criminal offense

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- Mustafa Stovrag, by the acts described in Count 13, committed the criminal offense of War Crimes against Prisoners of War under Article 175(1)(a) as read with Article 180(1) of the CC BiH, all in conjunction with Article 29 of the CC BiH; and, by the acts described in Counts 14 and 15, committed the criminal offense of War Crimes against Prisoners of War under Article 175(1)(a) as read with Article 180(1) of the CC BiH.
Criminal offenses include misdemeanors and felonies.
The percentage of criminal offenses against individuals causing actual bodily harm was 5.5%, and it was higher in the West Bank at 7.6% compared to 3.3% in Gaza Strip.
By linking the databases, the investigator was able to determine whether young women for whom Medicaid claims for reproductive health services (contraceptive management, pregnancy or pregnancy termination) had been submitted had also been the victim of suspected or documented abuse or had been referred for criminal offenses. Odds ratios for these outcomes were calculated using logistic regression.
Which type of criminal offense poses the greatest threat to your community?
The failure to disclose honestly common controls undermines competition and is a false statement--a criminal offense.
This was also the judgment of Congress, which, proclaiming to be "protecting the children," voted overwhelmingly in 1996 for legislation to make it a criminal offense to send "indecent" material over the Internet into people's computers.
Prior to the Rodney King incident, "we would have jammed the guy, and jammed him thoroughly--meaning, he would have been identified, run for warrants (arrested if he had any), and then given a citation if there was any criminal offense also committed, such as spitting on the sidewalk"
We examine the relationship between mental retardation and criminal offense patterns, and in particular, the prevalence of mental retardation among individuals charged with a sex offense.
Sarajevo of the charges that, by the acts described in Sections 1 and 2 of the judgment operative part, they committed the following: the accused Zhang Jiaofen, a continued criminal offense of Tax Evasion or Fraud under Article 210(4) of the Criminal Code of BiH, as read with Article 54 of the CC BiH, and the legal entity 'Zhang' d.o.o.
Defining criminal phenomena is important because it allows police officers, detectives, prosecutors, and judges to speak intelligently about a given criminal offense. Furthermore, generally accepted definitions facilitate the aggregation of statistics, which law enforcement can analyze to reveal previously undiscovered criminal threats and patterns.
A permanent resident alien appealed the determination of the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) that he was ineligible for discretionary relief from deportation because he had committed a criminal offense that was listed in the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA).
Nearly 29 percent of those abused and neglected as children were arrested for a criminal offense as an adult, compared to 21 percent of the controls, reports Widom in the July AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPSYCHIATRY.
Sarajevo with the commission of the criminal offense of Tax Evasion or Fraud under Article 210(4) of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CC BiH), and the accused Zhang Jiaofen also with the criminal offense of Money Laundering under Article 209(3) of the CC BiH.