Ivy League

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Ivy League

1. noun The collective name for the group of eight prestigious universities located in the Northeastern US, including Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale. Meredith really wants to go to a school in the Ivy League, but I doubt she has good enough grades.
2. adjective Referring to those universities. Meredith really wants to go to an Ivy League school, but I doubt she has good enough grades.
See also: ivy, league
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Ivy League

A preppy clothing style. Named for the athletic federation of Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale, “Ivy League” described a 1950s and '60s men's fashion: pants with no pleats and a buckle in the rear. The buckle could be used to expand or shorten the waist fit, although it was primarily for adornment. There were also British-influence narrow-brim caps that had a buckle in the back. Why “Ivy League”? The schools were considered (at least by some) to be sophisticated, elite, and thus worthy of emulation, an attitude that their students did little to disabuse.
See also: ivy, league
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price Copyright © 2011 by Steven D. Price
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References in periodicals archive ?
An article by Joe Falls, however, yielded an interesting story of an Ivy Leaguer turned Baseball Hall of Fame inductee.
She's also not an Ivy Leaguer, having attended the University of Northern Iowa and Northwestern University's law school.
"We did let you know," replied the increasingly agitated Ivy leaguer.
Although it's easy for a seasoned Asia hand like Fowler to make light of Pyle's evident naivete, he does find this "quiet," well-educated Ivy Leaguer and professor's son infinitely preferable to the boorish and often drunken Yanks that dot the clubs and other colonial hangouts during France's waning moments of local power.
Rapid montage introduces: nice prudish Emma (Laura Regan), blond Ivy Leaguer Matt (Sean CW Johnson), sassy wannabe actress Charlie (Jennifer Sky), cynical pot-smoking Rex (Kris Lemche) and slightly nerdy Danny (Stephen O'Reilly).
Punchless pilot, penned by exec producers Dan Staley and Rob Long, centers on the central plot of heiress Allison Conklin (Paget Brewster) and her sudden reluctance to marry a dull Ivy Leaguer from the right side of the tracks named Howard (Vince Grant).
"They must have been Jekyll and Hyde, because they were actually condescending Ivy Leaguers who thought they were the smartest people in the room."
Kennedy, Ivy Leaguers of the 60's, to the preps of the 80s and 90s.
West Philadelphia is now a trendy multi-cultural mix of local residents from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and "Ivy Leaguers" from the University of Pennsylvania.
They are determined to avoid predictable post-graduation engagements to rising young Ivy Leaguers, and futures of babies, cultivated domesticity, and upward social mobility.
"Northern Kentucky More Inspirational than the Ivy Leaguers." Times Higher Education.
A social network for Ivy Leaguers doesn't become a global giant reaching 2 billion people all by itself.
While an all-Caucasian boardroom of greying Ivy Leaguers may conceivably represent a broad diversity of backgrounds and views, it is usually a safe bet that this diversity would be further enhanced by including women and minorities.
Don't endorse firing the "lowest" quintile, publicly rank-ordering them in the newspaper, or bringing in untrained but photogenic Ivy Leaguers. Do it the old-fashioned way: careful recruitment, building teachers' skills and knowledge, investing in their capacity and leadership over time.
The Black Ivy Alumni League has established itself as the alumni network for Black Ivy Leaguers, hosting substantive programs, developing scholarship funds, promoting black businesses and leadership, all while fostering a community within and beyond our alumni base.