; suite; suited; surd; sure; true; trued; tube; tubed; tuber; turbid; udder; used; user.
There is little or nothing on the poem in memory of Fergusson's mathematics professor that brings the expression 'surd roots' into verse for the first time; there is not enough about Fergusson's Classical education and the use he made of it, though Brown does mention that the Weekly Magazine included an essay 'On the Advantages of a CLASSICAL EDUCATION'.
Ordinals: first = erst (oldest, former), worst (antigram); third = surd (antonym, not irrational); tenth = nth, strength (on 1-10 scale)
In social media, we have a perfect plat- form of anonymity to scream out the most extreme and ab- surd observations.