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Synonyms for cookhouse

the area for food preparation on a ship

a detached or outdoor shelter for cooking

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References in periodicals archive ?
And we told how they are to be charged more for the vile grub served up by private contractors in base cookhouses.
The author recounts the day to day life in those streets so well, I could almost smell the cookhouses and chip shops that made the area famous, such as Gianellis, Vermiglios and Jimmy Romeos.
A Defence Forces spokesman said: "These contracts are for waiters and cleaners for cookhouses and dining halls at facilities across the country.
"I had planned a candlelit dinner for two in one of the cookhouses," says Chris, 33.
'My guess is that cookhouses are going to be in short supply wherever it is they're sending us,' grumbled Bob, soaking some hard tack biscuit in his tea.