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the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet

second in order of importance

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preliminary or testing stage of a software or hardware product

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Explanatory power of intellectual capital in Return on Net Worth is presented, in which [R.sup.2] =.318 and beta coefficient for VACA is .432, VAHU is .198, STVA is .015, IC is .151, CC is .301 and here too the p-value is significant in all the cases except STVA.
A study described by Dater, Naik and Radcliff (1998) in their work "Liquidity and Stock Returns: An Alternative Test" aimed at checking the relationship between the rate of return and systematic risk measured by the beta coefficient, the size of the company measured as the logarithm of the capitalization and turnover ratio based on individual actions.
Beta coefficient for each stock is calculated on the basis of regression of rate of return of particular stock i against the rate of return of the world market portfolio:
where [R.sub.e] is the cost of equity, [R.sub.f] is the risk-free interest rate, [[beta].sub.d] is the beta coefficient of an indebted company, [[R.sub.m] - [R.sub.f]] is the market risk premium, and [] is the country risk premium (the country risk premium should be distinguished from the environment suitability for business angel investments).
The mean and median of the beta coefficient and change in beta coefficient for Non-SSFs are 1.0859 and 1.1080, and -0.1939 and -0.1500, respectively.
Among the most important aspects are the beta coefficient values.
Probably due to heterogeneity in study design, most of these studies did not find consistent directions of effect measures for all exposure windows, e.g., one study found a negative effect of first trimester temperature exposure on birth weight (beta coefficient -5.4, 95% CI -7.9, -2.9), and a positive effect of third trimester temperature exposure on birth weight (beta coefficient 1.3, 95% CI 0.5-2.1) (Lawlor et al., 2005).
Where [r.sub.f] is the risk-free rate, ([r.sub.m] - [r.sub.f]) is the market risk premium and [beta] is the beta coefficient. The risk-free rate reflects the risk-free rate of an investment for which the usual measure is the 10-year U.S.
Beta coefficient (AY) shows that sex, age, education, number of households and source of income of the respondents havea negative relationship with the change in income.
With respect to total duration of menstrual cycle regression analysis with Anova of data with day of menstrual cycle as independent variable and Bone Alkaline Phosphate as dependent variable showed statistically significant values of F=1.393, R=.198, significance=.246, beta coefficient =.198 and slope=.062.(Tables 14,15,16,17,18,19) and (Graphs 5, 6).
According to the standardized coefficient from Table (3), the information value of SNAs, as perceived by the respondents, had the lowest beta coefficient on the consumers' assessment of SNAs.
The perceived stress with the beta coefficient equal to 0.36 and depression with the beta coefficient equal to 0.37 can predict marital satisfaction of individuals negatively and significantly.
There is a negative relationship between Beta coefficient and firms' dividend policy.