letter of the alphabet

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Noun1.letter of the alphabet - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speechletter of the alphabet - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"
spelling - forming words with letters according to the principles underlying accepted usage
alphabet - a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language
grapheme, graphic symbol, character - a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet has 24 characters"
ascender - a lowercase letter that has a part extending above other lowercase letters
descender - a lowercase letter that has a part extending below other lowercase letters
digram, digraph - two successive letters (especially two letters used to represent a single sound: `sh' in `shoe')
initial - the first letter of a word (especially a person's name); "he refused to put the initials FRS after his name"
a - the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet
b - the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet
c - the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet
d - the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet
e - the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet
f - the 6th letter of the Roman alphabet
g - the 7th letter of the Roman alphabet
h - the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet
i - the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet
j - the 10th letter of the Roman alphabet
k - the 11th letter of the Roman alphabet
l - the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet
m - the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet
n - the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet
o - the 15th letter of the Roman alphabet
p - the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet
q - the 17th letter of the Roman alphabet
r - the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet
s - the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet
t - the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet
u - the 21st letter of the Roman alphabet
v - the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabet
double-u, w - the 23rd letter of the Roman alphabet
x, ex - the 24th letter of the Roman alphabet
wye, y - the 25th letter of the Roman alphabet
ezed, izzard, zed, zee, z - the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet; "the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee"; "he doesn't know A from izzard"
alpha - the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet
beta - the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet
gamma - the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet
delta - the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet
epsilon - the 5th letter of the Greek alphabet
zeta - the 6th letter of the Greek alphabet
eta - the 7th letter of the Greek alphabet
theta - the 8th letter of the Greek alphabet
iota - the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet
kappa - the 10th letter of the Greek alphabet
lambda - the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet
mu - the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet
nu - the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet
xi - the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet
omicron - the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet
pi - the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet
rho - the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet
sigma - the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet
tau - the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet
upsilon - the 20th letter of the Greek alphabet
phi - the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet
khi, chi - the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet
psi - the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet
omega - the last (24th) letter of the Greek alphabet
aleph - the 1st letter of the Hebrew alphabet
beth - the 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet
gimel - the 3rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet
daleth - the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
he - the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
waw - the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
zayin - the 7th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
heth - the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
teth - the 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
yodh - the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
kaph - the 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
lamedh - the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
mem - the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
nun - the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
samekh - the 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
ayin - the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
pe - the 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
sadhe - the 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
qoph - the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
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References in classic literature ?
Literature really means letters, for it comes from a Latin word littera, meaning a letter of the alphabet. Words are made by letters of the alphabet being set together, and our literature again by words being set together; hence the name.
Having forgotten this gentleman's name, I must beg leave to distinguish him by means of a letter of the alphabet. Let me call him Mr.
I should say here that my literary labours are abstruse, the token whereof is many rows of boxes nailed against my walls, each labelled with a letter of the alphabet. When I take a note in A, I drop its into the A box, and so on, much to the satisfaction of David, who likes to drop them in for me.
Secretaire, you see, and abstruse set of solid mahogany pigeon-holes, one for every letter of the alphabet. To what use do I devote them?
When the colonel showed her the lump of sugar, holding it between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, she again uttered her little wild cry, and sprang toward him; then she stopped, struggling against the instinctive fear he caused her; she looked at the sugar and turned away her head alternately, precisely like a dog whose master forbids him to touch his food until he has said a letter of the alphabet which he slowly repeats.
In this crossword every letter of the alphabet appears as a code number.
CALAMBA CITY -- If there is one person who could be described by each letter of the alphabet, it is no less than Jose Rizal himself, said poet and author Vim Nadera.
The 14th letter of the alphabet is N) + Phosphorous (P = atomic no.
Chris Walton has written rhymes for each letter of the alphabet and illustrated this book with gorgeous sunlit scenes where stylised blue waves roll across every page.
Colorful characters from young girls' favorite Disney movies illustrate words beginning with each letter of the alphabet, and there is a space below where the child is guided to write the capital letter.
Hells Angels are often associated with the number 81 - a metonym which stands for the eighth letter of the alphabet, H, and the first letter of the alphabet, A, hence HA or Hells Angels.
Written by Elaine Marie Larson and illustrated by Vivian Strand, I Am Utterly Unique: Celebrating The Strengths Of Children With Asperger Syndrome And High-Functioning Autism is a very special alphabet book with each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a positive quality or a strength found among children with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism.