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Synonyms for categorize

to distribute into groups according to kinds

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for categorize

place into or assign to a category

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The findings showed that students who had looked at pictures depicting scarce resources were more likely to categorize the faces as Black than students who had seen the pictures of abundant resources.
In truth, I thought that Tihanov would be forced to narrowly categorize Bakhtin and Lukacs, simply because his topic was too broad for a book-length study.
The proposed framework includes a methodology to review data with regard to safety of dietary supplement ingredients, taking into consideration methods other expert bodies have used to categorize and review supplement safety and efficacy issues.
Stevens helps students devise systems of classifying "organisms," explore the similarities and differences between things, and learn how scientists identify, categorize and classify organisms.
This massive classificatory scheme, developed at Yale as a tool for anthropologists and other social scientists, includes area headings such as "Machines," "Clothing," "Kinship," and "Mortuary Rites and Festivities." It begins with "Material Not Categorized." It is difficult to categorize Marcus's book.
A second reason to categorize the militia movement as an arm of the extreme right is its connection with racist or white supremacist groups, anti-abortion terrorists, and various other extremists.
The results indicate that salespeople primarily list their customers as those who "need or seek salesperson assistance" and "customers who need specific products." The salespeople were grouped based on the manner in which they categorize customers.
(1986) investigated the time required to categorize or name photographs of familiar faces and written names of familiar people.
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) was utilized to categorize survey responses.
Goetz (history, Rice U.) examines how Anglo-Virginians made the terms Negro and Christian irreconcilable, then over the course of the long 17th century, changed the meanings in order to describe and categorize human difference.
The BluePrint Data review system consists of web site reviews that are independently categorize by multiple reviewers to ensure the categories match prior to the information being added to the master URL Review database.
However, the application includes a tool to categorize applications yourself.