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Synonyms for furthermost

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for furthermost

(comparatives of 'far') most remote in space or time or order

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Now after dumping Cove in a replay, Tommy Sloan's side are on their travels again with a 440-mile round trip to the furthermost Aberdeenshire club to face Fraserburgh.
Furthermost, rice was a staple crop in Vietnam which was culturally consumed by people.
In another study which lead in the United Kingdom, furthermost of the nurture learners (25%) leave the nursing education before complete the course.
Furthermost respondents were of the opinion that, most of the developed countries and many under developing countries too have more than one sovereign universities of technology, in Pakistan there is no university of technology,Government should resolve this issue without any delay.
It is this group that is furthermost away from any sort of health education, health care and economic benefits when it comes to illness that inevitably stems from tobacco use, said the seasoned doctor.
They correspond to the bar segments of the top bar and guide rail from the platforms with respect to the furthermost and the closest ends: the longer (Ll) and the shorter (LS), respectively.
When the moon is at "perigee", its shortest distance from the Earth, it is 226,000 miles away and appears 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter than when it is at its furthermost point.
German thanks FROM Laurenstein in Saxony, the furthermost point attained by balloons which were released last July when the Cardiff and County Horticultural Show was held in Sophia Gardens, has come a gracious acknowledgement of the monetary gift despatched by Miss EM Reddaway of the ladies committee.
A midfielder at full-back, a midfield trio that would have been a long price to start this game when the fixtures were announced, and Firmino back as the furthermost striker.
Those who drive slowly on Oman's highways are advised to drive in the furthermost right lane so as to not cause any inconvenience to other drivers.
First, the proposed definition of "onshore production facility or onshore production operation" would end the production function at the furthermost downstream point of measurement for purposes of calculating mineral severance or where the flow stream from two or more wells commingles.
OUTER space is already filling up with junk but I wouldn't hesitate to put Boris Johnson and Donald Trump - they should get on splendidly - in a rocket to the furthermost galaxy.
Contained in each group were various subgroups with slaves at the furthermost bottom, freed slaves and vagrants a step up.