ivy geranium

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Synonyms for ivy geranium

a commonly cultivated trailing South American plant with peltate leaves and rosy flowers

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Ivy geraniums collection: Five plants (range of colours - pink, lilacs, red) pounds 7.95
If you can't get the ivy geranium you want locally, write to these mail-order specialists for a catalog.
Some plants, such as ivy geraniums and lantanas, usually need less frequent watering.
Upright and ivy geraniums are for sale for $3 each.
She filled the containers with Agave 'Mediopicta Alba' and pink ivy geraniums.
SET C Ivy Geraniums (mixed colours): pretty geraniums will be covered with red, pink and white flowers all summer - six plants for pounds 7.99 inc p&p.
Some plants like ivy geraniums and lantanas usually need less frequent watering.
USE COLOR AS ACCENTS Choose flowering plants that keep their color coming, such as verbena or ivy geraniums. Or go with rosette succulents (such as echeverias) that resemble flowers but never fade.
SET B: IVY GERANIUMS Enjoy red, pink and white blooms all summer.
For flowers that bloom into fall, plant ageratum, begonias, celosia, dahlias, ivy geraniums, marigolds, petunias, portulaca, salvia, sweet alyssum, and zinnia.
If you are using fuchsias, ivy geraniums, lantanas, verbenas, coleus, dahlias, cannas, callas, red-leaved hibiscus, tuberous begonias, caladiums, summer flowering bulbs like glad, and tender herbs like rosemary and lemon verbena in your landscape and wish to enjoy them another year, the time is at hand to lift and store or pot, take cuttings or divisions, and thus prepare for the weather that is coming.
The scarlet bougainvillea, yellow Euryops pectinatus, pink ivy geraniums, purple sea lavender (Limoniurn perezii), and succulents such as aeonium, echeveria, and jade plant surround a dramatic-looking agave, Behind the wall, a pink-flowered Nerium oleander makes a splash of bright color against the grassy green fronds of a ponytail palm.
Geraniums, fuchsias, ivy geraniums, impatiens and begonias all have major roles to play in the summer garden, but remember that they are not cold-hardy and provision must be made to move them indoors before freezing temperatures arrive.
Cascading types, like ivy geraniums, are especially attractive trailing from hanging baskets and window boxes.
If you are storing rooted plants such as geraniums, ivy geraniums, fuchsias, verbenas, brugmansias and other tropicals, it is important that they also be inspected.