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, in philosophy
category, philosophical term that literally means predication or assertion. It was first used by Aristotle, whose 10 categories formed a list of all the ways in which assertions can be made of a subject. Immanuel Kant's 12 categories constitute an exhaustive list of the a priori forms through which a person knows the phenomenal world. The term has also been used in many other senses by various philosophers.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.


A component of the LEED Green Building Rating System. Each LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) prerequisite and credit falls within one of six categories (five Sustainable categories and one Innovation and Design Process category).
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


  1. a conceptual class or set.
  2. (PHILOSOPHY) a fundamental class or kind (e.g. ARISTOTLE's 10 classes of all modes ofbeing).
  3. pl. KANT's a priori modes of understanding (e.g. ‘causality’, 'S ubstance’) which he believed shaped all our perceptions of the world.
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in linguistics, linguistic meanings that are correlated and interrelated on the basis of a common semantic feature and represent a closed system of subdivisions of this feature. Examples are the category of person in the Russian language (encompassing three meanings, based on the feature of participation in the act of speech), the category of gender in Russian adjectives, and the lexical category of color designation.

Categories are distinguished according to the nature of their semantics (denotative, semantic-syntactical), the degree of their obligatory use in a given language (grammatical, nongrammati-cal), and the means of expression (morphological, lexical, syntactical). Categories that are semantically close may be obligatory in some languages and optional in others. Thus, the category of locative relationships among nouns is expressed in the Lak language by a category comprising a series of locative cases (k“atluin, “to the house”; k“atluinmai, “in the direction of the house”; k“atluikh, “above the house and past it”), whereas in Russian the corresponding meanings are expressed by separate lexical units. The grammatical (obligatory) categories in a language form rigid hierarchical systems. For example, categories expressed by the noun in Hungarian include number, possession, the person and number of the possessor, the relative, the number of the relative, and case.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


A class of objects together with a set of morphisms for each pair of objects and a law of composition for morphisms; sets and functions form an important category, as do groups and homomorphisms.
In a hierarchical classification system, the level at which a particular group is ranked.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. Metaphysics any one of the most basic classes into which objects and concepts can be analysed
a. (in the philosophy of Aristotle) any one of ten most fundamental modes of being, such as quantity, quality, and substance
b. (in the philosophy of Kant) one of twelve concepts required by human beings to interpret the empirical world
c. any set of objects, concepts, or expressions distinguished from others within some logical or linguistic theory by the intelligibility of a specific set of statements concerning them
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


A category K is a collection of objects, obj(K), and a collection of morphisms (or "arrows"), mor(K) such that

1. Each morphism f has a "typing" on a pair of objects A, B written f:A->B. This is read 'f is a morphism from A to B'. A is the "source" or "domain" of f and B is its "target" or "co-domain".

2. There is a partial function on morphisms called composition and denoted by an infix ring symbol, o. We may form the "composite" g o f : A -> C if we have g:B->C and f:A->B.

3. This composition is associative: h o (g o f) = (h o g) o f.

4. Each object A has an identity morphism id_A:A->A associated with it. This is the identity under composition, shown by the equations

id__B o f = f = f o id__A.

In general, the morphisms between two objects need not form a set (to avoid problems with Russell's paradox). An example of a category is the collection of sets where the objects are sets and the morphisms are functions.

Sometimes the composition ring is omitted. The use of capitals for objects and lower case letters for morphisms is widespread but not universal. Variables which refer to categories themselves are usually written in a script font.
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (
References in periodicals archive ?
ua Princess Reema Bint Bandar Al Saud, the deputy of development and planning for the General Sports Authority: Sports Category
Ms Sally Kotb, Senior Associate, Baker & McKenzie Habib Al Mulla in the diamond category; Mr Mahmood Hussain, Founding Partner, Mahmood Hussain Law Firm in the gold category; and Dr Talal Jaber, Managing Partner, Jaber Law Firm in the silver category, were all presented with the awards in the Promising Arbitrators category.
Umar Akmal, the out-of-form player, has been relegated to gold category from platinum category.
As it is not possible to calculate the log of zero, where a category was allocated no responses, log 0 was replaced by zero in the calculation.
* * Seventh Generation is driving category trial and growth through "twinning," the pairing of conventional and green/natural products in targeted end cap displays.
Two decades later, looking at this version of category management still being used at many retailers is like looking in your refrigerator and discovering that everything is about to go out of code.
* This report provides you with a breakdown of market data including data on establishments by hotel category, rooms by hotel category, room occupancy rate by hotel category, rooms nights available by hotel category, rooms nights occupied by hotel category, revenue per available room by hotel category, revenue per occupied room by hotel category, total revenue per available room, total room revenue by hotel category and customer type, total non room revenue by hotel category and customer type, total revenue by hotel category and customer type and guests by hotel category and customer type.
The third category, which includes 97 towns and cities, are those where both categories are present.
A great starting point for an improved category management approach is to define your categories and the subcategories within each of them based on shopper insights.
Category B - PS19-PS21 ST JOHNSTONE Category A - Celtic PS26.
This databook provides data on establishments by hotel category, rooms by hotel category, room occupancy rate by hotel category, rooms nights available by hotel category, rooms nights occupied by hotel category, revenue per available room by hotel category, revenue per occupied room by hotel category, total revenue per available room, total room revenue by hotel category & customer type, total non room revenue by hotel category & customer type, total revenue by hotel category & customer type and guests by hotel category & customer type.
Al-Anabi team was able to achieve the biggest share of victories in many categories after tough challenges throughout the entire championship Al-Anabi driver Alex Hossler was able to finally capture "Pro-Extreme" title which was the strongest category in this championship after defeating his American rival Frank Taylor in the final race of the fifth and final round, achieving 1,593 points.