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Synonyms for offense

an act that offends a person's sense of pride or dignity

extreme displeasure caused by an insult or slight

something that offends one's sense of propriety, fairness, or justice

a serious breaking of the public law

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for offense

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
the accused Milorad Bahilj, under Sections 1 and 5 of the Operative Part of Judgment - the criminal offense of Organized Crime under Article 250(2) of the CC BiH in conjunction with the criminal offense of Tax Evasion under Article 210(3) of the CC BiH as read with Article 31 of the CC BiH; and under Section 2 of the Operative Part of Judgment - the criminal offense of Counterfeiting or Destruction of Business or Trade Books or Documents under Article 261(2) of the CC FBiH, all as read with Articles 31 and 53 of the CC BiH;
Under the bill, the owner or operator of the land transportation utility shall be solidarity liable with the driver or conductor for a fine of P1,000 for every offense or violation.
Table 3--Offenses, Known Offender's Race, by Offense Type, 2012
The Expanded Offense Data section of this report provides more information about expanded offense data.
Under the elements test, one compares the elements of each offense. If all of the elements of offense X are also elements of offense Y, then X is an LIO of Y.
The policy, announced in July, standardizes how the Army and other services classify offenses, how many offenses a recruit may have committed before requiring a waiver, and in what combination those offenses may have been committed.
said, "If the owners come before the board on a complaint, there should be no warning on any type of offense." He then made a motion to eliminate all warnings.
You adjust your multiple wing to fit your players, rather than have the players fit the offense.
Factors that may be used in deciding whether to prosecute include the nature and seriousness of offense, pervasiveness of wrongdoing, corporate history of similar conduct, corporate cooperation, established compliance programs, corporate remedial actions, collateral consequences resulting from prosecution, adequacy of individual prosecution, and adequacy of remedies.
Of these delinquents 85% went on to be arrested for a subsequent criminal offense as a juvenile within the next three years after evaluation.
sentencing information can concern the offense or the offender.
To begin with, federal penalties generally are much harsher than state penalties for the same offense. Many critics have pointed out that disparate punishment by state and federal jurisdictions for the same crime invites abuse of prosecutorial discretion at both state and federal levels.
The aim of the Nisbet, Wilson, and Smallbone study was to examine relative rates of sexual and nonsexual recidivism in a sample of adolescent sex offenders and assess the degree to which adult sexual offense recidivism can be predicted by variables suggested in the existing literature.
The line graph shows the average size of the prison population according to the type of criminal offense.
By offense type, intimidation was the most often reported offense, accounting for 35.2 percent of the total bias-motivated offenses.