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Synonyms for law-breaking

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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LAW-breaking motorists were slapped with fixed penalty notices and had their cars seized in a police crackdown.
The criminal complaints in both courts address President Obama's principal role in this criminal conspiracy within the government and the courts of the United States, intent on preventing, hindering, and delaying, the execution of the laws upon law-breaking government officers.
The UNODC thinks economic and social development is harmed by organised crime and the weak legal and administrative systems that encourage law-breaking. "In eastern Africa, warning lights are flashing--we must respond immediately", warned UNODC executive director Antonio Maria Costa.
BRITAIN wants more information from Turkey over the Duchess of York's alleged law-breaking - before it considers extraditing her.
If the drivers who invariably cause these deaths - speeders, drunk drivers, mobile menaces and the like - were fined more, and the more wealthy law-breaking drivers were fined according to their income, then wouldn't that offset the cost for the honest taxpayer of providing mosquito nets for Africa?
We need to get tough with all law-breaking racists.
Was the President right to authorize law-breaking programs?
Get tough by all means, but target continual areas of blatant law-breaking and the targets will be easily met, very quickly.
"If you steal, cheat or commit some other white-collar crime, you'll face the same consequences as law-breaking street thugs by spending time behind bars." (Emphasis added.) Stealing and cheating were already illegal, of course--which begs this question: what are these unspecified "other white-collar crimes"?
For Gandhi and King, law-breaking is justified only when it respects authority and recognizes the opponent's human dignity.
A new study adds a genetic twist to the much-noted tendency of maltreated kids to become violent, law-breaking adults.
FIVE teenage schoolboys behind a two-year crimewave on an island where law-breaking was unheard of have been caught.
It sets out a range of measures that can be taken outside the courts for working with youth who have begun to become involved in law-breaking. It also provides that for specific serious violent offences, adult sentences will be presumed appropriate for youth as young as 14.
A SUNDAY Mercury investigation can today reveal the lies and law-breaking behind a new Midland lottery.