furtive glance

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furtive glance

A quick, stealthy look at someone or something. The robbers exchanged a furtive glance when they realized their actions had been caught on the security cameras. I saw that furtive glance! What are you two plotting this time? You idiot! Your furtive glance toward the backseat practically told the cops to search my car!
See also: glance
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

furtive glance

a secret or quick glance, quickly averted. He made a furtive glance in the direction of the closet when the robbers asked where the jewelery was hidden.
See also: glance
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Opera song Una Furtiva Lagrima (A Furtive Tear) comes from 1832 Italian Opera L'elisir d'amore (Elixir of Love) by Ga etano Donizetti.
An onlooker at the bar said: "If it was just a soft drink why did he look so furtive?" laura.armstrong@people.co.uk
THERE IS A MOMENT in Talo/The House, 2002, a video installation by the Finnish artist Eija-Liisa Ahtila currently on display at the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, where the furtive glimpse of a dog triggers an altogether different kind of vision: "Outside a new order arose, one that is present everywhere.
They launched an intensive investigation and, after months of careful scrutiny, announced the startling news that the report was not a hoax: The furtive ivory-billed woodpecker was still alive.
The mystery deepens when their furtive neighbours are revealed to be part of a wife-swapping circle
When we became co-workers, our relationship was blissful at first; we would exchange furtive glances when passing each other in the hallway, and we would often make plans for a secret rendezvous after work.
AFTER HURRICANE KATRINA STRUCK the Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005, an e-mail from the furtive Columbia Christians for Life discerned the image of a fetus in a satellite photo of the storm and concluded that Katrina was part of God's plan to destroy the rive abortion clinics in New Orleans.
Furtive bands of white criminals and black plunderers also complicated the situation.
The pages of Variety are steeped in stories about product placement and other forms of furtive product plugging.
If a male barn swallow's plumage is more attractive than that of other males, his mate is less likely to have furtive flings with other wooers, new research suggests.
Clear glass bridges connect the buildings, allowing a rare, furtive glimpse of the inhabitants of the monolithic cubes.
Regretfully, I have responded to this impulse, if at all, in a furtive manner.
The first time was for being insufficiently discreet in his influence-peddling ("Geez, Tom, take the time to maintain a veil of hypocrisy, willya?") The second time was for using the Federal Aviation Administration to track down furtive Democratic Texas legislators after they had escaped to Oklahoma in an effort to deny the Republican majority a quorum for the redistricting session in which the state Democratic Party would be sliced and diced to death.